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Mission Model Canvas (Modified Business Model Canvas)

Key Partners Key Activities Social Value Proposition Buy-In / Support Stakeholders
• Who are our Key Partners • Which Key Activities do (SVP)
• What type of relationship • Who are our
and Key Suppliers? our SVP require? • What problems or does each of our Stakeholders?
• Which Key Resources are • What activities are needed challenges are we trying stakeholders expect us to
• For whom are we creating
we acquiring from to sustain operations? to solve? establish and maintain?
partners? • What programs and • Which ones have we
Categories • Who helps us create
• Which Key Activities do services do we deliver? established?
• Marketing / Campaigns Outcomes or our SVP?
our partners perform? • Training • What value do we deliver • How are they integrated
• Who will fund us? • Networking to Stakeholders? with the rest of our
business model? • Beneficiaries/Users
Example Partnerships • Research • What’s in it for our • Funders
• Service Delivery Stakeholders? • How costly are they?
• Strategic alliances • Collaborators
Key Resources Deployment
between non-competitors
• Joint ventures to create • What Key Resources do • How do we reach
new “x” our SVP require? Stakeholders?
• Cause Marketing/ • What other key resources • How do they want to be
Advocacy Alliances are needed at the reached regarding the
• Donors/Funders engagement and the delivery of our SVP?
operations level?
• How do we provide
Examples ongoing communications,
• Physical/Human/Financial support, and awareness?

Mission Budget Outcomes/Mission Achievement Factors

• What does it really cost to run our nonprofit operations? • What are the financial outcomes you anticipate?

• What costs are inherent in our business model? • What is the social impact of your project’s success?

• Which Key Resources and Activities are the most expensive? • What are your mission related milestones?

• What does it cost to run and maintain the Operations Level?

• Fixed Costs
• Variable Costs Operations Engagement
• Overheads / Administrative Costs

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