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Applications and Modelling

Aisha Badar 14518

Maria Razzak 10786
What will we cover?
1. Application: quantity of drug in the body
2. Solving the differential equation of the type = 𝑘(𝑦 − 𝐴)
3. Deriving the General Solution 𝑦 = 𝐴 + 𝐶𝑒 𝑘𝑡
4. Example questions
1. Quantity of drug in the body
A differential equation for the quantity, Q (in mg), of
warfarin in the body after t hours is given by Slope field for 𝑑𝑄/𝑑𝑡=0.5−0.02𝑄
Rate of change= Rate in – Rate out Q
= 0.5 − 0.02𝑄 30
What is the value of Q at which the rate in exactly
matches the rate out? 20

Rate in = Rate out

0.5 = 0.02𝑄
𝑄 = 25
2. Solving the differential equation
3. Deriving the General Solution
4. Example Question 1

Differential equation form

General solution form

Example Question 2
Thank you

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