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Reason For Construction Delay Of Balderas

Bridge In Sululta Administrative City
Chapter One
 Issue of delay in the construction sector is a world
wide problem. Delays occur in many construction
projects, either simple or complex. In construction,
delay can be defined as the extension of time in the
completion of project. In short delay means failure to
complete project in targeted time and budgeted cost as
agreed in contract. Construction site activities are only
the second part of the whole construction process. The
first part comprises of all kinds of office work like
planning, designing, estimating, negotiating,
purchasing, scheduling, controlling, accounting, etc.
are required to be done carefully in the office before
the work starts on the site to accomplish the objective
of a project within budget and on schedule(I
J.PMS,2006 ).
Construction delays are widespread in most projects
around the world. Some delays may happen in the pre
construction phase which is defined as the period
beginning from the initial conception of the project to the
signing of the contract between the owner and the
contractor; however some of them may happen in the
construction phase that is the period when actual
construction is underway. Project schedules are dynamic
and uncertain. Several factors, controllable and
uncontrollable, affect the project schedule and cause
delays. These delays definitely create negative impacts on
project performance. Delay in schedule in the completion
of a construction project is a major problem for contractors
leading to disputes and spoiled relationships between
project participants(Assaf,S,A,2006)
 The challenge is to measure the net impact of construction
delays accurately. In absence of which delay claims
between all parties involved in the construction process
would become serious and lead to litigation. Time for
performance of a project is particularly an important
consideration for the owner and the contractor. Often, the
most troublesome construction disputes involve delays and
failure to complete the work in a timely manner(Rahul
S.(2014). In fact, delays can be caused by several parties
therefore the effects and remedies vary from case to case.
Concurrent delays are two or more delays occurring at the
same time and are always difficult to resolve.
So, in this paper delay occurrences
on a bridge project is given with
respect to the construction of bridge
in Sululta Administrative as a case
study. In Sululta Administrative city
up to now 11 bridges have been
constructed. but the two bridges have
been not completed on the
contractual time, so our case study
concern on the reason construction
delay of this bridges.
 1.2.Statement of the problem
 The construction industry is the tool through which a society
achieves its goal of urban and rural development. Delays in
constructions are serious problems which even slow down
the national development. It is one of the sectors that
provides important ingredient for the development of an
economy. It is widely accepted that a project is successful
when it is finished on time. Unfortunately, due to many
reasons, large number of construction projects fails to follow
the planned schedule and hence delayed.
Construction delay is considered to be one
of the recurring problems in the construction
industry and it has an adverse effect on
project success in terms of time, cost and
quality. So, careful study and planning of
each and every activity of a construction
project becomes important in order to
minimize delays. This paper presents the
causes of delay occurring on an ongoing
bridge construction project with respect to
construction of bridge in Sululta
Administrative city
 1.3.General Objective
 To assess the main reasons of construction
delay in construction
 1.4.Specific objective
 To know the reason of construction delay
and to address the problem for the client
 To analysis of different causes and reasons
found during questionnaire.
 1.5.Significance of the study
 This study have various significant. From
this, the study would help the organization to
identify and correct the weakness and
improve their strength. In addition to this
study, use other parts those who have the
same problem with this organization. we
also get knowledge about construction delay
skill on how to dig out the problem and give
recommendation. Finally the study would
help as a reference for other individual who
 1.6.Scope of the study
 The scope of this case study would be
limited to assess the construction delay
road bridge of Sululta Administrative city
which is found in Oromia region and in
Sululta city . For this study we have
taken sample from 7 sector such as
Sululta Administrative city, Finance and
economic development office,
construction office, education office,
health office and from contractor
 1.7.Limitations of the study.
 We faced many problem during conducting this case study
such as
 Lack of enough financial support to accomplish the case
study effectively.
 Unwillingness of the respondents to give appropriate
answer to the cause construction delay of road bridges
 Lack of adequate secondary data particularly in relating
with the construction delay of project.
 1.8.Organization of the study
 The study would have five chapters. The first chapter is
the introduction part; it includes background of the study,
statement of the problem, objective of the study,
significance of the study, scope of the study, and
limitations of the study. The second chapter deals with
review of literature. The third chapter deals with
methodology of the study and Chapter four deals with
analysis and interpretation. Finally, the fifth chapter deals
with summary of findings, conclusion and
 Construction time often serves as a benchmark for
assessing the performance of a project and the
efficiency of the project organization. Timely
completion was one indicator for successful
project. Often, the time required to complete
construction of projects is more than specified time in
Contract.That was why in construction projects, delay
could be characterized as the time overwhelm either
past consumption date determined in an agreement
