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Aquino, Jescel A. & Ladera, Kristelle E.

Bsed 2a
What is
Validity refers to how appropriate
the interpretations of a test score are for
the purpose intended.

The extent to which inferences

made from the test scores are
meaningful, appropriate and useful.
(APA, 1985).

Types of
• Content Validity - refers to the
extent to which the content of
the test matches the
instructional material.

• Criterion-related Validity – involves the
relationships between the test and the
external variables that are thought to be
direct measures of the construct.

*Concurrent validity- degree to which a test

correlates with some other test aiming at measuring
the same skill or with other comparable measure of
skill being measured.
*Predictive validity- determining how well some
scores predict some future behavior.
• Construct Validity – involves an
integration of evidence that relates to
the meaning or interpretation of test
• The extent to which an assessment
corresponds to other variables,
predicted by some ratioanale and
Threats to
• Construct underrepresentation –
when a test measures less than
the construct it’s supposed to

• Construct-irrelevant variances –
when a test measures more than
the construct it’s supposed to
 External factors
o Instructional procedures
o Test administration and
scoring procedures
o Student characteristics

Reliability and validity
• Reliability and validity are
closely related measures.
• A test that does not produce
reliable scores cannot produce
valid interpretations.
• However, reliability does not
guarantee validity.
During a quiz, people look up for
inspiration, down in desperation, and left
and right for information.
I. Direction: Write the “NAME OF YOUR
CRUSH” if the statement is true and “YOUR
RELATIONSHP STATUS” if the statement is

1. Validity refers to how appropriate the

interpretations of a test score are for the
purpose intended.
2. Criterion related validity is the
extent to which the content of the test
matches the instructional objectives.
3. Content validity refers to the
extent to which scores on the test
agree with external criterion.
4.Construct validity is the extent to which an
assessment corresponds to other
variables, a predicted by some rationale
or theory.
5. Construct irrelevant variance is when a
test measures less than the construct it
supposed to measure.
II. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Refers to the extent to which the

content of the test matches the
instructional objectives.
a. Critical-related b. Content
c. Construct d. Predictive
2._________ refers to the extent to which
inferences made from the test scores are
meaningful and useful.
a. Assessment b. Test
c. Validity d. Evaluation

3.Type of Criterion-related validity which determine

how well scores predict some future behavior.
a. Concurrent b. Predictive
c. Construct d. Criterion
4.Which of the following is not an external factor in
the threats of validity?
a. Student’s characteristics b. Instructional
c. Student’s learning d. Scoring procedure

5. A threat in validity which measures more that the

construct it supposed to measure.
a. Construct under representation b. Construct
irrelevant variance c. External factors
d. None of the Above
Why do you think it is important to
know the concept of validity in the
field of teaching?
“When life gives you lemons,
squirt someone in the eye.”
-Cathy Guisewite

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