ScientificMethod Day 2 - Observation, Problem and Hypothesis

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Scientific Method

6 steps to know and understand

2/20/2020 1
Scientific Method

1. Make an Observation
This is usually the first step in doing
scientific investigation
What have you seen recently in
the world around you that raised a
question in your mind?
Scientific Method

Observation- the use of senses to

study something. Scientists may
also use tools such as a microscope
or a scale.
Scientific Method
2. Recognize the research problem
Once you've made your observations, you
must formulate a question. You must narrow
the observations down to one research
problem. Your question should tell what it is
that you are trying to discover or accomplish
in your experiment.
Scientific Method
A problem statement:
1. Is stated as a question.
2. Should be specific as possible.
3. Can be open ended.
4. Must look back to previous researches.
5. should be which or how will the Independent
variable affect the dependent variable​ .
Scientific Method
a. How will the height of the ramp affect the
distance the car will travel?
b. Which amount of salt dissolved in water will
freeze in the shortest period of time?
c. How will the number of worms effect the
growth of 3 plants in one week with the same
amount of sunlight and water.
d. what type of paper works better as a parachute
Scientific Method
3. Form a hypothesis
• A hypothesis is an educated guess to
explain the phenomena occurring based on
prior observations. It answers the question
posed in the previous step. Hypotheses can
be specific or more general depending on
the question being asked, but all hypotheses
must be testable by gathering evidence that
can be measured.
Scientific Method
• Based on knowledge obtained while
formulating the question
• Can be specific or broad
• Null hypothesis
• Alternative hypothesis
Scientific Method
a. I think the car on the 8 cm high ramp will travel
the farthest distance from the end of the ramp.
b. I think the ice cube with least amount of salt (1
tsp.) will freeze in the shortest period of time.
c. I believe that the cup with the least amount of
worms will grow the tallest in a week's time.
d. My hypothesis is notebook paper will hit the
ground last.
Scientific Method
Scientists use the scientific method in their research,
but it is also used by people who aren’t scientists in
everyday life. Even if you were not consciously
aware of it, you have used the scientific method
many times when solving problems around you. For
example, say you are at home and a light bulb goes
out. Noticing that the light bulb is out is an
observation. You would then naturally question,
“Why is the light bulb out?” and come up with
possible guesses, or hypotheses. For example, you
may hypothesize that the bulb has burned out.

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