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Maurice R.

 Definition of Medical terminology
 Importance of medical terminology
 Medical word elements
 Word roots
 Combining forms
 Suffixes
 Prefixes
 Basic rules
 Defining medical words
 Building medical words
 Pronunciation Guidelines
• Medical terminology is language that is used
to accurately describe the human body and
associated components, conditions, processes
and procedures in a science-based manner.
• Some examples are: R.I.C.E., trapezius, and
latissimus dorsi. It is to be used in
the medical and nursing fields.
• The words – or terms – which make up the language of
medicine are referred to as the terminology of the medical
field…known as medical terminology.

• Like every other language, medical terminology has

changed over time and will continue to change.

• Most medical terms come from the Greek and Latin


• Simplify communication/break down the
language barrier.
• Easy understanding(common language)
• They are specific terminologies, thus makes
no need to use general terminology
• The medical word contains all or some of these;
Word root
Combining form
Suffixes Word Elements
E.g. Dermatitis = defined as the inflammation of the skin.

Skin(word root)

Tonsil(root) ctomy(remove)

Prefix(Little ) word root suffix(state/conditions)

Peritonsillitis = Inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tonsil

Around(prefix) tonsil(Root) inflammation(suffix)

A root is the basic element of a word, and it is the foundation
on which the meaning of a word is built.

Many roots are real words in their own right and term.
Although these roots can have other elements, they don't
need other elements to be complete.

A root can be a whole word or a part of a

word. Roots come from many different
languages, mainly Greek and Latin, and find
their way into English.
• All medical terms have at least one word root
• Most of word root are either in Greek or Latin
E.g. of Respiratory system word roots and the meaning
Alveol ………. Alveolus(one), Alveoli(many)
Epiglott ………Epiglottis
Nas …………….Nose
Or ………………Mouth
Combining(Linking) forms is formed when a word root is
combined with a vowel.
usually “o”, but occasionally “e” or “i”.
e. Combined form= word root + o

Most medical terms can be broken down into parts like a

Common word parts/components:
 Prefixes / Roots or Words / Suffixes

The medical terms will contain one or more of these

Word root vowel
Bronch + i/o/u eg Bronchus/Bronchiectasis
Epiglott + I eg Epiglottitis
Pharyng + i/o eg Pharyngitis/
Or + a eg oral
Alb/o, Albin/o, Leuk/o – white
Chlor/o – green
Cirrh/o – orange-yellow
Cyan/o – blue
Eosin/o, Erythr/o, Rhod/o, Rose/o, Rubr/i/o –
red, rosy
Flav/o, Jaund/o, Lute/o, Xanth/o – yellow
Fusc/o – dark brown
Glauc/o – gray, bluish greenan/o – black
Poli/o, Tephr/o – gray, ashen
Purpur/i - purple
A prefix is a word component placed in front of a
root/word to change or modify its meaning.

A prefix can give a root direction or position. It can also

give a root a specific type/ classification, quality, or

• Ab- away from midline • Homo- same, similar
• Acu- needle • Hyster- uterus
• Anti- against • Men- menstruation
• Auto- self • Quadri- four
• Bi- two, both, double • Re- back, again
• Dys- abnormal, bad, painful • Super- above, beyond
• Hemi- half • Tri- three
• Hetero- opposite, different

• A-, An- without, none • Epi- upon, over, above
• Ad- toward/near midline • Ex- out, out of
• Acro- extremities • Hyper- excessive, above,
• Ambi- on both sides too much, over, beyond
• Bio- life • Hypo- less than, under,
• Brady- slow below, deficient
• Circum- around, encircling
• Contra- against
• Dys- difficult, painful, bad,
• Endo- within

• Hydro- fluid, water • Poly- many, much
• Inter- between • Post- after, behind
• Intra- within • Pro- before, in front of,
• Iso- equal forward
• Mal- ill, bad • Retro- behind, backward
• Meta- after, beyond, • Sub- under, below, beneath
change • Supra- above, on the top side
• Multi- many, more than • Tachy- fast
one • Trans- across, over
• Neo- new or abnormal

A suffix is a word component added to the end of a
root/word that changes or modifies its usage,
function, or meaning.

