12.physiology of Lactation

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- Breast feeding is infant’s suckling milk at the breast

- Lactation is the maternal process of making milk
- Breast feeding + Lactation Bio - Psycho -
socio -cultural Processes
- Multiple sites are involved in process of lactation
i) Breasts
ii) Functioning of endocrine glands
iii) Emotional response of mother
iv) Cultural context
Anatomy of Mammary Gland
- Breasts are paired mammary gland (modified
exocrine glands)
- Having a ductule system, secreting outward 14 to
the surface of organ
- Glands are anchored to the overlying skin and to the
pectoral muscles by suspensory ligaments of cooper
- Three major structures of breast are
i) Skin
ii) Subcutaneous tissue
iii) Body of the breast
i) Skin : General skin, nipple and areola are visible
- Areola or Areola mammae is pigmented area
surrounds the nipple
- Montgomery’s glands are present in Areola (raised
projections)-sebaceous glands secretes the areola
and nipple
- The Nipple (papilla mammae)
* Raised projection in the center of areola
* External opening where the milk comes out
* Contains smooth muscle fibres and sensory nerve
endings cause it to become erect when stimulated
ii) Subcutaneous tissue

- Subcutaneous tissue consist of gland, fat, connective


- Size of a woman’s breast reflects the amount of fat

and connective tissue, not glandular tissue

- Size of the breast nothing to do with functionality

iii) Body of the Breast (corpus Mammae)
- Corpus mammae is Latin word

Body mamma (breast) glandular organ

- Breast is made up of two parts

a) Glandular tissue b) Supporting tissue

(Parenchyma) (Stroma)
a) Glandular Tissue
- Consists of lobular, ductular and alveolar structures

- The breast has 15-25 Labi (singular lobus) each

seperated by connective tissue from one another

- The duct from lobus goes to the nipple

- Lobi are subdived into lobuli (20-40 in the breast)

and each labuli subdivided in to 10-100 alveoli
- Ie
10-100 alveoli
Lobi (20-40 in the breast)

forms the duct

Enter into nipple

- The alveolus (plural, alveoli) smallest functioning

unit of the mammary gland
- Alveolus

Made up of 2 types of cells

Secretary epithelial cells Myoepithelial cells

Synthesize fat and Surround the secretary
Protein into milk epithelial cells
responsible for
milk ejection
b) Stroma
- Contains the connective tissue, fat, blood
vessels, nerves and lymphatics

- Duct system is located with in the

connective tissue and fat
The process of making human milk
i) Hormones associated with milk production

ii) Stage of mammary function

Hormones associated with milk production

-Hormones govern Birth, pubertal growth, conception,

pregnancy, delivery and also lactation

-During pregnancy

Prolactin level
Estrogen and Prolactin – inhibiting hormone
The activity of Prolactin
- Sed Estrogen
Progesterone for Proliferation of glandular tissue and
ductule development during pregnancy
- PCL, HCG, Human Chorionic Somato mammotropin
all contribute for mammary gland growth during
- At birth

Drop in estrogen and progesterone level, oxytocin and

Prolactin associated with lactation
Contraction of myoepithelial cells

“Milk-ejection” reflex or “Let-down” reflex

Sensation of “Tingling” or “Sensual” feeling

- Fatigue, stress, fear or shame

Milk ejection reflex
- Prolaction
* Described as “Great sensation hormone” (relax or
* Pro means “for”
* Lactin means “milk”
* Prolactin during pregnancy
Prolactin prior to birth and again few hrs
after birth or neonate suckling
* At term 150-200ng / ml
ii) Stages of mammary function

- There are 4 basic stages

a) Mammogenesis
b) Lactogenesis
c) Lactation
d) Involution
a) Mammogenesis
- Growth of breast
- Begins just prior to puberty and continues
through puberty, MC and Pregnancy
- It is not fully developed until it has produced
b) Lactogenesis
- Gradual process of making milk
- Occur in 3 stages

Lactogenesis I Lactogenesis II Lactogenesis III

- During these stages human milk varies in

components, appearance and volume

Lactogenesis I:

- Begins around 14-16 wks of gestation

- Ductular and lobular proliferation by the

influence of hormones

- Colostrums like substance is produced but

not secreted

- This stage continues until second trimester

Lactogenesis II:
- Begins around 28 weeks gestation
- If breast manipulated leaking can occur
- Colostrum the first “milk”, is a thick
substance that appears yellow (carotene
- Colostrum present in ducts in 2nd trimester and
secreted at first few days of postpartum
- The hormonal changes involve primarily
HPL, progesterone, Estrogen and Prolactin
After placenta delivered

Estrogen and progesterone

Prolactin in high level
 Colostrum is important, rich in immunoglobulins,

has laxative effect on gut aids in passage of

 It is higher in protein, Lower in fat, and CHO

 Lower in energy ie 67Kcal/100ml 20Calories/Ounce

Mature milk has about 75Kcal/100ml,

22.5 Calories/Ounce
 Lactogenesis II continues only when breast is
adequately stimulated
By Adequate stimulation

Lactogenesis II continued
First secretes
Gradually replaced by
Transitional milk (3-10days)
-Dramatic hormonal changes
-do the tears
- In core temperature (engorgement)
by 10th day
Transitional milk replaced by Mature milk
Lactogenesis III:
-Called Galatopoiesis
-Begins 10 days after birth
-Mature milk contains about 22.5 calories /Ounce
Fore milk i) Produced and stored
-Mature milk between feeding
Hind milk ii) Released at the
beginning of next
i) Produced during feeding feeding
ii) Released at the end of iii) Appearance similar
feeding to skimmed milk
iii) Much richer iv) Characteristics blue
3) Lactation

