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The Practice of Blended

Technology in Alternative
Delivery Systems
(Enhancing Quality of Teaching
and Learning)
Blended Learning or BL
• An instructional method of
delivery that combines web-
based instruction with face-to-
face classroom instruction.
• A combination of strategies
and approaches in the
process teaching and learning
using web-driven instructional
Modes of Blended Learning

Online Learning

Blended Learning

Rotation A la Carte Enriched-

Flex Model
Model Model Virtual Model

Station- Rotation Model

Lab- Rotation Model

Flipped-Classroom Model

Station- Rotation Model

1. Rotation Model
The students rotate on a fixed
schedule or at the teacher’s
discretion between learning
modalities, at least one of
which is online learning.
* Station Rotation
• Students experience the rotation
within a contained classroom or
group of classrooms
Step 1 – Create Collaborative
Learning Stations or CLS
Step 2 – Assign Specific learning
task for each CLS
Step 3 – Give clear and simple
Step 4 – Give ample time for the
CLS to complete their assigned
learning task
Step 5 – After completing the
assigned learning task on a
specific time allotted, the
students will move or transfer to
the next CLS and perform the
given task on that CLS
• Step 6 – After the students
have completed the rotation
to the different CLSs, a
teacher-led open discussion
can follow where the teacher
pursues, and put in context the
learning experiences of the
class from the different
learning stations
* Lab Rotation Model

• Students rotate to the

computer laboratory or in
multimedia room for the online
learning stations.
* Flipped Classroom

• Allows students to participate

in online learning off-site in
place of traditional homework
and attend to brick-and-
mortar school for face-to-face,
and for teacher-guided
practice or projects
* Individual Rotation

• Teacher gives each student

enrolled in a particular course
or subjects an individualized
playlist and does not
necessarily rotate to each
available station or modality
2. Flex Model
• Provides the students with an
individualized and customized
mobility on more flexible
schedules among learning
3. A La Carte Model
• The teacher is an online
• Students may have two
options either on the brick-
and-mortar campus or off-site.
4. Enriched Virtual Model
• A course or subject in which
students have required face-
to-face learning sessions with
their teacher and then are free
to complete their remaining
coursework remotely from
face-to-face teacher.
• Communication is defined as
an exchange of messages
between man and machines,
between machines and man,
and between machine and
2 Types of Online
1. Asynchronous – learning
anytime and anywhere and
does not require a constant
bit rate.
2. Synchronous – takes place in
real-time, usually in a chat
• Interaction – learner’s
engagement with the course
content, other learners, the
instructor, and the technology.

“Active learning will not take

place in an online environment
unless interaction is deliberately
planned and teacher
encourages it.”
3 Forms of Online Interaction
1. Learner-to-content Interaction
2. Learner-to-learner Interaction
3. Teacher-to-learner Interaction
Other Forms of Interaction
• Learner/Interface Interaction
• Vicarious Interaction
• Teacher-to-content Interaction

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