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The success of an organization depends largely on the
quantity and quality of its human resources. No organization
can be successful in the long run without having the right
number and the right type of people doing the right jobs at
the right time. Human Resource Planning deals with staff
requirement, looking after the current and the future
demand for skills and the availability of individuals with skills.
It is the process by which the organization determines how a
management should move from its current manpower
position to the desired manpower position.
“Human Resource Planning is a strategy for the
acquisition, utilization, improvement and preservation
of an organisation’s human resource.” – Y.C. Moushell

“Human Resource Planning is a process of forecasting

an organization’s future demand for human resource
and supply of right type of people in right numbers.” –
“A strategy for the acquisition, utilization,
improvement, and preservation of human resources
of an enterprise. It is a way of dealing with people in a
dynamic situation.” – Stainer
1. Objectives of human resource planning: human resource
planning must be matched with overall organizational plans. It
should be concerned with filling future vacancies rather than
matching existing personnel with existing jobs.

PROCESS OF 2. Current manpower stock: Current manpower stock must be

continuously maintained by every department. Manpower
inventory must have the detailed bio data of each individual .

HR PLANNING this record not only help in employee development but also in
the finding out the surplus/ shortage of manpower.

3. Demand/ supply forecasting: firstly the organization must

check the demand of manpower after every one year, two-year
so on. For this purpose employment trends to show the number
of employees on payroll during last say three years to show the
• 3. Demand/ supply forecasting: firstly the organization must
check the demand of manpower after every one year, two-year
so on. For this purpose employment trends to show the number
of employees on payroll during last say three years to show the
• 4. Determining net requirement: human resource manager must
check the demand and supply of the manpower before deriving
at any conclusion
• 5. Redeployment and redundancy: in redeployment the surplus
employees in one department can be transferred to another
department where deficit of employees estimated and in case of
redundancy where surplus employees can not be redeployed
they can be offered voluntary retirement scheme.
• 6. Employment programme: here it is required to prepare
programmes of recruitment, selection, transfer and promotion to
achieve organization goal.
• 7. Training and development: it is very necessary for the
employees to keep them updated in the job they are doing.
• 8. Evaluation of Human resource planning: after doing all the
above steps it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of
human resource planning.

• Achieve Goal: Human Resource Planning helps in achieving individual, Organizational & National goals.
Since Human resource planning is linked with career planning, it can able to achieve individual goal
while achieving organisational and national goal.
• Estimates future organizational structure and Manpower Requirements: Human Resource Planning is
related with number of Personnel required for the future, job-family, age distribution of employees,
qualification & desired experience, salary range etc and thereby determines future organisation
• Human Resource Audit: Human resource planning process is comprised of estimating the future needs
and determining the present supply of Manpower Resources. Manpower supply analysis is done
through skills inventory. This helps in preventing over staffing as well as under-staffing
• Job Analysis: The process of studying and collecting information relating to
operations and responsibilities of a specific job is called Job analysis. Job
analysis is comprised of job description and job specification.
• To ensure optimum use of human resources currently employed
• To determine future recruitment level
• To ensure that necessary resources are available as and when required
• To forecast future skill requirement to serve as a basis for training and
development programmes.

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