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• Understing of Vitamin
Vitamin is a group of small molecular weight organic
compounds that have a vital function in the metabolism
of every organism, which cannot be produced by the

• The history of vitamin

The first era began around 1500-1570 BC. During that
time, many medical experts from various nations, such as
Egypt, China, Japan, Greece, Rome, Persia, and Arabia,
had used extract compounds (presumably vitamins) from
the liver then used to cure nightmare.
• Types of Vitamins

The following are the Types of Vitamins Related to Function:

1.vitamin A
Vitamin A is included in the fat soluble vitamin. The benefits of Vitamin A include:
1. maintain eye sight function
2. strengthen the immune system
3. support fetal growth
4. prevent acne
5. maintain bone health.

2.Vitamin B1
important function for the nervous system and heart function, prevent beriberi
Diseases due to deficiencies namely decreased body power, Beriberi, lack of
appetite, dry skin, scaly skin, hard bowel movements.
Food sources of Vitamin B1 are wheat, green beans, soybeans, meat, milk, bread,
flour, fish, lean meat, chicken and so on
3.Vitamin B2
important function for the skin, the growth of body tissues, prevent eye sensitivity
to light
Diseases due to deficiencies are Ariboflavinosis, Decreased endurance, dry skin,
scaly skin, dry mouth, chapped lips.
Food sources of Vitamin B2 are milk, bananas, green beans, asparagus, leafy green
vegetables, lean meat.

4.Vitamin B3
Functioning Help food to become energy, help the nervous system, prevent pellagra
disease, prevent decreased appetite.
Diseases due to deficiencies, namely Pellagra Disease (Disease due to lack of food),
insomnia, nausea, body weakness, easy muscle cramps and spasms.
Food sources of vitamin B3 are eggs, bread, chicken, beef, fish (tuna and salmon),
vegetables, leafy, asparagus, liver, yeast, milk, avocado, broccoli.

5.Vitamin B5
Functioning Helps breakdown food nutrients (especially in fats),
maintain communication of the nervous system and brain, produce compounds of
fatty acids, sterols, neurotransmitters, and body hormones.
Diseases due to deficiencies, namely Paresthesia, Muscle cramps, difficulty sleeping,
dry and scaly skin.
Food sources of Vitamin B5 are broccoli, avocado, meat, vegetables.
the impact of societys lack of vitamins
The impact of vitamin deficiencies for the
community especially children is very serious, especially
macro nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats,
as well as micronutrients namely vitamins and minerals.
. The following 4 signs of the body lacking vitamins:
1. Dark Skin. If the skin color of the body, especially the
face becomes darker and duller, you may lack vitamin B12
to vitamin C.
2. Dry Hair.
3. Gum inflammation.
4. Easily tired and dizzy.
1. General principles

Human genetics is a science that looks at

the inherited variations in humans, the
study of the mechanism of evolution and
the process of change in gene frequency.
2. The human genome

Molecular biologists have almost completed a linkage map of

the human genome. The num- ber of protein-encoding genes is
probably 31 000; of these some 740 genes are non-protein-
coding RNAs involved in cellular function. Dif- ferent proteins
can be made from the same gene or RNA. These different
proteins are called splice or spliced variants.

3. Genetic basis of metabolism

Metabolism is in part dependent on the structure of the cell.

Structure and functions are distributed between cells, and
chemicals move between com- partments by specific
transport mechanisms. The cell compartments include the
nucleus, cytosol, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum,
Golgi apparatus, lysosome and peroxisome. The nucleus
contains the genes for the synthesis of cellular proteins.
3. Genetic basis of metabolism

Metabolism is in part dependent on the structure of the

cell. Structure and functions are distributed between
cells, and chemicals move between com- partments by
specific transport mechanisms. The cell compartments
include the nucleus, cytosol, mitochondria, endoplasmic
reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosome and peroxisome.
The nucleus contains the genes for the synthesis of
cellular proteins.
4. Nutrition and genetics

It is very difficult to identify the molecular bio- logical

basis of many of the diseases that have been
attributed to poor or excessive nutrition. The estab-
lishment of the HGP is of great importance for the
nutritionist whose interest is interindividual varia- tion,
interaction with the environment and hence
requirements and sensitivities to different nutrients
and food ingredients.
What food is available→Diet
↓ Food preferences
religious and even

Individual dietary intake

Digested and absorbed


Protein isoenzymes

Protein synthesis

Genetic makeup

Mendelian inheritance
Involved with hormones in the regulation of
gene expression. All nutrients are involved in
some man- ner in the control of gene
expression and post- translational events. In
each section where relevant the nutrient–gene
interaction will be mentioned.
5. Moleculer basis of disease

Many genetic diseases are associated with alterations in

the previously health-promoting genetic material.
Mendelian disorders are those in which there is a single-
gene defect or single-locus disorder. These result from a
mutant allele or a pair of mutant alleles at a single locus.

6. Tests to identify

Specific probes are required to identify partic-

ular gene sequences; usually a messenger RNA
which represents a particular protein is used.
1. A child suffers from fatigue, joint pain, hair loss, skin rash,
mouth wax dry, and fever. What was the name of the illness
suffered by the child, and what caused it?
2. What are the main causes of infertilly in men and women?

1. .Seorang anak mengalami kelelahan, nyeri sendi, rambut

rontok, kulit terdapat ruam merah, mulut menjadi kering, dan
demam. Apa nama penyakit yang diderita anak tersebut dan
apa penyebabnya?
2. Apa penyebab utama kemandulan pada pria dan wanita ?

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