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Methods of Paragraph Development

1. Definition

 to explain the meaning of an idea or a

concept. It could be done by showing the
details, describing, giving examples or
analyzing using symbols and more.
"Park" is difficult to define in Florida, because
there are so many kinds of parks. Basically, a park
is a place to go for outdoor recreation-to swim,
picnic, hike, camp, walk the dog, play tennis,
paddle your canoe, and, in some places take rides
in miniature trains or swish down a waterslide.
Florida has a rich variety of parks, ranging from
acres of RVs ringed around recreation halls, to
impenetrable mangrove wilderness. To make
things more complicated, not all of them are
called "parks," and even the ones called "parks"
come in several varieties.
to breakdown information into smaller parts
in simplifying a concept or in explaining
something such as a series of things.
A first date can end up being
categorized as successful, a clingy, a
boastful or awkward. Successful first
dates include both parties expressing
information about what they like, who
they are, and so forth. Usually, these
dates will end in tentative plans for a
second one. Clingy dates end up with
one of the parties practically begging for
information about the other. However,
the non-clinger is not interested.
On boastful dates, one member of the
duo talks about all of his or her skills,
talents, and abilities. The listening end
of the pair is never asked about his or
her life. Awkward first dates generally
involve lots of silence or one or both of
the partners not knowing how to act
appropriately. While many dates occur
every day, they can generally fall into
one of these categories.
3. Description
 to describe a series of connected actions in
chronological manner
 might be in the form of natural, mechanical or
historical processes
 can also be used to expand the idea in the
 does not tell a story but rather tries to convey a
clear impression of what something is like.
 Can be used to explain an object, event, person,
or situation
A seed germinates in this manner. Moisture
softens the seed coat and swells the tissues of
the embryo. When the seed coat splits open,
the embryo begins to grow. The root part starts
growing downward. In many plants, the seed
leaves separate and start to rise from the
ground. In others, the seed leaves remain in the
soil. Finally, the seed leaves dry up and a pair
of tree leaves take their place.
"The room in which I found myself was very large
and lofty. The windows were long, narrow, and
pointed, and at so vast a distance from the black oaken
floor as to be altogether inaccessible from within.
Feeble gleams of encrimsoned light made their way
through the trellised panes, and served to render
sufficiently distinct the more prominent objects
around; the eye, however, struggled in vain to reach
the remoter angles of the chamber, or the recesses of
the vaulted and fretted ceiling. Dark draperies hung
upon the walls. The general furniture was profuse,
comfortless, antique, and tattered. Many books and
musical instruments lay scattered about, but failed to
give any vitality to the scene. I felt that I breathed an
atmosphere of sorrow. An air of stern, deep, and
irredeemable gloom hung over and pervaded all."
4. Comparison and Contrast
 Comparison = to show some similarities with
the given ideas.
 Contrast = to point out differences in ideas.
 Comparison and Contrast = to establish both
the similarities and differences of ideas in the
given paragraph.
Mosquitos and houseflies differ in appearance and
habits, but the two insects have many similarities.
First, both are typical of hot and humid climates.
Both insects suck their food. They both cling to
smooth surfaces and even walk upside down
across the ceilings. Finally, both can spread
serious diseases.
My brothers differ considerably in appearance and
lifestyle. My elder brother, Mark, looks more
conservative than my younger brother, Paul. His
clothes are conservative. He wears suit and tie to
work. Paul, on the other hand, dresses casually in
blue jeans and t-shirt.
Drivers who want the best protection for their engines will
find that synthetic oil offers several advantages over
conventional oil. Synthetic oil flows freely at all temperatures and
circulates immediately at start up. Conventional oil thickens at
low temperatures and takes time to warm up. Synthetic oil is also
more stable at high temperatures, making it more dependable in
hot weather. Second, synthetic oil is cleaner than conventional
oil. It contains the finest detergents, rust inhibitors, and other
additives that reduce friction and make the engine run smoother
and cleaner. Third, and perhaps most important, is that synthetic
oil lasts longer. Conventional oil must be changed every three
months or 5000 kilometers, whereas synthetic oil can last up to
six times longer. Only the filter has to be changed over this
period of time. Even though synthetic oil is much more