-centesis – to puncture/tap to draw fluid from
-desis – surgical fixation, fusion
-ectomy – excision, removal, cut out
-pexy - fixation
Moe, after the
-plasty – surgical repair, correction bandages come off
and the wounds
-rrhaphy – suture heal, you’ll still be a
-sect – to cut pig.

-stomy – forming a new opening

-tome – instrument for cutting
-tomy – incision into, cut into
-tripsy – to crush, break down
-puncture – to pierce a surface
-assay – examine, analyze
-gram – written record, recording
-graph – instrument for recording
-graphy – process of recording
-manometer – instrument for measuring pressure
-manometry – process of measuring pressure
-meter – instrument for measuring
-metery – process of measuring
-opsy – to view
-scope - instrument for examining
-scopy – process of examining, examination
-rrhagia – excessive flow, profuse fluid discharge
-rrhage – excessive flow, profuse fluid discharge
-rrhaphy – suture
-rrhea – flow, discharge
-rrhexis - rupture

Suffixes that all mean pertaining to:
-ac (cardiac)
-al (dental)
-ar (tonsilar)
-ary (pulmonary)
-ia (bradycardia)
-ic (gastric)
-ical (chemical)
-ium (cardium)
-ous (mucous)
-tic (pancreatic)
-us (hydrocephalus)
-algia, -algesia – pain
-cele – herniation, swelling
-cide – killing, agent that kills
-cyte - cell
-emia – blood condition
-ism – condition, disease
-ist – specialist
-itis – inflammation
-logist – one who studies, specialist
-logia, -logy – the study of
-lysis – destruction, break down
-megaly – enlarged
-oid – resembling, like
-oma – tumor, mass
-opia, -opsia – vision
-osis – condition of
-pathy – disease
-plasm – growth/formation of tissue
-pnea – breath, breathing
-porosis – porous, decrease in density
-ptosis – drooping, prolapsed
-ptysis – spitting, spit up
-spasm – twitching, involuntary contraction
-therapy – treatment

To define medical terms, divide or slash them into their
component parts; these word components are called
prefixes, suffixes, and roots.

Use the hyphen ( - ) after the word component to

indicate that it is a prefix; use it after the combining
form to indicate that it needs a suffix; use it before the
word component to indicate it is a suffix.
For example: Epi-gastr/o/-cele

Use the combining vowel “o” when a suffix begins with a consonant.
i.e Termin/o/logy

Use the combining vowel “o” when combining two roots only if the
second root begins with a consonant. i.e. Pneum/o/thorax

Do not use the combining vowel “o” if you are combining a second
root that begins with a vowel or a suffix that begins with a vowel (a,
e, i, o, u, and sometimes y). i.e. Pneum/arthr/osis

Add –y to a word to indicate a procedure (gastroscopy) or –ly to

indicate an act or process (splenomegaly).

The suffix –osis always denotes a condition (usually abnormal).
When combined with the color roots erythr/o- (red) and
leuk/o- (white), it represents a condition of abnormally
increased blood cells.

Most of the time, word components denoting color are used as

prefixes. However, sometimes they are the root of the
medical term.


• Agglutin/o – clumping
• Amyl/o - starch
• Anis/o – unequal
• Angi/o – blood/ lymph vessels
• Arteri/o - artery
• Bas/o, basi/o – base, foundation
• Coagul/o – coagulation, clotting
• Eosin/o – red, rosy, dawn
• Erythr/o – red
• Ferr/i, ferr/o – iron
• Granul/o – granules
• Haem/a, hem/o, hemat/o - blood
• Kal/i – potassium
• Leuk/o – white
• Myel/o – bone marrow, spinal cord
• Natr/o – sodium
• Neutr/o –neutral
• Norm/o – normal, usual
• Phleb/o - vein
• Phosphat/o – phosphate
• Poikil/o – variation, irregular
• Pykn/o, pycn/o – thick, dense
• Rhod/o – red, rosy

• Sangu/i, sanguin/o – blood
• Sapr/o – rotten, decay
• Schist/o – split, cleft
• Ser/o – serum, serous
• Sider/o – iron
• Spher/o – round, sphere
• Strept/o – twisted, curved
• Thromb/o – clot, thrombus
• Vas/o, vascul/o – blood vessel
• Ven/o - vein
1. Hem/o/lysis -
2. Hyper/kal/emia -
3. Thromb/o/pheresis -
4. Hyp/o/volemia -
5. Erythr/o/cyte -
6. Phleb/itis -
7. Hemat/o/logy -

