Lesson 1 - Self Mastery

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ARTS03A I Leadership And Management In Different Arts And Field SELF MASTERY


As a field, art management has immediate & long-term implication to the art scene & society at large. Behind every successful
artist or art group, behind every artwork known among many, behind every art form that has survived for centuries, there are art
managers whose vision led to ascendancy.
An art managers maybe leader of an organization, an institution, creative enterprise or a policy maker. Artist can also play the
role of an art manager when they run their own venture.
An art manager is a game changer. They are agents of transformation in a specific art discipline or even within a Municipality or


Selecting this course was not random, spur-of-the-moment decision. Surely you will be arrived at the decision after SWF-
assessment evaluation. Many factors including personal interest, bodies of knowledge, and skills accumulated over the years,
as well as your life goals and ambitions must have played a role in arriving at that decision.
This lesson focuses on personal awareness-in relation to the essence of arts management. Personal awareness requires
knowledge of commitments arts manager must make a relation to the self. It explores necessary personal traits that are
important in ,managing arts. It will also show the student how individual traits such as discipline and integrity, among many
others, will impact one’s work as an art manager
In refining the self, the arts manager endeavors to pursue three commitments in arts management.
1. Commitment to excellence & artistic integrity.
2. The commitment to accessibility and audience development and
3. Commitment to public accountability & cost effectiveness.

However they are more applicable to one who is already a practitioner & has gained enough experience


The commitment to artistic excellence means relentlessly pursuing one’s vision in the arts as a leader & taste-maker. It
allows the art manager to initiate creative partnership. It starts with recognizing the nurture one’s heritage, delivering sound,
and meaningful content. This is the road that a Visionary should take.


A commitment to accessibility and audience development requires upgrading the need core competencies for the creation of
project and development of programs.

The arts manager must recognize his or her own strengths & weakness in order to come up with ways to improve. Making
art accessible and developing audiences by reaching out are acts that bridge artist & public
An arts manager must also have willingness to be accountable to the public, use resources efficiently, and regularly upgrade one’s core
competencies in order to be a better arts manager and sustain the arts. This kind of commitment demand enormous discipline from anyone
who wants to venture into the arts as leader. Being accountable & using resources efficiently are the basis of Stewardship


In Assessing Oneself, It is important to star by discovering one’s personal interest. The next step is to confront the setbacks that tend to
hinder one’s growth. The last step is to discover one’s personality treats and understand those of other people as well.
The art manager may encounter common roadblocks to success that includes resources, social connections, growth, and family

Resources usually have to do with funding or availability of materials for starting projects. As a result, many art manager are
discouraged-specially if they only break-even or end up in debt. The lack of money maybe addressed in several ways such as seeking
sponsorship applying for grants, selling pre-loved items, crowd-sourcing, or even practicing the principle of saving and spending within
one’s means. The important thing is to work hard in order to obtain credibility in industry & to attract the support of sponsor & donors.

Setback related to social connections not only have to do with other people see the arts manager but think how other see them.
People who have poor sense of self-worth may often have problem approaching and connecting with others. The key to overcoming
this is to develop one self-esteem and confidence by harnessing one’s skills & knowledge. It is easier to feel confident when one
knows what he or she is doing. Moreover, one needs to be aware of the value the art manager brings to the organization, and on
larger scale, to the art scene.

Setback related to growth are related to how the art manager sees himself or herself advancing in what is perceived as the
hierarchies of value in the art scene. Cultural workers assume that being a curator is the peak of advancement in the art scenes
because of the culture in the art scene that they have been accustomed to. This misconception is also the reason why the word
“curating” is assigned eve to ordinary activities such as organizing a mall sale. Myths are reworked in the context of art scene:
1. Being the art promoted, not being published, or being excluded in an international line up is equated to failure.
2. Growth stops once promotion stops.
3. A 9-5 schedule is evidence of stagnation.
4. Family circumstances such as parent not wanting a child to venture in the art scene, sickness or death in the family, or pressure to
seek another career hinder growth
These are not cut-dry categories, but they can at least give the idea of human behavior. These color personalities are not
mean to categorize people in box. Rather they re meant to help one understand human nature and tendencies.

lGRAY personalities are very analytical. They love to asses & measure. They are comfortable with structure, channels, &
detailed process. They enjoy studying and doing research. They are good at strategist.
They are hard-working and focused. When problem arise, they have the ability to manage problems objectively. They
rationalize circumstances &n solve problem systematically. They are process oriented at times to a fault. They have
tendency to value task more than people.

lYELLOW personalities are fun loving individuals. They like to explore. They are not comfortable with structures, channels
& detailed process. They are often the life of the party & easily build rapport with others. However they are very poor at time
management and often lack of focus, as their mind are bound to change abruptly. They have difficulty enforcing discipline,
as they lack it themselves.

lRED personalities are born leaders. They like being in change. They like being the authority figure, the catalyst, and/ or
the kick starter. However, they are not very good at being followers. They have problemslistening to correction an they do
not appreciate being reprimanded.

lGREEN personalities are loyal to a cause, loyal to organizations, or loyal to community-based beliefs. They are also very
loyal followers. However they have the tendency to follow blindly.
lVIOLET personalities like living by virtue. They take comfort in the ides that they are doing good to others. They are
always also very honest about finances & prefer transparency . However, they have tendency to be self-righteous.

lORANGE personalities are charismatic. They make good politicians. They are extroverts & love to be in the limelight.
They love to network, meet new people, and gain contacts. They go after what they want at any cost but often do things for
personal gain.

lBLUE personalities are draw to the idea of helping others. It is a gift & impulse, like second nature. They are nurturing.
However, they have a tendency to dole out instead of allowing others to be-self-sufficient.

lBROWN personalities are resilient. They are hard-working & resourceful. At the same time, they can also be free-loaders
and dependent on others.

lBLACK personalities are very creative. Their output are personalized & unique. They are in love with the idea that they
are different and often misunderstood. While they have the ability to find creative solutions, they tend to disregard rules and
have a very sensitive egos.

mWHITE personalities like being neutral. They will adapt to anyone. However, can be very indecisive

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