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CHAPTER XIV: Philosopher
San Diego: cemetery, church,

Philosopher Anastacio,
Basilio, Crispin, Don Felipo,
CHAPTER XIII: A Gathering Storm

Crisostomo Ibarra went to the cemetery to visit

his father’s grave. The old gravedigger admitted
that his father’s remains is no longer there and
the curate was the one who ordered them to dig
up the corpse of Don Rafael and then thrown into
the lake. Ibarra left and was furious about what
he knew. In his way, he met Friar Salvi who is now
the curate and attacked him with harsh words and
forcing him to kneel before him for belittling his
father’s grave. Friar Salvi talks back and said it
wasn’t him then confessed that it was Friar
Damaso who’s the curate during that time and is
Philosopher Tacio
CHAPTER XIV: Philosopher Tacio
San Diego: cemetery, church,
Philosopher Anastacio, Basilio,
Crispin, Don Felipo, Doray
Philosopher Tacio was called Don Anastacio
before. He always wanders around and looks
like no sense of direction. He visited the
cemetery to find the destroyed grave of his
wife. He is known as lunatic by the poor. He
is a son of rich but because of his high
intelligence, his mother stopped him from
going to school because she was worried he
might get too much knowledge and might
forget that there is God. His mother also
wants him to become a priest but he didn’t
followed and later on married but after a
year his wife died. There, he focused himself
Tacio went to the church and saw Basilio and
Crispin. He informed the two sacristans that their
mother is preparing them a festive dinner. He
went out the church and headed to the house of
the couple Don Felipo and Doray. In their
conversation Doray mentioned about purgatory
since it’s already All Soul’s Day. Tacio defends
that he don’t believe in purgatory but it’s good
because it’s holy and there’s a lot good results to
the people since it’s like a connection of the
living and dead.
He then left because the rain is getting heavier
with lightning and thunders. But despite the
weather, Tacio raised his two hands and shouts
Altar Boys
Chapter XV: The altar boys
Crispin, Basilio, Sacristan
In spite of the storm, the two altar brothers
Basilio and Crispin had to go up the bell tower
of the church to ring the bells at eight in the
evening. They only get two pesos salary for a
month for working in the church. Both boys
talked about the parish priest's lost silver. All
they want is to go home to take their supper.
Crispin, the younger one, was blamed for
having allegedly stolen the money since their
father is a drunkard and gambler. The mayor
won’t let them go if they didn’t return the
stolen money, he was so angry then even
penalized Basilio for 3 pesos for not ringing
the bell pleasantly. Crispin was tortured by the
Sisa’s house
Sisa, husband, Basilio
It’s already late in the evening and
everyone in San Diego seems asleep but
Sisa is still awake in her small hut outside
the town where Philosopher Tacio’s house
is also located. Sisa is so unfortunate for
marrying an irresponsible husband.
Because of this only Sisa is working and
taking care of the boys. She was even
forced to sell all her jewelries and pearls
she possesses when she’s still a maiden to
provide food for family. Despite her
husband’s attitude she still understands
and tolerates him. To her, husband is her
That night, Sisa patiently waited for her two
boys to come home. She had already
prepared supper that’s same like the friars.
But instead of Basilio and Crispin it was her
husband, a drunkard and a gambler, who
walked through the door and ate almost all
the food she prepared, leaving nothing for
their sons. He went on a rampage, and left
telling his wife that if the boys ever brought
home some money she should leave some
for him. Sisa can’t do anything but cry and
cook the anchovies since she knows her
sons will come hungry and tired. Minutes
Sisa’s house
Sisa, Basilio
Basilio came home drenched with blood and
runs to her mother’s arms. He told her
mother that the civil guards are chasing him
and tried to stop him but he kept running so
they fired a bullet to him which he was
wounded. Basilio also told his mother that
Crispin was left in the convent and admits
that Crispin was accused of stealing money
but he didn’t mentioned about him being
punished by the Sacristan Mayor and the
friar. Sisa felt sad and cried because of what
he heard about Crispin, she sent Basilio to
sleep since if their father comes seeing them,
they’ll just be beaten .Basilio requested that
three of them would be better without their
Souls in Anguish
Sisa, Sacristans
That morning, people noticed that Friar Salvi
is sick while he had the mass this morning.
It is All Souls' Day, and the streets are filled
with people talking about plenary indulgence
and all other religious practices and beliefs
relating to the holiday. The young widows
and workers are busy talking and they didn’t
notice when Sisa arrived. She makes her way
to the convent to fetch her son Crispin and
expecting Crispin’s voice but she is told that
the boy is not there and that the little thief
had stolen money and escaped. Sisa breaks
down in tears and left the convent with her

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