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1. Hem/o/lysis –  Blood breakdown
2. Hyper/kal/emia –  Excess potassium in the blood
3. Thromb/o/pheresis -  Clot removal
4. Hyp/o/volemia –  Low blood volume
5. Erythr/o/cyte –  Red blood cell
6. Phleb/itis –  Vein inflammation
7. Hemat/o/logy -  Study of blood

• Cardium – the heart
• Cardi/o – heart
• Angi/o – vessel
• Aort/o – aorta
• Arteri/o - artery
• Ather/o – fatty substance, plaque
• Atri/o – atrium
• Coron/o – heart
• Embol/o – embolus, clot
• Isch/o – supress, restraint
• Mi/o – less, smaller
• My/o - muscle
• Palpit/o, palpitat/o – flutter, throbbing
• Rhe/o – flow, current, stream
• Sphygm/o – pulse
• Tel/e – distant, far, end
• Valv/o, valvul/o – valve
• Varic/o – varicose veins
• Vas/o, vascul/o – vessel
• Ven/o – vein
• Ventricul/o – heart/ brain ventricle
• Venul/o - venule

1. Cardi/o/megaly -
2. Cardi/o/my/o/pathy -
3. Brady/card/ia -
4. Tachy/card/ia -
5. Peri/card/ium -
6. My/o/card/ia -
7. Sphygm/o/man/o/meter -
8. Arteri/o/scler/osis -

1. Cardi/o/megaly - • Enlarged heart
2. Cardi/o/my/o/pathy • Heart muscle disease
3. Brady/card/ia - • Slow heart rate
4. Tachy/card/ia - • Fast heart rate
5. Peri/card/ium - • Sac around the heart
6. My/o/card/ia - • Heart muscle
7. Sphygm/o/man/o/meter - • Blood pressure cuff
8. Arteri/o/scler/osis - • Hardening of the arteries

 Medial, Medi/o – midline, toward the center (middle)
 Lateral, Later/o – towards the side, away from the midline
 Superior, Super/o – above, over
 Inferior, Infer/o – below, under
 Proximal, Proxim/o – near, closest to the origin
 Distal, Dist/o – away from, farthest from the origin

 Cranial, crani/o – toward the head
 Caudal, caud/o – toward the back or tail
 Dorsal, dors/o – near upper surface, back
 Ventral, ver/o – toward the bottom, front
 Posterior, poster/o – back, behind, after, toward the rear
 Anterior, anter/o – front, in front of

1. Mediosuperior –
2. Inferolateral –
3. Laterosuperior –
4. Inferomedial –
5. Posterosuperior –
6. Anterolateral –
7. Posteromedial –
8. Proximolateral -

1. Mediosuperior – Middle, upper
2. Inferolateral – Below, to the side
3. Laterosuperior – To the side, upper
4. Inferomedial – Below, middle
5. Posterosuperior – Back, upper
6. Anterolateral – Front, to the side
7. Posteromedial – Back, middle
8. Proximolateral - Closest to the point of
origin, to the side

• Acr/o – extremities • Sial/o - saliva
• Aden/o – gland • Thym/o – thymus gland
• Adren/o – adrenal glands • Thyr/o, thyriod/o – thyroid
• Cortic/o – cortex gland
• Crin/o – secrete, separate • Tox/o, toxic/o – poison,
• Gluc/o, glyc/o – glucose, sugar toxins
• Hirsut/o – hairy • Troph/o – growth,
• Hormon/o – hormone nourishment
• Hidr/o - sweat

1. Adrenalectomy A. Pancreatic stone
2. Adrenalitis B. Pertaining to the cortex adrenal
3. Pancreatalgia glands
4. Pancreatolith C. Condition of being hairy
5. Corticoadrenal D. Removal of adrenal glands
6. Crinogenic E. Hormone formation
7. Hirsutism F. Disease of the pineal gland
8. Hormonopoiesis G. Pain in the pancreas
9. Pinealopathy H. Inflammed adrenal glands
I. Production of secretions

1. Adrenalectomy – Removal of adrenal glands
2. Adrenalitis – Inflammed adrenal glands
3. Pancreatalgia – Pain in the pancreas
4. Pancreatolith – Pancreatic stone
5. Corticoadrenal – Cortex and adrenal glands
6. Crinogenic – Production of secretions
7. Hirsutism – Condition of being hairy
8. Hormonopoiesis – Hormone formation
9. Pinealopathy – Disease of the pineal gland