expensive, it's worth the extra cost if you value the life and
performance of your engine.
5. Cause and Effect
can be used to expand the idea in the
paragraph by establishing or explaining what
happens as a result of something
Use of signal words such as the words;
because, cause, due to, for the reason and
other words for the cause.
signal words for the cause:
 as a result, consequently, in effect, therefore, thus
and more.
Drug addiction is a serious health issue that
affects addicts, their families and society. First of
all, drug addiction has severe physical effects on
the addict's body. Drug users can experience
many physical symptoms including sickness,
fevers, sweats and shakes, loss of appetite, and
weight loss. They also face the danger of
contracting serious diseases such as AIDS,
hepatitis, and other communicable diseases, not to
mention the risk of overdose. Families and
friends of drug addicts are inevitably also affected
by their addiction.
Addiction can lead to serious financial
problems, loss of trust, and eventually family
breakup and divorce. Society as well pays a
cost: crime rates go up, and more security and
hospital care is needed which are all paid for
by taxpayers. Drug addiction is a destructive
way to live. Maybe more would be done about
it if it were looked at not just as a problem that
addicts face alone, but as something that
affects society as a whole.
6. Narration
writer could expand the concept of an idea in
the paragraph by arranging the ideas in order:
in place
In the level of importance telling what happened
first and what will be in the next.
Around 2 a.m. something woke Charles
Hanson up. He lay in the dark listening.
Something felt wrong. Outside, crickets sang,
tree-frogs chirruped. Across the distant forest
floated two muffled hoots from a barred owl.
It was too quiet. At home in New Jersey, the
nights are filled with the busy, comforting
sounds of traffic. You always have the
knowledge that other people are all around
you. And light: At home he can read in bed by
the glow of the streetlight. It was too quiet.
And much too dark. Even starlight failed to
penetrate the 80-foot canopy of trees the
camper was parked beneath. It was the
darkest dark he had ever seen.
He felt for the flashlight beside his bunk. It
was gone. He found where his pants were
hanging and, as he felt the pockets for a
box of matches, something rustled in the
leaves right outside the window, inches
from his face. He heard his wife, Wanda,
hold her breath; she was awake, too.
Then, whatever, was outside in the
darkness also breathed, and the huge
silence of the night seemed to come inside
the camper, stifling them. It was then he
decided to pack up and move to a motel.
7. Example/Illustration
makes a point about a topic by providing
examples to support it
explains how something works or exists as a
unit - subject - examples - its functions
Purpose/s Types - to support the point you are
making about the topic by using examples
Today, men and women of all ages undergo
surgery to achieve the looks they desire.
Cosmetic surgery is so common that to some it
is a lifestyle. Some of the most popular
procedures are breast implants, liposuction,
facelifts, and hair transplants. Because many
prefer fuller, bigger breasts, a good number of
women from all walks of life undergo the
painful and costly procedure of breast implants.
Even though the risks are well known, many
still take their chances. And what goes better
with bigger breasts than a flat abdomen?
Liposuction is a quick fix for those who find
good diet and exercise ineffective and time
Another popular procedure for both men and
women is the surgical facelift. This process
promises men and women a younger and fresher
look. For men who are worried about baldness,
there is hair replacement. Thanks to medical
advances, men can avoid the harsh reality of
balding by undergoing a long lasting hair
transplant procedure. Many value plastic
surgery even though it's costly and can have a
number of negative side effects. In spite of the
many plastic surgery disasters, those obsessed
with having the perfect face and body will keep
the business alive and well.
8. Enumeration
• starts with a general class, then proceeds to
break it down by listing some or all of its
members or parts
• enumerator helps to show the reader exactly
what are being listed or enumerated
8. Enumeration
• Kinds of Enumerators:
 Classes
 Parts
 Elements
 Factors
 Characteristics
 Aspects
 Divisions
 Subdivisions
 Categories
Listing Signals 1
Second, There are
(or Next,) We have
Third, We should consider

(or Next,)
(or Then,)
(or Finally,)

listing signals
Listing Signals 2
The First,
(or One,)
The Second,
(or Another,)
(or The next,) kind
The Third, type
(or Still another,) etc.
(or The next,)
The Last, enumerators
(or The final,)

listing signals
1 vs. 2

First, there are books

The first kind is

consists of books.

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