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Landscape drainage

Types of Landscape drain

 Grassy swale
 Bog area in landscape
 French drain
 Dry well system
 Corrugated plastic tubes.
 Grassy swale
A swale is an area of the lawn which is carefully graded to
direct water. A swale helps dissipate water over a larger area,
or directs the water to a bog planting or a drain.
 Bog area in landscape
Landscaping plants can be a great drainage solution for
areas with a small amount of excess water. Red-twig
dogwoods, willows, and many native plants in each region
are well-adapted to periodic bog conditions.
 Bog gardens exist in nature in low-lying areas, or around
ponds, lakes or streams. Bog garden plants love overly
moist soil, which is waterlogged, but not standing. These
marshy gardens make a lovely attraction in any landscape
and can quickly turn an unused, water-logged spot in the
yard into a wonderful scenic attraction.
 French drain
A French drain is the most well-known type of outdoor
drainage system. While the specifics vary, a French
drain is usually comprised of a perforated pipe which is
surrounded by gravel then wrapped in filter fabric to
keep mud and particles out. A French drain directs
water to a drain rather than dispersing it within the
 Dry well system
A dry well is an environmentally-friendly alternative to a
French drain, because it discharges the storm water on-
 Downspouts or drains are directed to an underground
storage well. The water slowly filters out of the well and
eventually ends up back in the groundwater tables
 Corrugated plastic tubes
This is an inexpensive solution for directing water from
 It’s simply a corrugated tube made of plastic which sits over
the end of the downspout and can be buried underground to
direct water within the landscape to disburse, or to a drain.

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