• Abdomin/o – abdomen
• Amyl/o – starch
• An/o – anus
• Bil/i – bile
• Bucc/o – cheek
• Cec/o – cecum
• Celi/o – abdomen
• Chol/e – gall, bile
• Cholecyst/o - gallbladder
• Col/o – colon
• Dent/i - tooth

• Dips/o – thirst
Please pass the
• Duoden/o – doudenum thingy for the
• Enter/o – intestines thingy.

• Esophag/o – esophogus
• Gastr/o – stomach
• Gingiv/o – gums
• Gloss/o – tongue
• Hepat/o – liver
• Ile/o – ileum
• Jejun/o - jejunum
• Lapar/o – abdominal wall • Ptyal/o, sial/o – saliva
• Lingu/o – tongue • Pyr/o – heat, fever, fire
• Odont/o – tooth • Rect/o – rectum
• Or/o – mouth • Sigmoid/o – sigmoid colon
• Orth/o – straight, normal,
correct • Staphyl/o – uvula
• Palat/o – palate • Stomat/o - mouth
• Peps/o - digestion
• Peritone/o – peritoneum
• Phag/o – eating, ingestion
• Proct/o – rectum, anus

• Cholescystectomy -
• Colonoscopy -
• Hepatomegaly -
• Abdominocentesis -
• Biligenesis –
• Colostomy -
• Enteroclysis -
• Esophagocele -
• Epigastric -
• Gingivitis -
• Laparoscope -

• Cholescystectomy Removal of the gallbladder
• Colonoscopy Examination of the colon
• Hepatomegaly Enlarged liver
• Abdominocentesis To draw fluid from the abdomen
• Biligenesis The production of bile
• Colostomy Forming an opening between the
colon and the abdominal wall
• Enteroclysis Irrigation/washing of the intestines
• Esophagocele Swelling/herniation of esophagus
• Epigastric Pertaining to above the stomach
• Gingivitis Inflammed gums
• Laparoscope Instrument to examine abdomen
• Acanth/o – thorny, spiny
• Actin/o – ray, radiation
• Brom/o – odor
• Caus/o, cauter/o – burn
• Chrom/o – color
• Chrys/o – gold
• Cutane/o – skin
• Derm/o, dermat/o – skin
• Erythem/o – flushed, redness
• Eschar/o – scab
• Hidr/o, sud/o - sweat
• Lepid/o – flakes, scales
• Lepr/o – leprosy
• Onych/o, Ungu/o – nail
• Papul/o – papule, pimple,
acne • Py/o – pus
• Perspir/o – breathe through • Rhytid/o – wrinkle
• Pil/o, Trich/o – hair • Seb/o – sebum
• Prurit/o, Psor/o – itching • Steat/o – fat
• Ul/o – scar, scarring
• Verruc/i – wart
• Xer/o - dry
• Causalgia • Condition of fungal nails
• Dermatopathy • Removal of a scab
• Escharectomy • Burning pain
• Onychomycosis • Skin inflammation
• Lepidosis • Skin disease
• Dermatitis • Condition of pimples, acne
• Xeroderma • Condition of flaky skin
• Papulosis • Excessive scarring
• Verrucosis • Dry skin
• Hyperulosis • Condition of warts

• Adenoid/o – adenoids • Sarc/o – flesh
• Axill/o – armpit • Septic/o –the immune
• Immun/o – protection, response to a severe
immune infection, putrefaction
• Lien/o – spleen • Splen/o – spleen
• Lymph/o – lymph • Tetan/o – tetanus
• Lymphaden/o – lymph • Tonsill/o – tonsils
nodes • Top/o – particular place or
• Nod/o – knot area
• Ple/o - more • Vaccin/o - vaccine

• Axillary lymphadenitis -
• Lymphedema -
• Splenemphraxis -
• Lymphangiophlebitis -
• Prophylaxis -
• Septicemia -
• Tonsillitis -
• Lienomalacia -
• Nodular -

