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American Literature

The effect of time, history, and the “isms”

By the end of this lesson I will be able to:

Classify the different genres of American Literature by

time and theme (2)

Distinguish between the different genres (4)

Compare and Contrast the what I know about the

genres, what I want to know, and what I leaned about
the genres (6)

Use the marking the text strategy to performing before,

during, and after reading annotations (4)

Evaluate each genres significance (6)

Journal Entry: What I know

KWL Chart Reinvented

Timeline of American Literature

Marking the text strategies (focus on basic mark the text

and pause to connect AVID strategies)

Article: Is the Puritan Movement Dead-Ended? by

Erroll Hulse

Article: Glance At Colonial And Revolutionary

Why American Literature?
You may have heard these following time periods mentioned at the beginning of the course:

The Foundations of America



Neoclassicism (Revolutionary Lit/Age of Reason)






What is it you know about these genres?

Classify the different genres of American Literature by time and

theme (2)
THE KWL Reinvented
and American Lit
Classify the different genres of American Literature by time and
theme (2)Distinguish between the different genres (4)Compare and
Contrast the what I know about the genres, what I want to know,
and what I leaned about the genres (6)
In the article “Is the Puritan Movement Dead-Ended?”
Erroll Hulse argues that the Puritan movement is not a
dead end, but rather an opening for theological and
moral exploration.

Using the “marking the text strategy” underline any

claims the author makes.

It is important to do this, as in the next article we will

use the strategy to “pause to connect the text”

Use the marking the text strategy to performing before, during, and
after reading annotations (4)Evaluate each genres significance (6)
Setting Purpose
In the article,“Glances At Colonial And Revolutionary
Literature” argues that the voice of the Revolution
featured men who spoke up for their time.

Using the pausing to connect the text strategy either 1)

relate the two articles to your life, 2)compare and
contrast two quotes and explain their significance and
relationship, 3)evaluate how each genre compares,
contrasts, and is viewed.

Use the marking the text strategy to performing before, during, and
after reading annotations (4)Evaluate each genres significance (6)
Inquiry Question

It’s time to go back to Inquiry questions!

You have no option! Only level 2 and 3 acceptable!

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