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Tata Tea

Tata Tea Ltd
•Tata Tea Limited, also known as Tata-
Tetley, is the world’s second largest
manufacturer and distributor of tea

•Set up in 1964 as a joint venture
with UK based James Finlay and Company

•The Tata Tea Group has now product
and brand presence in 40 countries

•In 1987, Tata Tea set up a fully owned
subsidiary, Tata Tea Inc.

•Tata Tea has been rated as the No.1

beverage brand in the country and has been
listed in Super brands

•The brand has also won numerous consumer
awards viz, AMGF Mera Brand award and the
Reader's digest platinum award to name a
Tata Tea Ltd

The international trade union IUF

criticized the company in 2009 for
not allowing statutory maternity
leave to pregnant tea pluckers ,
and for locking out 1 , 000
workers on the Nowera Nuddy
Tea Estate in West Bengal for so
long that the local government
began distributing food coupons for
emergency rations to workers and
their families .
Positioning of Tata Tea

Product Life Cycle Of Tata Tea Ltd


•Tata Tea is a category that has traditionally
grown market share

•It has already reached on maturity stage on its PLC

•This campaign can help Tata Tea brand maintain its
market leadership in the long run

•Create a mother brand positioning for Tata Tea

•To elevate its communication to the self-
actualization level and position itself as a
catalyst for social-awakening, through Jaago Re

A Cause Related Marketing Exercise ….

• Jaago Re! ad campaign, was started by Tata Tea as a Cause

Related Marketing initiative in September 2007.
• Through Jaago Re! campaign. As part of Jaago Re! Tata Tea is
spearheading many social issues and in the process was able to
build a social aura around the brand which should augur well for
the brand in the long run.

• Janaagraha is a not-for-profit organization that aims to
strengthen democracy in India by working for citizen
participation in urban local government.
• The campaign was a joint venture between Tata Tea and
• It was started by Swati and Ramesh Ramanathan in 2001
• A cco rd in g to R a m e sh R a m a n a th a n - C o - fo u n d e r o f
Ja n a a g ra h a sa id , “ In the alphabet of
democracy we cannot
move from the letter ‘ E ’ to ‘ F ’ – Elect and Forget, we
need to stay on the letter ‘E’ – Elect and Engage . But many
of us
• have not even worked our way up to ‘E’.”
How Did Jaago Re Start?
• Most importantly, it’s the youth of
which is running this campaign
• 10 member dedicated team from
that is running this campaign
“JAAGO RE” Campaign
• •
• •
• •

• The young boy Is

asking the Neta
(Leader) how well is
he qualified for the
post of the Neta to
run the country


• T h e a d h a s p rim a rily ta rg e te d th e In d ia n yo u th w h o
is e lig ib le to vo te , in tu rn to m a ke th e m
p ro sp e ctive cu sto m e rs

• T h e Ja a g o R e ca m p a ig n w a s d e vise d w ith a n a im to
e sta b lish a so cia la w a ke n in g a m o n g th e yo u th , to
m o tiva te th e m to vo te

T h e 1 st communication attempts
to m ig ra te te a fro m b e in g a
p h ysica la n d e m o tio n a lre vita lize r
to b e co m in g a ca ta lyst fo r 'so cia l
a w a ke n in g 'w ith th e m e ssa g e 'H a r
S u b a h S irf U th o M a t, Ja a g o R e . '
T h is e sta b lish e s th o u g h t
le a d e rsh ip fo r th e b ra n d th e re b y
re in fo rcin g its m a rke t le a d e rsh ip .
O b je ctiv e s o f th e ca m p a ig n

• The campaign has aimed to

clearly establish thought
leadership for the brand to go
along with its market
• Charting a course to be India’s
foremost tea based beverage
company, they have directed
their key mission towards
achieving an image through
“self empowerment” and

• To ensure maximum number of voter registrations by making

the process easier.

• To create a platform that will motivate the Indian youth to

participate actively in the electoral process of the country.

• Tata believes its youth oriented market and operational focus

will emotively connect with issues that drive the Heart Mind
and Soul of Indians emerging social consciousness
About The Campaign
• T h is ca m p a ig n re vo lve s a ro u n d th e ir w e b site
w w w . ja a g o re . co m w h ich fa cilitie s th e p ro ce ss o f vo te r
re g istra tio n b y e n a b lin g vo te r re g istra tio n o n lin e fo r th e
first tim e in th e co u n try.
• T h e w e b site cla im s to b e a 'o n e - sto p - so lu tio n to a ll y o u r
v o tin g n e e d s'.
• N o ce le b rity , n o cro re s o f lo ca tio n , n o th in g fla sh y a b o u t th is
co m m e rcia l ye t it h a s a w a y o f sa yin g it. T h e to m o rro w
o f o u r co u n try d e p e n d s o n o u r to d a y . A n d th e
fa ste r w e w a k e u p th e b e tte r it w o u ld b e ! ! !
• T h e ca m p a ig n is n o t o n ly a ca ll to a ctio n b u t a p la tfo rm
w h ich p ro vid e s a n y p o te n tia l vo te r a ll th e in fo rm a tio n
a n d fa cilita tio n h e o r sh e n e e d s to b e co m e p a rt o f th e
“Aap sote rahoge to Desh kaise jaagega?”
‘Har subah sirf utho mat, jaagore’
• Tata Tea has used a number of interesting ads to engage the
Indian youth into the Jaago Re Jaago Re main ad

• Jaago Re Use Your Finger! Use it to Vote!

