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Synopsis Report
“An empirical study on Emotional Intelligence of Under-Graduate and Post-
Graduate Management Students of a University in the State of Tripura”
ICFAI University, Tripura
Faculty of Management Studies
Under the Supervision of: Submitted by:
Professor MBA 2 nd year
Faculty of Management Studies ID No.-18IUT0160004
The ICFAI University Tripura Session-2018-20
Faculty of Management Studies
ICFAI University Tripura
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Research Gap and objective of the Study
4.Research Questions
6.Scope Of The Study
8.Scope For Further Research
11.Tentative Chapters
1. Emotional Intelligence can be defined as the aggregate of intellectual and non-
intellectual intelligence. Intellectual aspect comprises of cognitive, conative and
IQ whereas non-intellectual aspect comprises of interpersonal, intrapersonal
communication, social behaviour.
2. It refers to the ability to perceive, control and evaluate self as well as other’s
behaviour emotions. Emotional intelligence is not about getting emotional on a
situation, but it is a smart way of using emotions as per situations which help
them to make choices during that moment and creates a positive impact on
3. The current topic gains the attention for moving ahead with further study for
thesis as it is of high importance for the students of higher education and the
researcher is also a student by himself. The current topic has a major influence on
the students’ minds and the scope of the study is practical and will be helpful for
the students in possibly dealing appropriately with

Though many research works have been carried out on Emotional Intelligence
throughout the world and even in India , but there is hardly any research work
carried out in the state of Tripura, India in spite of being one of the culturally
diverse states of the North-East India and different from the other parts of the
world and even from India. So, the researcher thought of choosing the current
topic which is of high importance especially for the Students and has its
practical implications.
 To examine whether educational level has any impact on Emotional
Intelligence of management students of a University.
 To examine whether there is any difference in the Emotional Intelligence of
management UG and PG Students of a University.
 To suggest to the authorities appropriate measures for improvement of
Emotional Intelligence of the management Students.
 Does the educational level of the management Students have any influence on the Emotional
 Is there any difference of Emotional Intelligence between management UG and PG students?
 H0: The educational level of Students of a University has no influence over their Emotional
 H1: The educational level of Students of a University has influence their Emotional
1. The study will help in identifying whether educational levels of the Students
influence their Emotional Intelligence. It would enable the researcher to develop a
comparison of Emotional Intelligence of the Students of UG and PG in the
Management department of the university.
2. Further the management of the educational institute taken up for study can be
advised accordingly for bringing necessary changes through improved policies and
strategies for enhancing the level of emotional intelligence of students.
3. Emotional intelligence is significantly related to academic performance of students
as well as other good outcome.
The study can be considered with following limitations:-
 This study shall be confined only among Graduate and Post-graduate students of
management department of a university.
 Emotional Intelligence is a cognitive concept and hence there is a chance that the
same type of person would give different response at different.
o Type of Research:- Descriptive & Quantitative in nature
o Data Collection:-
a) Types of Data- Primary and Secondary Data
b) Source of Data-
i) Secondary Data will be collected from various research papers.
ii) Primary Data will be obtained from questionnaire of sample studied.
c) Sampling- Sampling technique is convenience sampling.
d) Sample Size- 219.
e) Sample Source- BBA (UG) and MBA (PG) students.
f) Pilot survey of 30 respondents.
g) Cranach's Alpha is used.
h) Sample Size determination when population is known:
=487/1+ 487(.05)

= 219

Where, n=Sample Size

N= Population Size
e= Margin of Error.
 Further research should be conducted dealing with the importance of incorporating emotional
intelligence in the other universities of Tripura
 Study can also be conducted given due importance to personal characteristics of Students like
Age, Gender and their relationship with emotional intelligence

1. Students with higher levels of emotional intelligence are perceived to better manage
themselves and others around them.
2. This can help them develop self-motivation and undergo effective communication skill. In
order the understand the emotion, it is very important to first identify it which has become
difficult in the present busy and spontaneous world.
3. The earlier study has been conducted outside northeast and there is hardly any study in the
state of Tripura of North-East India.
4. The outcome anticipated for the research is that there is a strong relationship between EI and
educational level. It is also proposed that the students of PG group have higher EI than that of
UG group.

Chapter 1 Introduction to the topic

2)Literature Review
3)Research gap
Chapter 2 Research design
Objectives of the Study
Research Hypothesis
Research Question
Research Methodology
Need for the Study
Scope of the Study
Chapter 3
Data in Tabulation Form
Data analysis and interpretation
Chapter 4

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