or past the date that the gatherings settled upon
for conveyance of a projects. It is an undertaking
slipping over its arranged timetable and was
considered as basic issue in construction projects. They
quite often result in additional expense and time.
Construction project delays also
 result in conflicts and mistrust among concerned parties
(designer, contractor worker, and consultant). (Khattri et al.
 Lo, Fung and Tung (2006) define delay as the slowing down
of work without stopping construction entirely and that can
lead to time overrun either beyond the contract date or
beyond the date that the parties have agreed upon for the delivery
of the project.It is also a project slipping over its planned
schedule and was considered as common problem in
construction projects. To the owner, delay means loss of revenue
through lack of production facilities and rentable space or a
dependence on present facilities. In some cases, to the contractor,
delay means higher overhead costs because of longer work period,
higher material costs through inflation, and due to labor cost
increases. Completing projects on time is an indicator of
efficiency, but the construction process is subject to many
variables and unpredictable factors, which result from many
 These sources include the performance of parties, resources
availability, environmental conditions, involvement of other
parties, and contractual relations. It rarely happens that a
project is completed within the specified time. The
construction industry is large, volatile, and requires
tremendous capital outlays. Even with today’s advanced
technology, and management understanding of project
management techniques, construction projects continue to
suffer delays and project completion dates still get pushed
back. Stumpf(2000).
 2.1.Review of empirical literature on construction projects delay
 Delays in construction projects are very common in most parts of the world
even with the introduction of modern management techniques. Studies
conducted on the causes of construction project delays in different countries
of the world have been examined.
 A study carried out an investigation into factors causing construction project
delays in Msafiri Atibu Seboru (2015) by Talukhaba (1999) in Kenya, and
Assaf, et al. (1995) studied the causes of delay in large building
construction projects in Saudi Arabia found out that the major causes of
delay were: client’s payment, architect’s instructions, client’s instructions,
unexpected physical features (rockterrain, underground water, conflicts in
work schedules of subcontractors, and slow decision making and executive
bureaucracy in the owners’ organizations. Al-Tabtabai (2002) shared the
same added limited authority among supervision staff. Msafiri Atibu
Seboru (2015) stated that El-Razek, et al.(2008) conducted a study on
causes of delay in building construction projects in Egypt and found
nonutilization of professional construction/contractual management as
additional causes of delay in addition to Talukhaba (1999), Assaf, et al.
(1995), Al-Tabtabai (2002).
 Mansfield, et al. (1994) studied the causes of delay and cost
overruns in construction projects in Nigeria and the results
showed that the most important factors were: financing and
payment for completed works, poor contract management
(lack of experiences on contractor administration),materials
shortages, and improper planning.Memon, et al. (2012)
conducted a study on time and cost performance in
construction projects in Malaysia and Owolabi et al. (2014) in
Nigeria revealed that the most important delay factors
were:design and documentation issues, financial resource
management, project management and contract administration,
contractors’ site management, and lack of information and
communication technology and slow decision making In Ghana,
Crimping et al. (2003) carried out a research on causes of
delay and cost overruns in construction of groundwater projects
in developing countries. According to the researchers indicated
75% of the projects in Ghana exceeded the original project
3.Research Methodology
3.1 Description of study area
 The study area, Sululta Town, is a city of finfine surrounding
special zone established in 1929. It is located at 27 km apart from
Addis Ababa in the North Western direction. Locationally 09°/784
latitude and 068 longitudes. The total area of Sululta town is about
10,424 heater. Topography is characterized as rugged (rough), and
inclined. The town is mainly characterized by highland’s climate
condition. Its annual rainfall is between 800 and 1200 ml.
According to the census conducted by Central Statistical Agency
(CSA) in 2009, the total population is 129,843.
 The major economic activities in the city are trade, urban
agriculture, investment such as hotel, construction, factories, flour
and food complex, food oil production, micro and small-scale
enterprises and other informal business activities like street trades.
 3.3 Sample And Data Collection Procedures
3.3.1.Sample procedure
Orodho (2009) give representation of all respondents opinions
in the target population and this assists in generalization of
research findings when the study design is descriptive.
Morris(1990) suggests absence of fixed number of
percentages of subjects that determine the size of un
adequate sample. To them, the ideal sample is large enough
to serve as an adequate representation of that population
about which the study wishes to generalize and small enough
to be selected economically in terms of subject availability,
expense in terms of time and money and complexity of data
analysis .Israel(1992) indicates that for a descriptive study,
10 percent of the entire population will be good
representative sample. the study therefore adopted stratified
sampling in obtaining sample size from the sectors of
Sululta Administrative city.
3.3.2.Sample size
From the population of 400 which is the member of project committee sectors in Sululta
Administrative city ,a sample size of 40 was considered as shown in table below.
Table 1: sample taking technique
Stratum Number of 10% number of
employers employers
Sululta Administrative office 80*10/100 8