• Axillary – Inflammation of the lymph nodes
lymphadenitis in the armpits
• Lymphedema – Lymph swelling
• Splenemphraxis – Spleen obstruction
• Lymphangio- – Venous inflammation of the
phlebitis lymphatic vessels
• Prophylaxis – Prevention of a disease
• Septicemia – Immune response to a severe
blood infection
• Tonsillitis – Inflammation of the tonsils
• Lienomalacia – Softening of the spleen
• Nodular – Pertaining to knots
• Asthen/o - weakness
• Aux/o – growth, acceleration
• Erg/o – work
• Fasci/o –fascia, connective tissue
• Fibr/o – fiber, fibrous
• Flect/o, flex/o – bend
• Kinesi/o – movement
• Lei/o –smooth
• Ligament/o – ligament
• Muscul/o, my/o, myos/o – muscle

• Pale/o – old
• Pyg/o – buttock
• Rhabd/o - rod
• Rhabdomy/o - skeletal muscle
• Rot/o, Rotat/o – turn, rotate, revolve
• Sthen/o – strength
• Syndesm/o – ligament, connective tissue
• Ten/o, Tenont/o – tendon
• Therapeut/o – treatment
• Ton/o – tone, tension

• Ankyl/o – stiff, crooked, bent
• Arthr/o, Articul/o – joint
• Brachi/o – arm
• Burs/o – bursa
• Calcane/o – heel
• Carp/o – wrist
• Centr/o – center
• Cephal/o – head
• Cervic/o – cervix, neck of the uterus
• Cheir/o, Chir/o – hand
• Chondr/o - cartilage
• Cleid/o – clavicle
• Coccyg/o – coccyx, tailbone
• Cost/o – rib
• Cox/o – hip
• Crani/o – skull
• Cubit/o – elbow, forearm
• Dactyl/o – digit of finger/toe
• Dent/o – tooth, teeth
• Faci/o – face
• Femor/o – femur
• Fibul/o – fibula, small calf
• Geni/o – chin
• Gnath/o – jaw
• Gnos/o – knowledge
• Goni/o – angle
• Gyr/o – circle, spiral
• Humer/o – humerus, upper arm bone
• Ili/o – ilium, bone in pelvis
• Ischi/o – ischium, lower back hip bone
• Kyph/o – humpback
• Lamin/o – lamina, plate or layer
• Lip/o – fat
• Lord/o – curvature, bending
• Lox/o – oblique, slanting
• Lumb/o – lower back, loin
• Maxill/o – maxilla, upper jaw
• Mel/o – limb, limbs
• Om/o – shoulder
• Opisth/o – backward, behind
• Oste/o – bone
• Patell/o – patella, knee cap
• Ped/o, pod/o – foot
• Pelv/i – pelvis
• Perone/o – fibula, small calf bone
• Petr/o – stone
• Phalang/o – phalanges, finger/ toe
• Pub/o – pubis • Synov/o – synovia, joint fluid
• Rachi/o – spine membrane
• Sacr/o – sacrum, triangular • Tal/o – talus, bone connecting
bone @ bottom of spine & leg to foot
back of pelvic cavity • Tars/o – tarsus, foot bone,
• Scapul/o – scapula, shoulder edge of eyelid
blade • Tibi/o – tibia, large calf bone
• Scoli/o – crooked, twisted • Vertebr/o – vertebra
• Skelet/o – skeleton • Xiph/o – sword-shaped,
• Spin/o – spinal cord, spine xiphoid
• Spondyl/o – vertebrae, spinal
• Stern/o – sternum
‗ Bursitis a. Between ribs
h Hydrocephalus b. Pain in the buttocks
‗ Lipochondroma c. Cut into skull
j Intercostal d. Muscle weakness
‗ Myasthenia e. Inflammation of bursa
a Pygalgia f. Joint inflammation
‗ Arthritis g. Humpback/crooked spine
d Craniotomy h. Fluid in the head
‗ Kyphoscoliosis i. Cancer tumor in muscle
b Myocarcinoma j. Tumor of fat & cartilage

• Astr/o – star • Heli/o – sun
• Atel/o – incomplete, • Hydr/o – water, hydrogen
imperfect • Keraun/o – lightning
• Cerebell/o – cerebellum • Log/o – word, speech, thought
• Cerebr/o – cerebrum, brain • Mening/o – meninges,
• Drom/o – running membranes
• Encephal/o – brain • Ment/o – mind
• Esthesi/o – sensation, feeling • Myel/o – spinal cord, bone
• Gangli/o, Ganglion/o – a cyst marrow
on/around joint/tendon
• Gli/o – glue, neuroglia

