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Fourth Quarter

•Newton’s Three Laws of

•relationship of mass, force,
and acceleration
Uniformly Accelerated Motion (UAM)
Distance vs. Time Graph
You have learned about displacements, velocities
and acceleration when you were in Grades 7 and
8. Now you will use those basic equations to
derive formulae used in Uniformly Accelerated
Motion(UAM). Using the following equations on
velocity, average velocity, and acceleration, you
can derive other equations.
Formula for the speed/velocity
Formula for the average velocity
Formula for the acceleration
To find out how displacement changes with time
when an object is uniformly accelerated, rearrange
the first equation to arrive at:

d = vt.
Formula to determine the displacement
Sample Problem 1:

An airplane accelerates from rest on

a runway at 5.50 m/s for 20.25 s
until it finally takes off the ground.
What is the distance covered before
a = 5.50 m/s
t = 20.25 s
vi = 0 m/s

Find: d = ?
d = vit + ½ at2
d = (0 m/s)(20.25 s) + ½ (5.50 m/s2)(20.25 s)2
d = 1130 m
Sample Problem 2:

From rest, a jeepney accelerates

uniformly over a time of 3.25
seconds and covers a distance of 15
m. Determine the acceleration of
the jeepney.
Given: vi = 0 m/s d = 15 m t = 3.25 s

Find: a= ?
d = vit + ½ at2
15 m = (0 m/s)(3.25 s)+ ½ a(3.25 s)2
15m= 10.56 s2 /2 a
15 m = (5.28s2)a
a = (15 m)/(5.28 s2)
a = 2.8 m/ s2
Try solving this…

A train accelerates to a speed of 20 m/s

over a distance of 150 m. Determine the
acceleration (assume uniform) of the
Given: vi = 0 m/s (assume the train starts from
rest) vf = 20 m/s d = 150 m
Find: a = ?
vf2 = vi2 + 2ad
(20m/s)2 = (0 m/s)2 + 2(a)(150 m)
400 m2/s2 = 0 m2/s2 + (300 m)a
400 m2/s2 = (300 m)a
(400 m2/s2)/ (300 m) = a
a = 1.3 m/s
2. An airplane accelerates down a
runway at 3.20 m/s for 32.8 s
until is finally lifts off the ground.
Determine the distance traveled
before takeoff.
3. A race car accelerates
uniformly from 18.5 m/s to 46.1
m/s in 2.47 seconds. Determine
the acceleration of the car and
the distance traveled.
4. A bike accelerates uniformly
from rest to a speed of 7.10 m/s
at 10 s. Determine the
acceleration of the bike.
5. An object has a speed of 2.00
m/s. Three seconds later it is
going 8.00 m/s. What average
acceleration did it experience?.
6. Atom Ant is traveling with an
initial velocity of 20.0 cm/s. He
begins to accelerate at a rate of
8.00 cm/s2 for 5.00 s. What is his
total displacement in the 5.00
second interval?
7. A bus moving at a speed of
20.0 m/s begins to slow at a
rate of 3.00 m/s each second.
Find how far it goes before
8. A car moving at 30.0 m/s slows
uniformly to a speed of 10.0 m/s
in a time of 5.00 s. Determine the
acceleration of the car and the
distance it moves in the third
Answer 2

d = vit + 2
½(at )
d = (0 m/s)(32.8 s)+ 1/2(3.20 m/s )(32.8 s) 2

d = 1720 m
Answer 3

a = (vf – v2)/t
a = (46.1 m/s - 18.5 m/s)/(2.47 s)
a = 11.2 m/s2

d = vit + ½ (at2)
d = (18.5 m/s)(2.47 s)+ 1/2(11.2 m/s2)(2.47 s)2
d = 45.7 m + 34.1 m
d = 79.8 m
Uniformly Accelerated Motion:
Vertical Dimension
Things thrown upward always
fall at a constant acceleration
which has a magnitude of 9.8
Another example of free-fall is a body thrown
Using this equation: vf2 2
= + 2ad
you will also find that when the ball
falls back to the point where it was
thrown, its speed will be equal to the
speed at which it was thrown.
vf = vi + agt
Sample problem 1

Zed is playing with a ball on top of a

building but the ball fell and hit the ground
after 2.6 seconds, what is the final velocity
of the ball just before it hits the ground and
how high is the building?
Given: ag = -9.8m/s2

assume vi = 0 m/s t = 2.6 s

Find: vf = ? h= ?
Sample Problem 2:

The Philippine tarsier is capable of

jumping to a height of 1.5 m in
hunting for food. Determine the
takeoff speed of the tarsier.
Try solving this…
1. The acceleration of gravity on
the moon is 1.62 m/s2. If a ball is
dropped on the moon from a
height of 1.50 m. Determine the
time for the ball to fall to the
surface of the moon.
2. A kangaroo is capable
of jumping to a height of
2.62 m. Determine the
takeoff speed of the
a = -9.8 m/s2
vf = 0 m/s
d = 2.62 m
vi = ??
vf2 = vi2 + 2ad
(0 m/s)2 = vi2 + 2(-9.8 m/s2)(2.62 m)
0 m2/s2 = vi2 - 51.35 m2/s2
51.35 m2/s2 = vi2
vi = 7.17 m/s
3. A bullet is moving at a speed of
367 m/s when it embeds into a
lump of moist clay. The bullet
penetrates for a distance of
0.0621 m. Determine the
acceleration of the bullet while
moving into the clay.
vi = 367 m/s
vf = 0 m/s 2 2
d = 0.0621 m vf = vi + 2ad
(0 m/s) 2 = (367 m/s)2 + 2(a)(0.0621 m)
a = ?? 2 2 2 2
0 m /s = (134689 m /s ) + (0.1242 m)a
-134689 m2/s2 = (0.1242 m)a
(-134689 m2/s2)/(0.1242 m) = a
a = -1.08x106 m /s2
(The - sign indicates that the bullet
slowed down.)
4. A plane has a takeoff speed
of 88.3 m/s and requires 1365
m to reach that speed.
Determine the acceleration of
the plane and the time
required to reach this speed.
Given: vf2 = vi2 + 2ad
vi = 0 m/s (88.3 m/s)2 = (0 m/s)2 + 2(a)(1365 m)
vf = 88.3 m/s 7797 m2/s2 = (0 m2/s2) + (2730 m)a
d = 1365 m 7797 m2/s2 = (2730 m)a
(7797 m2/s2)/(2730 m) = a
a = ??
a = 2.86 m/s2
t = ??

vf = vi + at
88.3 m/s = 0 m/s + (2.86 m/s2)t
(88.3 m/s)/(2.86 m/s2) = t
t = 30. 8 s
5. A dragster accelerates to a
speed of 112 m/s over a distance
of 398 m. Determine the
acceleration (assume uniform) of
the dragster.
vi = 0 m/s vf2 = vi2 + 2ad
vf = 112 m/s (112 m/s)2 = (0 m/s)2 + 2(a)(398 m)
d = 398 m
12544 m2/s2 = 0 m2/s2 + (796 m)a
a = ??
12544 m2/s2 = (796 m)a
(12544 m2/s2)/(796 m) = a
a = 15.8 m/s2

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