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Phone Message

Amalia Putri S

Bella Maysa

Fazahra Nisrina

Kamila Nuraeni

M. Ichsan
Telephone: Taking & Leaving Message
Taking Message

• How may I be of assistance?

• I’m afraid the line is engaged/busy.

• I’m afraid he/she is in a meeting/not available at the moment.

• I'm sorry, he/she's out of the office today.

• Can I put you on hold?

• Can I take a message?

• Would you like to leave a message?

• Could you give me your number, please?

• I'll make sure he/she gets the message.

Leaving Message

• May I speak with Mr. Clarke, please?

• I would like to speak with Mr. Clarke, please.

• When do you expect him/her back in the office?

• I need to speak with him/her on an urgent matter.

• May I leave a message?

• Would it be possible to leave a message?

• Please tell him/her that...

• Please ask him/her to call me as soon as he/she gets in.

Telephone Handling
1. How to answer the phone:
· Hello! This is Anne speaking
· Good morning!

2. Asking who is the caller is:

· Who is it please?
· Who is calling, please?
· Who is speaking, please?
· May I ask who is calling?

3. Wrong number:
· Sorry, wrong number.
· I am afraid you have the wrong number.
· Sorry you have the wrong number.
4. Asking for a connection /Expressing the name of someone who wants to talk to:
· Good morning, may I speak to Mr. Allen, please?
· Can I talk to first name please?
· Id like to speak to Sarah Adams, please?
· Could you put me through Mr. Allen, Please?

5. Asking someone to hold the line:

· Hold on, please?
· Just a minute please.
· One moment, please. Hold the line, will you?

6. The caller speaks to the person concerned. The receiver will say:
· Speaking.
· Yes, speaking.
7. Leaving a message. The caller will say:
· Could you take a message for me, please?
· Could you please take a message?

8. The person answering the phone will say:

· Would you like to leave a message?
· May I have a message, please?

9. The line is busy:

· Sorry. The line is busy. Please call back later.

10. Making appointments:

· Could you manage it on Tuesday?
· What about Friday?
· Shall we say at 2 o’clock?
· Can you make it after lunch?
· What about tomorrow at seven?
· Is tomorrow OK for you?
· Can I meet you tomorrow morning?
11. Answering a call about making appointments:

· Just a moment, please. Ill check my diary first.

· Im sorry Ill be out all day.

· That would be fine.

· Yes, Im sure I can make it.

· Im sorry, Im not available tomorrow.

· I will be free after lunch.

12. Closing the call:

· Thank you for your call.

· Thanks for calling.

Putting someone through

I’ll put you through to… (put through – phrasal verb =’connect’)
I’ll connect you to…
I’ll put… on the line
I’m sorry, there’s no reply from Mr. Jones
Can you hold the line?
Can you hold on a moment?

Asking someone to call back

Thank you for waiting. I’m afraid Mr. Jones is not in at the moment.
I’m sorry; Mr. Jones is in a meeting.
Can/ Could you call back later in the day?
I’m afraid … is not available at the moment.
The line is busy… (When the extension requested is being used)
Mr. Jackson isn’t in…
Mr. Jackson is out at the moment…
When someone is unavailable, you can use:

• I’ll wait/I’ll hang on.

• When can I ring him back?

• Well, please find him/please interrupt him.

• Will you please make sure (he) rings me back?

• Where is he?

• When will he be in?

• Where can I find him?

Leaving a Message in the Answering Machine

Sometimes, there may not be anyone to answer the telephone and you will need to leave
a message in the answering machine. Follow this outline to make sure that the person
who should receive your message has all the information he/she needs.

1. Introduction ------- Hello this is Kate. OR Hello, My name is Kate Thomson

(More formal).
2. State the time of day and your reason for calling - - - - - It’s ten in the morning. I’m
phoning (calling, ringing) to find out if … / to see if … / to let you know that . . . / to tell you
3. Make a request - - - Could you call (ring, telephone) me back? / Would you mind ….? /
4. Leave your telephone number - - - - - My number is …. / You can reach me at …. /Call me
at ….
5. Finish - - - Thanks a lot, by. / I’ll talk to you later, bye.

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