• Narc/o – numbness, stupor  Psych/o – mind
• Neur/o – nerve  Psychr/o – cold

• Phaner/o – visible,  Radicul/o – nerve root

apparent  Rhiz/o – root
• Phob/o – fear, aversion
 Schiz/o – split, division
• Phren/o – mind, diaphragm
• Picr/o – bitter  Somn/i – sleep
• Pies/i – pressure  Syring/o – tube, fistula
• Pleg/o - paralyzed  Tax/o – coordination
• Poli/o – gray (matter)  Tel/o – end
• Por/o – opening,
 Tephr/o – gray (ashen)
 Thanat/o – death

 Thec/o –66sheath
1. Atelomyelia -
2. Cerebellospinal -
3. Encephalomalacia -
4. Esthesioneurosis -
5. Gliocyte -
6. Hypnotic -
7. Insomnia -
8. Meningocele -
9. Myelocele -
10. Neurotripsy -
11. Vagolysis -
1. Atelomyelia − Imperfect spinal cord
2. Cerebellospinal − Pertaining to cerebellum/spine
3. Encephalomalacia − Softening of the brain
4. Esthesioneurosis − Condition of nerve sensation
5. Gliocyte − Cell glue
6. Hypnotic − Pertaining to sleep
7. Insomnia − Condition of not sleeping
8. Meningocele − Membrane swelling/herniation
9. Myelocele − Spinal cord swelling/herniation
10. Neurotripsy − Nerve break down
11. Vagolysis − Vagus nerve destruction
• Amni/o – sac around the embryo
• Cervic/o –neck of the uterus, cervix
• Chor/i – chorion, two layers that surround the
embryo/amniotic sac and other membranes
• Colp/o, vagin/o – vagina
• Culd/o – cul-de-sac
• Embry/o – embryo, fetus
• Episi/o, vulv/o – vulva
• Fet/o – fetus
• Galact/o, lact/o – milk
• Gravid/o - pregnancy
• Gynec/o – woman
• Helc/o – ulcer
• Hymen/o – hymen, membrane that surrounds the vaginal
• Hyster/o, uter/o – uterus
• Lecith/o – yolk, ovum
• Mamm/o – mammary glands in breast
• Mast/o – breast
• Men/o – menses, menstruation
• Metr/o – uterus
• Nat/o – birth
• O/o, ov/i, ov/o – egg, ovum
• Obstetr/o – midwife

• Omphal/o – navel
• Oophor/o, ovari/o – ovary
• Perine/o – perineum, surface area between the pubic arch,
the tailbone, & the legs (male or female)
• Per/o – deformed, maimed
• Sacchar/o – sugar
• Salping/o – fallopian tubes
• Terat/o – monster, wonder
• Thel/o – nipple
• Toc/o – childbirth, labor
• Tub/o – tube
• Viv/i – life, alive
d‗. Amniocentesis a. hardening of the vulva
h‗. Cervicovaginitis b. milk discharge
j‗. Ovariocyesis c. study of new birth
d. to puncture/tap into the wall of the
a‗. Episiostenosis
uterus to draw out amniotic fluid
i‗. Hysterosalpingoophor-
e. menstrual cessation
f. seven pregnancies
b‗. Lactorrhea g. excessive menstrual flow
‗ Menopause
e. h. inflamed cervix and vagina
‗ Menorrhagia
g. i. removal of the uterus, fallopian
‗ Neonatology tubes, and ovaries
c‗. Septipara
j. pregnancy in an ovary
• Andr/o – male
• Balan/o – glans penis, tip of the
• Blenn/o - mucus
• Crypt/o – hidden, concealed
• Epididym/o – epididymis
• Genit/o – reproduction
• Gon/o – genitals, semen
• Gonad/o – gonads, primary
reproductive organs (testes-male,
• Inguin/o - groin
• Olig/o – scanty, few, little
• Orch/o, orchi/o, orchid/o – testis 73
• Osche/o – scrotum
• Phall/o – penis
• Phim/o – muzzle
• Prostat/o – prostate glands
• Semen/i - semen
• Sperm/o, spermat/o – sperm, spermatozoa
• Test/o, testicul/o – testis
• Vas/o – vas deferens, vessel
• Venere/o – sexual intercourse
• Vesicul/o – seminal vesicle, gland that produces 70% of
the fluid that becomes semen

