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Cordillera Administrative Region

The Cordillera Administrative
Region (CAR) is located in the
mountain ranges of north
central Luzon between the 16
45’ N latitude and the 121 40’

The region is predominantly

characterized by steep,
mountainous and high
elevation terrain.
The word “cordillera” is a Spanish
word which means “mountain chain”
and is derived from the Spanish word
“cordilla” meaning “string" or "rope",
first used in 1704 as a reference to the
mountainous region. Codillera is the
only land-locked region in the
Rituals are central to the lives of Cordillera
Clothes with Bright Colors indicate joyous
Playing of Gongs
an event is ongoing
Some RITUALS of Cordillera People:

Kalon or child engagement - Among the

Tinguians the kalon or child betrothal was
practiced for a long time. Practices and
societies have changed, however there are
still some who continue to practiced kalon
even in these changing times. When a boy is
about six to eight years old he is matched
with a girl.

Death is accepted with a belief in the

afterlife. Palpalubos is performed the
eve of the burial.
This is the rite done the day after
internment where the favorite
food and things valued by the
dead are placed on top of the
tomb. A bonfire is lit to signify
warming the dead.
The BUL-UL OR BULOL is an Ifugao
anthropomorphic carving that symbolizes an
Ifugao rice god or guardian spirits.
annual celebration that
marks the end of the
PAKID, a hooked shaped wood
used for tug of war in lieu of
Three barangays are
involved in the Punnuk
• Baang
• Nunggulunan
• Hapao.

Banaue Rice Terraces

• Located in Northern Island
• Describe as the “living cultural landscape of
unparallel beauty” (
• Terrace – agriculture (
• “Stairs to heaven” (
• The Ifugao in the area had greatly diminished as
they migrated to more urban centers.
The three major industries are:
1. Gangsa is a single hand-held smooth-surfaced gong with a
narrow rim. A set of gangsa, which is played one gong per
musician, consists of gangsa tuned to different notes, depending
on regional or local cultural preferences. The number of gangsa in
a set varies with availability, and depends on the tradition of a
particular ethnic group of the Luzon Cordillera
2. Kalaleng or Tongali
(nose flute) Because the
kalaleng is long and has a
narrow internal diameter, it
is possible to play different
harmonics through
overblowing—even with the
rather weak airflow from
one nostril.
3. Tongatong is a bamboo percussion instrument
used by the people of Kalinga to communicate
with spirits during house blessings. It is made of
bamboo cut in various lengths.
National Capital Region
The National Capital Region (NCR),
also known as Metropolitan Manila,
is the capital region of the
Philippines. It is located in the
southwestern portion of Luzon,
directly below Central Luzon.
Manila is a major hub for cultural events
and it houses many museums, theatres
and art centres. The city hosts a plethora
of events revolving around music,
movies, art or traditional holidays. There
is a huge western influence in the culture
and lifestyle of the people of Manila in
terms of technology, music, movies and
Christmas is an important holiday
in Manila. Celebrations start as
early as October and continue all
the way till January. Other religious
celebrations include the Flores de
Mayo, the Feast of the Black
Nazarene and more.
Luneta Park is one of the city’s few parks, allowing people to
walk around and enjoy open space and greenery before going
back to their busy day. It’s also a very important part of our
history: It's the site of Jose Rizal’s execution, which ignited the
Philippine Revolution against the Spaniards.
Built in 1914, El Hogar was a wedding present from Spanish
businessman Don Antonio Melián Pavía to his wife Doña
Margarita Zóbel y de Ayala. Despite its current state, it shows
examples of both Renaissance and Neoclassical architecture
styles, and is one of only two remaining American-era buildings
along the once-grand boulevard of the Pasig River
San Agustin Church, which was built in 1587, is one of
the country’s four Baroque churches, collectively
designated in 1993 as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This
title is currently in peril with the construction of a
Binondo-Intramuros Friendship Bridge nearby.

They produce industrial-related

products such as chemicals,
textiles, clothing electronic goods,
food, beverages, and tobacco

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