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Metacognition, Self regulated

learning & Study Strategies

Erna Dwi Agustin

Metacognitive knowledge and skill
• Metacognition is thinking about thinking
• Knowing what one’s own learning and memory
capabilities are and what learning tasks one can
realistically accomplish
• Knowing which learning strategies are effective
and which are not
• Planning a viable approach to a new learning task
• Knowing effective strategies for retrieval of
previously store information
Are you good readers?
• Clarify their purpose for reading something and tailor
their reading strategies to fit their purpose
• Determine what’s most important to learn and
remember, and focus their attention and efforts
• Draw on their prior knowledge to make sense of what
they’re reading
• Elaborate on what they read
• Critically evaluate what they read
• Summarize what the’ve read
• etc
Self Regulated Learning
• Goal Setting
• Planning
• Self motivation
• Attention control
• Use of effective, goal relevant learning strategies
• Self mnitoring
• Appropriate help seeking
• Self evaluation
• Self reflection
The roots of self regulated learning
• Vygotsky  socially regulated learning

Co-regulated learning
Other regulated
Co-regulated learning
Effective learning and study strategies
• Meaningful learning and elaboration
• Organization
• Note taking
• Identifying important information
• Summarizing
• Comprehension monitoring
• Mnemonics
• etc
Why students dont always use
effective strategies?
• Students are uninformed or misinformed about
effective strategies
• Students mistakenly believe that theyre already using
effective strategies
• Students have little relevant prior knowledge on which
they can draw
• Students have goals that inconsistent with effective
• Students think that using effective strategies require
too much effort
• Students have low self efficacy about their abilitu ti
learn in an academic setting

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