• Balanoblennorrhea -
• Gonorrhea -
• Oligospermia -
• Orchidynia -
• Oscheoplasty -
• Phallemphraxis -
• Spermicide -
• Vasectomy -

1. Balanoblennorrhea 1. Mucus discharge from the glans
2. Gonorrhea penis
3. Oligospermia 2. Genital discharge
4. Orchidynia 3. Pertaining to low sperm
5. Oscheoplasty 4. Pain in the testis
6. Phallemphraxis 5. Scrotum corrective surgery
7. Spermicide 6. Penis obstruction
8. Vasectomy 7. Sperm killer
8. Removal of vas deferens

• Alveol/o – alveolus • Lept/o – slender, thin, delicate
• Aspir/o, aspirat/o – inhaling, • Lob/o – lobe
removal • Mediastin/o – mediastinum,
• Blenn/o – mucus central area of thoracic cavity
• Bronch/o – bronchus, airway • Nas/o – nose
• Bronchiol/o – bronchiole • Olfact/o, osm/o, osphresi/o –
• Capn/o – carbon dioxide sense of smell, odor, impulse
• Coni/o – dust • Ox/o – oxygen
• Epiglott/o – epiglottis • Pector/o – chest
• Lal/o – speech, babble • Phas/o – speech
• Lampr/o – clear
• Laryng/o – larynx

• Phon/o – voice, sound • Sept/o – partition
• Phren/o – diaphragm, mind • Silic/o – silica, quartz
• Pimel/o - fat, fatty • Sin/o, sinus/o – cavity, sinus
• Pleur/o – pleura • Span/o – scanty, scarce
• Pnea – breathing, breath • Spir/o – breath, breathing
• Pneum/o, pneumon/o – lung, • Steth/o – chest
air • Therm/o – heat
• Pulmon/o – lung • Thorac/o, thorax/o – chest
• Respir/o, respirat/o – breath, • Trache/o – trachea
• Rhin/o – nose

g‗. Apnea a) condition of excessive carbon dioxide
i‗. Alveolar atelectasis b) to puncture/tap to draw fluid from the
thoracic cavity
n‗. Bronchospasm
c) blood in the thoracic cavity
f‗. Epiglottitis d) trachea softening

l. Hemoptysis e) instrument to examine the larynx
Hemothorax f) inflammation of the epiglottis
‗ Hypercapnia g) without breathing
‗ Hypoxia h) instrument to examine/listen to chest
j‗. Laryngoscope i) incomplete expansion of alveoli
e‗. Pneumonitis j) low/deficient oxygen
k‗. Spirometry k) lung inflammation
m‗. Stethoscope l) spitting up blood
m) to measure breathing
h‗. Thoracentesis
n) airway contraction/twitching
b‗. Trachealmalacia
d. 80
• Albumin/o – albumin • Nephr/o – kidney
• Azot/o – nitrogen, urea • Py/o – pus
• Calci/o – calcium • Pyel/o – renal pelvis
• Cali/o – calyx • Ren/o – kidney
• Cupr/o - copper • Ur/o, urin/o – urine
• Cyst / o – bladder • Ureter/o – ureter
• Fusc/o – dark brown • Urethr/o – urethra
• Glomerul/o - glomerulus • Uric/o – uric acid
• Glyc/o, gluc/o – sugar • Vesic/o – urinary bladder
• Keton/o – ketones
• Lith/o – stone, calculus

• Cholecystectomy -
• Cystitis -
• Hematuria -
• Nephrolithectomy -
• Nephrology -
• Nephrosclerosis -
• Pyuria -
• Renogastric -
• Ureterostomy -
• Urethratresia -

1. Cystectomy − Removal of the bladder
2. Cystitis − Bladder/cyst inflammation
3. Hematuria − Pertaining to blood in the urine
4. Nephrolithectomy − Removal of kidney stones
5. Nephrology − The study of the kidneys
6. Nephrosclerosis − Hardening of the kidneys
7. Pyuria − Pus in the urine
8. Renogastric − Pertaining to the kidneys & stomach
9. Ureterostomy − Forming a new opening for the ureter
10. Urethratresia − Occlusion of the urethra