• Jaago Re Bindass TV Ungali Utha Vote Kar

• Jaago Re Disney ‘If I Were a Prime Minister’

• Jaago Re Channel V VJ Juhi ‘Vote ya Vaat’

• Jaago Re also has an active social media presence with more

than 15,000 members on Facebook and almost 13,000
members on Orkut

Strategy Adopted
• Firstly: to create visibility about the
campaign itself through a media
event, was roped in to visit
various colleges cross the country.

• Secondly: Through the launch of

the Shut up and Vote tour by the
band ‘Thermal and a Quarter’
through a press conference in
. Jaago Re! Voter
• Over 600,000 people from allover and from
Mumbai – 1,77,998 registered to vote at, a unique, non-profit initiative
• Working on making online registration easier.
• Registration through mobiles too

• Janaagraha and Tata Tea initiated the “ Shut up and Vote
Tour ” campaign across the country as part of their ongoing
Jaago Re ! One Billion Votes campaign .
• The campaign aimed at leveraging the platform of music to
encourage the youth to vote.
• The unique campaign witnessed rock shows by a pioneering
Indian Rock Band – Thermal and a Quarter across 5
major cities viz Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Delhi and
Mumbai during the last week of March.
• A music video under the same name ‘ Shut Up and Vote ’
was also developed by the Bangalore based Rock Band,
Thermal and a Quarter. The video aims at highlighting
the importance of
• participation of youth in the
• electoral process in a language
• that youth understand and
• associate with Music!

• Tata Tea has been giving talented children a chance to realize
their greatest sports dream.
• Two years ago, Tata Tea Soccer Stars, a nationwide school football
tournament initiated by Tata Tea, identified 16 young sportsmen
from across the country, and sent them to train with the
legendary youth coaches of one of football’s biggest clubs,
London’s Arsenal FC, for a period of two weeks.
• The sixteen finalists then proceeded to create history at the
Royal Hallway Stadium in London by winning the Plate Cup at the
18th Arsenal International Soccer Festival, and became the
first ever Indian team to win the cup.
• Thus, Tata Tea helped awaken people to the young sports talent
within our country in a neglected sport like football.

Strategy Adopted
• First: to create visibility about the
campaign itself through a media
event, Rakesh Omprakash Mehra
was roped in to visit various colleges
cross the country.

• Secondly: Through the launch of the

Shut up and Vote tour by the band
‘Thermal and a Quarter’ through a
press conference in Bangalore.
Tata Tea Jaago Re Anti-Corruption
• Tata Tea embarked on its anti-corruption drive, beginning with its
‘Aaj se khilana bandh, pilana shuru’ campaign.
• It now has kick started the second phase of this campaign, which
comprises an integrated communication approach.
• Tata Tea had undertaken a media roadblock with Star TV Network
on December 9, the International Anti-Corruption Day. There
was a day-long media blitzkrieg on all the 14 Star Network
channels with a total of 1,000-plus spots aired on that day.

• Mahatma Gandhi was of the view: Be the change you wish to
see in the world . Tata Tea seems to have taken that up
quite seriously.
• The Jaago Re campaign revolving around the issue of
corruption has the tagline, 'Ab Se Khilana Bandh ,
Pilana Shuru' .
• The television commercial is a montage of real-life situations
of bribes been given and taken. In the end, the youth give
the message to stop doing so.
• With the corruption campaign, Tata Tea puts forth the message
to start with oneself - begin with yourself and stop giving
and taking bribes.
• Tata Tea plans to measure the success of the campaign through a
corruption index, which would be a quarterly figure
released by the company, on the number of people giving

• Tata Tea has also launched a revamped
Jaagorewebsite. The site had two
sections Jaago and Jagaao, where the
former will provide information and the
latter is the direct engagement section,
where individuals and NGOs can post
information on their projects
• Tata Tea had been urging citizens to take a
pledge to stop giving bribes. It claims to
had collected over 3.1 lakh pledges
through various routes – the Internet,
mobile, retail and even schools

Activities Taken Up During The
• In continuation with the campaign
objective of awakening citizens to
become the change they want to
see, it had launched the Tata Tea
Jaago Re Vrath Yatra – a 38-day bus
journey across the country to
connect with the youth and urge
them to pledge against corruption.
• Fever 104 FM and Radio Mirchi 98.3
FM had been roped in as partners
to increase the reach of Tata Tea’s
campaign and provide touch points
Best part about the campaign
• Social initiative to motivate the vast majority
of the Indian youth to actively participate
in the electoral process of the country,
thereby empowering them to make a wise
decision and be responsible

• Perfect blend of Caused Based Marketing and

Corporate Social Responsibility

• As integrated the social campaign effectively

with the main advertising by riding on the
popularity of the digital media, thereby
creating the site JAAGO RE as an idea
exchange platform
Return On Ideas
• Campaign recognition was 86.3%, as
against the benchmark of 63. 4%
• Brand association jumped to 98.8%, as
against the benchmark of  39.5%
• Jaago Re has consistently won at the
Effie Awards
• In 2009, the campaign was awarded the
Gold Effie, Consumer Products and
the Bronze Effie, Integrated Marketing
• In 2008, it was awarded the Silver Effie,
Consumer Products and the Bronze
Effie, Integrated Marketing
• The earlier campaign in 2008, which
focused on urging youth to vote,
boosted their sales significantly and
helped Tata Tea to get an annual
turnover of Rs 4,800 crore.
• The company says these campaigns are
not for a particular brand but for Tata
Tea as a whole, and that the
investment in this campaign is much
higher than the previous one.
• Tata Tea has a 21 per cent market share
in terms of volumes. It said it promoted, had more than 28 lakh

• Thank you

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