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Script to screen

art of
Molly Barker


Attic full of boxes Man in center of the room looking through a box of photos. CLOSE UP of the box MATT’S looking
through. He’s looking through the picture and picking a few up. CLOSE UP of him as he picks up a photo, on the back
there is a ring attached which falls off as he picks it up. LOW ANGLE as the ring falls to the floor. CLOSE UP to the
MATT’S face and cut to the ring as he picks up the ring to look at it closer. Cut to a close of his face as a tear
rolls down his face.




Classroom interior with a few students around the tables, cut to a younger version of the MATT reading a book, he looks
up and sees a girl walk in through the door. ZOOM IN on him as he reacts to her walking in, the camera follows ROSE as
she walks straight over to MATT and asks to sit next to him, MATT panics and stumbles while answering and she sits
down. The camera cuts between them both as they give each other a look. The camera follows the teacher into the class
and tells them to open the book, ROSE doesn’t have one, so MATT shares his book with her, CLOSE UP of their hands
touching. WIDE SHOT of them reacting to it and them both looking away from each other.



The camera follows them as the leave class and laughing and joking. CLOSE UP of MATT grabbing ROSE’S hands and asking
her if she wants to go on a date. Cut to ROSE’S face as she smiles, ZOOM IN to both smiling and they go different ways
and say goodbye. CLOSE UP of the back of MATT’S head as he turns

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