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Mutiara Ayu, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Fakultas Sastra dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Universitas Teknokrat
A statement made to the public which gives information
about something that has happened or that will happen

Read the following Announcement and answer the question below!

3. When do the members have meeting ? Announcement

A. In the morning.
B. Every afternoon at three o’clock. English Conversation Club (ECC) is
C. On Tuesday morning.
opening registration for new
D. On Tuesday at three o’clock.
members. Join us and improve
4. Where do they have the meeting ? your English!
A. In the ECC’s meeting room.
B. At the cafetaria. Every Tuesday from 15.00 to
C. In the classroom.
17.00 at the English Laboratory.
D. At the English Lab.
For registration, please contact,
5. How long does the meeting last ? Ms. Ida (081367408540)
A. One and a half hours.
B. One hour.
C. One and a quarter hours.
D. Two hours.

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