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Health Status
Year 11 Health B 2019
Task A- PART 1 (Part 1 & 2 to be completed by end of week 5)
1. Using personal research or the resources provided below, as a class, write all health problems
Indigenous Australians face. Use the pink card for physical health problems, purple card for mental
health problems and green card for social health problems (having close to 30 in the class, we need
heaps! Make sure you do not double up!)
Task A- PART 2 (Part 1 & 2 to be completed by end of week 5)
2. Once directed by Ms Shippey, select health problems off of the wall and begin to brainstorm
why these health problems occur. Use the blue card to list these (ensure you place the health problem on
the back to save confusion). Consider the determinants of health and health inequalities they experience
(past and present). The resources provided above will be of help again, also complete your own research and
the following videos on slides 4 and 9 may also be of use. Once completed place back on the wall under the
health problem.

3. If all problems have been completed, watch the following clips to enhance your knowledge on
Indigenous Australians lives and holistic health
Chapter 3 & 4

(sign in with your school login)

Social Justice Understanding Task
1. As a class read the “What is Social Justice?” document
2. Watch “The Sugar Trip” Clip Answer the
following questions:
● What are the causations for eating a poor diet amongst rural Indigenous
● What are the health problems/outcomes related to a poor diet amongst these
● How are they improving the diet of Indigenous Australians living in this
community? Practice integrating social justice information and principles**
Task B- To be completed by the end of Week 6
● In your table groups, with your understanding of social justice, select health
issues and their causations from the wall
● On the yellow card, record strategies or initiatives (minimum of two) that are
currently or have been put in place to resolve or reduce the selected issue. As a
table, decide whether these would have been effective or not with an arrow
pointing upwards or downwards
● With your beliefs of what is and what is not effective, propose a new strategy
that could be put in place to reduce the health issue, considering how it could
also reduce some of the causations. Remember what you have learnt about

**This should be completed in brief dot points

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