• Acous/o, acoust/o - hearing
• Audi/o, audit/o – hearing
• Aur/o - ear
• Aricul/o – ear
• Cochle/o – snail-shaped,
auditory portion of inner ear
• Myring/o - eardrum
• Ot/o – ear
• Son/o - sound
• Tympan/o - eardrum

I smell

• Nas/o – nose
• Olfact/o – smell
• Osm/o – smell
• Ophresi/o - smell
• Rhin/o - nose
• Haph/e – touch
• Pselaphes/o – touch
• Tact/o – touch
• Thigm/o - touch

• Gloss/o - tongue
• Gustat/o – taste
• Gust/o – taste
• Lingu/o - tongue
• Or/o – mouth
• Stomat/o – mouth

• Lacrim/o – tear/lacrimal duct
• Logad/o – whites of the eyes
• Blephar/o, palpebr/o –
• Ocul/o – eye
•  eyelid – eyebrow
• Conjunctiv/o
•Ophthalm/o – conjunctiva,
– eye
thin membrane that covers
• Opt/o – vision
the inside of the eyelid &
• outside
Phac/o, of eyeball
phak/o – lens
• •Retin/o
retina – pupil
• Scler/o – sclera
• Corne/o – cornea
• •Stigmat/o
Dacry/o –– point
• Uve/o – uvea
• Dipl/o – double
• Vitre/o - glassy
• Hygr/o – moisture
• Ir/o, irid/o
87 – iris
1. Acoustic
2. Myringosis
3. Otodynia
a)4.Pain in the ear
to the nose and pharynx
6. Osmosis
Rhinoplastyof smelling
8. Rhinohemorrhagia
d)9.Surgical repair/correction of the nose
e)10. Haphalgia to hearing
11. Thigmesthesia
f) Ear discharge
12. Glossoepiglottic
Glossodyniaof the eardrum m) Sensation of touch
14. Stomatopathy n) Fear of being touched
h)15.Painful touch
Blepharoptosis o) Double vision
16. Conjunctivitis p) Tongue pain
i) Pertaining to the tongue and epiglottis
17. Diplopia q) Softening of the lens of the eye
j) 18. eyelid
Opthalmologist r) Inflammation of the conjunctiva
19. Phacomalacia s) Disease of th8e9 mouth
k) Excessive blood flow from the nose
1. Acoustic
2. Myringosis
3. Otodynia
4. a) Pain in the ear
5. b)
Pertaining to the nose and pharynx
6. Osmosis
7. c) Condition of smelling
8. Rhinohemorrhagia
9. d) Surgical repair/correction of the nose
Pertaining to hearing
11. Thigmesthesia
f) Ear discharge
12. Glossoepiglottic
13.g) Condition of the eardrum
Glossodynia m) Sensation of touch
14. Stomatopathy n) Fear of being touched
15.h) Painful touch
Blepharoptosis o) Double vision
16. Conjunctivitis p) Tongue pain
i) Pertaining to the tongue and epiglottis
17. Diplopia q) Softening of the lens of the eye
Drooping eyelid
18.j)Opthalmologist r) Inflammation of the conjunctiva
19. Phacomalacia s) Disease of th9e0 mouth
k) Excessive blood flow from the nose
• Antispasmodic – drug agent that supresses involuntary
• Aphagia – difficulty or loss of the ability to swallow or eat
• Sumptomatology – the study of symptoms
• Perianal – pertaining to around the anus
• Thrombus – a solid mass formed in the heart or vessels (blood
• Lithotomy – incision to remove a stone
• Uremia – pertaining to urea in the blood
• Emphysema – a pathologic accumulation of air in tissues or
• Pyocele – collection of pus in a bodily cavity

• Pneumothorax – air in the chest / thorax
• Diplegia – paralysis of like parts on both sides of the
• Leukemia – progressive, malignant disease of the
blood forming organs, a type of cancer
• Multipara – a woman who has had two or more
• Autodiagnosis – self diagnosis
• Contraindication – any condition that renders a treatment as
improper or undesirable
• Transposition – displacement of a viscus to the opposite side
• Acute – having sudden severe symptoms, usually life-
• Angina – chest pain
• Cellular – pertaining to cells
• Deltoid – resembling a triangle, rotator cuff, muscle in shoulder

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