Finance and economic development 70*10/100 7

Construction office 30*10/100 3

Education office 60*10/100 6

Health office 80*10/100 8

Water and mining office 50*10/100 5

Road office 30*10/100 3

Total 40
 Chapter Four
 4 . Data Analysis
 The activity of project committee and the concerned sectors
have been analyzed for the purpose of study.
 The reason construction delay of road bridge in Sululta
administrative city can be analyzed by collecting data from
many sector such as, from Sululta administrative office ,
finance and economic office , construction office, education
office, health office, water and mining office and road office.
In addition we have interviewed the local elders for our case
study. Finally the case study presents and interpretations of
data collected through questionnaire from employees of Sululta
City Administration. To collect the data for the case study 40
questionnaires were distributed and all were collected from
respondents for the study.
10 respondents were asked by using
interview method. The data was
analyzed by using quantitative and
qualitative methods. That means by
using tables for quantitative data and
narration method for qualitative data
Table 2 profile of respondents

Resp Sex Age Educational qualification

in experience
M F 18- 24- 30- >36 pre Dipl Degr M.A
23 29 35 high oma ee &ab
er ove 6-
1-5 10 >10
yrs yrs yrs
No 29 11 0 10 21 9 0 7 21 12

8 21 11
% 72.5 27.5 0 25 52.5 22.5 0 17.5 52.5 30
 As it is shown on the above table1 (72.5%) of the respondents were
males whereas ( 27.5%) of them were females. This shown that the
numbers of males is much more than number of females Worker.
 As indicated in table 1 age distribution is one of the demographic
characteristics that show the proportion of people by dividing in to
different sections. From the given table 25% of the total respondents
were within age range of 24-29 years, 52.5 % of them within 30-35
years, 22.5% of them within above 36 years.
 As it is shown on the above table1 (72.5%) of the respondents were
males whereas ( 27.5%) of them were females. This shown that the
numbers of males is much more than number of females Worker.
 As indicated in table 1 age distribution is one of the demographic
characteristics that show the proportion of people by dividing in to
different sections. From the given table 25% of the total respondents
were within age range of 24-29 years, 52.5 % of them within 30-35
years, 22.5% of them within above 36 years.
Table 3 performance of project committees

performance of project committee

How was the Performance

of the project Respondents High Medium Low very low
committee in
sululta No 6 10 20 4
e city
regarding the
completion of
the project ? % 15 25 50 10
As shown on the above table 3 the
respondents indicate that performance
of the project committee is 15% high,
25% is medium, 50% is low and 10%
is very low respectively .as we
understand from the above table the
activities of project committee in
Sululta Administrative city is low .this
clearly indicate the cause delay of the
road bridge project.
Table 4The evaluation and monitoring system

Evaluation and monitoring

How the Total
project Respondents High Medium low very low
committee 40
and the client
No 4 10 20 6
monitor and
evaluate the
project ? % 10 25 50 15
 As shown on the above table 4 the
respondents indicate that performance of the
monitoring and their evaluation activities :-
10% is high, 25% is medium, 50% is low
and 15% is very low respectively. When
we analyzed the monitoring and evaluation
activities of project committee and the client
sector in Sululta Administrative city is
weak. for these reason the Beldaras road
bridge project started in 2011 and have not
been completed up to now.
Table 5 Are the project committee and client sector effective in
case of managing project ?
Are the project
committee and
client sector Number of Respondent %
effective in case
of managing
Yes 18 45

No 22 55

Total 40 100
. As we understand on table 5
45% from the total respondent
agreed that the project committee
can perform the project in effective
way but 55% of the respondent from
the total said no, this show that the
project committee and client sector
cannot perform their task in
effective way.
Chapter Five
5. Conclusion And Recommendation
5.1 Conclusion
 To study reason construction delay of road bridge project in
Sululta Administrative city, we prepared questioner and distributed
for 40 employers of the stuff. Then we have collected all
questioner from respondents and analyzed it by using tables.
when we have seen the opinion of respondents on table 3 the
activities of project committee are, 15% high, 25% medium, 50
% low and 10% very low respectively . this clearly indicate they
have poor performance . When we analyzed on table 4 65% of the
respondent agreed that the delay problem of project in case of low
evaluation and low controlling system . Generally when we
conclude this finding the performance of the project committee and
the client sector of the Sululta administrative city have poor
performance in case of management such as planning, following
up, controlling contractor, to accomplish road bridge on time and
with quality
 5.2 Recommendation
 Based on the findings of our case study we recommend
the following points how the project committee, client
sector ,contractor and consultant respectively mitigate
the problem of delay of project construction.
 Before execution of the project the client sectors and
project committee should give more attention for
planning and for visibility study.
 Problem of civil engineering have been clearly observed
on construction project of sululta administrative city. So
the they should solve this problem. .
 Client and contractor should avoid suspension work that lead
for additional time.
 The project committee should give great attention to
environmental degradation. Because around the construction
area there is high gorge and valley that may affect the
residential. For that on the area the physical and biological
structure should be done.
 In case of monitoring and evaluation the activity of project
committee is weak, so they should be essential for them to
solve problem associated with management .
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