- Continued production of milk

- Regulated by oxytocin and Prolactin

4) Involution
- Lactation continued as long as breast is suckled

- During weaning

Infant suckles less frequently

Prolactin level
Breast is not emptied
oxytocin to Myoepithelium

ACTH (A.P.) -Necessary for maintenance
of Lactation
Thyroxine (Thyroid) -Important in maintaining
-Either by direct effect on
mammary glands
By control of metabolism
Thyrotropin releasing - Stimulates release of
Hormone Prolactin
(Hypothalamus) - To maintain established
Customs and Beliefs in relation to
Customs / cultural Behaviours
Native American -Value the Traditional methods
Asian -Earlier generations breast fed second
generations Not breastfed delay in
Breast feeding or “Bottle and breast”
African -Bottle feeding-Status symbol
Hispanic -Belief that breast feeding is good
Americans -Artificial feeding is equalent to human milk
Mexican American -Colostrum is dirty or bad
don’t begin breast feeding at
- Breast feeding is a learned art, woman must be motivated to

learn it
- 6 factors influence motivation to learn - Attitude

Felt need
-Some Erroneous beliefs about breastfeeding
i) Breast feeding hurts
ii) Breast feeding will make the breast to sag
iii) I can’t breast feed because I didn’t prepare my
iv) I don’t want to breast feed because I don’t like to
drink milk
Responsibility of a Nurse /
- Influence the attitude
- Who come with positive attitude requires positive
- Those who cane with negative attitude in need of
i) Confront wrong beliefs and assumptions attitude
ii) Or remove components of failure or fear
Birth injuries
Trauma during birth includes
i) Trauma to skin and superficial tissues
ii) Muscle Trauma
iii) Nerve Trauma
iv) Fractures
i) Trauma to skin and superficial tissues
a) Skin Trauma
- Cause is iatrogenic ie forceps blades, vacuum
extractor cups, scalp electrodes and scalpels
Cause Effect
1) Forceps blades Abrasion, bruising,
superficial fat necrosis
2) Vacuum extractor cups Abrasion
3) Scalp electrodes Puncture wounds
4) Caesarean section Laceration of the
baby’s skin
Nursing management
- Keep clean and dry wound

- If any s/s of infection medical advice is important

- Antibiotics

- Deeper lacerations needs closure with dutterfly strips

or sutures
b) Superficial tissues
- It involves edematous swellings or drwising or both
- During labour

Part of fetus overlying the cervical cas

Subjected to
Pressure-”girdle of contact”
lead to
Obstruction of venous return
Results in
Congestion and edema
Serum and blood (Serosanguineous
 Caput succedaneum:- Occurs in cephalic
presentation the edematous swelling under the scalp
and above the periosteum
i) Doesn’t enlarge in size
ii) Can ‘pit’ on pressure
iii) Can cross a suture line
iv) resolves by 36hrs
-Baby may experince little discomfort
-Gentle handling is appropriation
 Other injury
-In face presentation - Congested and bruised eyes
- Edematous lips
-In breech presentation - Bruised and edematous
genitalia and buttocks
-Baby may have discomfort and pain
-Proper handling while changing nappies or dressing
-Hygiene in nappy area
-Apply ointment
-If skin excoriated infection can occur
-edema / bruising reslove with in few days of life
ii) Muscle trauma
-injuries to muscle result from tearing or when the
blood supply is disrupted
 Torticollis
-Commonly damaged muscle is stern mastoid
Compression of Blood vessels
Alveoli collapse

Resting state
-During weaning milk changes is terms of
a) Its volume
b) Nutritional components
c) Immunologic properties

Anterior pituitary Posterior Pituitary

To secrete To Secrete
Prolactin Oxytocin
Stimulates Stimulates
Breast alveoli Breast alveoli
To To
Secrete milk Eject milk into duct

Infant can drink it

Hormonal contribution to lactation

Hormone Function

Prolactin (A.P.) - Stimulates alveolar cells to

produce milk
- Primarily initiating lactation
- Secondary Important
maintaining lactation
- Cause lactation infertility
* release of FSH and LH form
* Causing ovaries to be un
responsive to gonadotropins
Prolactin inhibiting
(Hypothalamus) -Suppresses release of Prolactin
from anterior Pituitary
Oxytocin (P.P.) -Causes myoepithelial cells to
-Release is inhibited by fear,
anxiety, embarrassment
-Causes uterine contraction and
postpartum involution
Estrogen (ovary
and Placenta) At parturition
Blood level drops
aids in
initiating lactation
-Not important for lactation
there after
Progesterone (Ovary
and Placenta) At parturition

Blood level drops

aids in
initiating lactation
-Not important for lactation
there after
Growth Hormone
(A.P.) -Act with Prolactin in initiation
- Important in maintaining
established lactation

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