Lecture Hydraulics

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Archimedes' principle states that the upward buoyant force that is

exerted on a body immersed in a fluid, whether fully or partially
submerged, is equal to the weight of the fluid that the body
SITUATION. A block of wood having a length h and constant
cross-section A floats vertically in water with 50 mm above the
water surface. When placed in another liquid with specific gravity
of 1.35, the block projects 75 mm projecting above the liquid

a. Evaluate the specific gravity of the wood.

b. Obtain the length h in mm.
c. If the wood is vertically submerged in seawater (s.g. = 1.03) by
how many millimeters would project out the surface?
SITUATION. A 500 cubic meter solid with specific gravity of 2.05 is
submerged in two-liquid interface tank. One part of solid is in
mercury (s=13.6) and other is in oil (s=0.81).

a. What part of solid is in mercury?

b. What part of solid is in oil?
SITUATION. A hollow cylinder 1 m in diameter and 2 m high
weighs 3825 N.

a. How many kN of lead weighing 110 kN/m3 must be fastened to

the outside bottom of the cylinder to make it float with 1.5 m
submerged in water?
b. How many kN of lead if it is placed inside the cylinder?
A concrete cube 0.60-meter on an edge of density 23.5 kN/m3 is
placed at the bottom of a tank in which sea water (sp.gr. = 1.03)
stands 5-m deep. The bottom edges are sealed of so that no
water is admitted under the block. Evaluate the vertical pull
required to lift the block in kN.
A rectangular barge weighing 200,000 kg is 14 m long, 8 meters
wide and 4.5 meters deep. It will transport to Cebu 20 mm
diameter by 6 meters long reinforcing steel bars.

a. If a draft (submerged depth of the barge) is to be maintained at

3 meters, how many pieces of the bars can it carry if density of
salt water equal to 1026 kg/m3 and steel weighs 7850 kg/m3.
b. What is the draft from the barge when one half of its cargo
is unloaded in fresh water?

ANS. 9781 bars, 2.37 m

- Center of gravity
- Center of buoyancy
- Metacenter
- Metacentric height
A barge with a flat bottom and square ends has a draft of 1.8 m.
when fully loaded and floating in seawater in an upright position.
The barge is 7.6 m. wide and 12.8 m. long and a height of 3 m.
The center of gravity of the barge is 0.30 m. above the water
surface if the barge is stable.

a. Determine the distance of the metacenter above the center of

b. Determine the metacentric height.
c. What is the righting moment in water when the angle of heel is

ANS. 2.674 m, 1.474 m, 541 kN.m

tanθ =

tanθ =
g ± aV

p = γh 1 ±
If a container of water 0.40 m deep is carried inside an elevator
that accelerates at 2 m/sec2. Evaluate the pressure, in kPa exerted
by the water at the base of the container if the elevation travelling

ANS. 3.124
An open tank, 10 m. long, is supported on a car moving on a level
track and uniformly accelerated from rest to 30 kph. The tank was
filled with water to within 15 cm. of its top, when it was
a. Compute the acceleration of the car so that no water will be

ANS. 0.2943 m/s2

tan θ =

ω2 x 2

tan θ =

ω2 r 2
An open cylindrical vessel 1.2m in diameter and 2.1 m high is 2/3
full of water. Compute the amount of water in liters that will be
soiled out if the vessel is rotated about its vertical axis at a
constant angular speed of 90 rpm.

Ans. 130 liters

A hemispherical bowl having a radius of 1 m. is full of water. If the
hemispherical bowl is made to rotate uniformly about the vertical
axis at the rate of 30 rpm.

a. Determine the volume of water that is spilled out.

b. Determine the remaining volume of water in the hemispherical
c. Determine the maximum pressure at the bottom of the
hemispherical at this instant.

ANS. 0.79 m3, 1.309 m3, 4.875 kPa

A closed vessel 1 m. in diameter is completely filled with water. If
the vessel is rotated at 1200 rpm, what increase in pressure will
occur at the top of the tank at the circumference?

ANS. 1974kPa
SITUATION. A concrete dam retaining water is
shown in the figure. The specific weight of
concrete is 23.5 kN/m3. Assume there is a
hydrostatic uplift that varies uniformly from full
hydrostatic head at the heel of the dam to zero
at the toe and that the coefficient of friction
between dam and foundation soil is 0.45.
a. Compute the factor of safety against sliding.
b. Compute the factor of safety against
overturning. Compute the minimum pressure in
intensity at the base.
c. Compute the maximum pressure in intensity
at the base.
The pump in the figure discharges water at 30 liters/sec. Neglecting losses
and elevation changes. Assume unit weight of water is 9.79 kN/m3.

a. Determine the energy added to the water by the pump.

b. Determine the power delivered to the water by the pump.
c. Determine the mechanical efficiency of the pump if the power input
recorded is 27.34 hp.
ANS. 57.37 m, 16.83 kW, 82.62%
Water flows freely from the reservoir through a 50-mm diameter
pipe at the rate of 6.31 l/sec. If the head lost in the systems is
11.58 J/N, determine the elevation of the water surface in the
reservoir if the discharge end is at elevation 4m.
A horizontal pipe gradually reduces from 300 mm diameter
section to 100 mm diameter section. The pressure at the 300 mm
section is 100 kPa and at the 100 mm section is 70 kPa. If the flow
rate is 15 l/sec of water, compute the head lost between the two
A pipe network consists of pipeline as shown. If the rate of flow from A
to B is 10 liters/sec and assuming f = 0.02 for all pipes, compute the
Pipe Diameter Length
1 200 mm ø 3000 m.
2 300 mm ø 2200 m.
3 200 mm ø 3200 m.
4 400 mm ø 2800 m.

a. Rate of flow of pipeline 3. ANS. 2.31 liters/sec

b. Rate of flow of pipeline 2. ANS. 7.69 liters/sec
c. Total head loss from A to D. ANS. 1.68 m
Reservoir A is the source of water supply and is at Elev. 150 m, B is
the junction with total energy at Elev. 91.46, C is a town at Elev.
30.49 m with 25 000 inhabitants, D is another town at Elev. 15.24
m with a population of 30 000. Length AB is 15,240 m, BC is 9150
m, BD is 6100 m. Determine the size of the pipes if the
consumption is 150 liters per capita per day. For the pipes, friction
factor f = 0.02. Determine the required diameter, in meters, of

a. pipe AB. ANS. 330 mm

b. pipe BC. ANS. 216 mm
c. pipe BD. ANS. 205 mm

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