Head and Neck

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The cranium is comprised of the following bones EXCEPT:

a. Frontal bone d. Nasal bone

b. Ethmoid bone e. none of the above
c. Temporal bones

The compact bone of the skull is separated by a layer of spongy bone called the
a. Pterion d. Vomer
b. Lambda e. Diploe
c. Bregma

The following bones make up the margins of the orbit EXCEPT:

a. Nasal bone d. Maxilla
b. Frontal bone e. none of the above
c. Zygomatic bone

The joint between the parietal bones and the occipital bone is called
a. Sagittal suture d. Lambdoid suture
b. Pterion e. Acetabulum
c. Coronal suture
The cranium is comprised of the following bones EXCEPT:
a. Frontal bone d. Nasal bone
b. Ethmoid bone e. none of the above
c. Temporal bones

The compact bone of the skull is separated by a layer of spongy bone called the
a. Pterion d. Vomer
b. Lamba e. Diploe
c. Bregma

The following bones make up the margins of the orbit EXCEPT:

a. Nasal bone d. Maxilla
b. Frontal bone e. none of the above
c. Zygomatic bone

The joint between the parietal bones and the occipital bone is called
a. Sagittal suture d. Lambdoid suture
b. Pterion e. Acetabulum
c. Coronal suture
A 26-year-old female has been previously diagnosed with McCune-Albright syndrome. There is
bony fibrous dysplasia of the anterior cranial base leading to the encasement and narrowing of
the optic canal. Although her vision is normal, there is concern that there will be compression of
the optic nerve and which of the following other structure(s)?
a. Ophthalmic nerve (CN V1) d. Ophthalmic vein
b. Cranial nerves III, IV and VI e. none of the above
c. Ophthalmic artery

The internal acoustic meatus transmits which of the following structures:

a. Trigeminal nerve (V) and facial nerve (VII)
b. Facial nerve (VII) and vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII)
c. Vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII) and vagus nerve (X)
d. Trigeminal nerve (V) and vagus nerve (X) None of the above

The following are features of the sphenoid bone:

I. Sella turcica
II. Superior orbital fissure
III. Cribriform plate

a. I d. I, II and III
b. I and II e. none of the above
c. II and III
The styloid process is a projection of which bone?
a. Frontal bone d. Nasal bone
b. Parietal bone e. Occipital bone
c. Temporal bone

This is a crescent-shaped fold of dura mater that roofs over the posterior cranial fossa:
a. Falx cerebri d. Diaphragma sellae
b. Falx cerebelli e. none of the above
c. Tentorium cerebelli

The right and left lateral ventricles are within the:

a. Cerebrum d. Pons
b. Diencephalon e. Medulla
c. Midbrain

Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by the ____ in lateral, third and fourth ventricles of the brain.
a. Arachnoid villi d. Auerbach’s plexus
b. Choroid plexus e. Sacral plexus
c. Meissner’s plexus
The motor area of the brain is located in the
a. Precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe
b. Precentral gyrus of the parietal lobe
c. Postcentral gyrus of the frontal lobe
d. Postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe
e. Temporal lobe

The median portion that connects the two cerebellar hemispheres

a. Vomer d. corpus callosum
b. Vermis e. none of the above
c. Folia

The following are components of the middle ear EXCEPT:

a. External auditory meatus d. stapedius muscle
b. Ossicles e. none of the above
c. Tegmentum tympani

The muscles of mastication are innervated by

a. CN VII d. CN V3
b. CN V1 e. none of the above
c. CN V2
The secretomotor function of the facial nerve includes the control of which of the following
salivary glands?
a. Submandibular d. A and B
b. Sublingual e. B and C
c. Parotid

Which among the following is NOT a component of the brachial plexus?

a. C4 d. C8
b. C5 e. T1
c. C6

The perception of taste in the anterior 2/3 of the tongue is mediated by

a. Glossopharyngeal nerve d. all of the above
b. Chorda tympani of the CN VII e. none of the above
c. Lingual nerve of CN V3

The hard palate is formed by

a. Maxilla d. A and B
b. Palatine bone e. B and C
c. Ethmoid

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