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Respiration System

Respiration is a process starting from

taking oxygen, expenditure, of
carbohydrates to the use of energy in the
body. Human inside breathe breathing
oxygen in free air and dumping carbon
dioxide into environment (Majumder, n.
Effusion Pleura

Effusion pleura is liquid abnormal accumulation

deep resulting pleura cavity of excessive liquid
production or decreased absorption (Rubins, 2012)

1. . Changing permeability of pleura's membrane (e.g., inflammation,

ferocity, emboli paru)
2. onkotik intravaskular's pressure decrease (e.g., hipoalbuminemia,
3. Capillary permeability step-up or invasive vascular (e.g., trauma,
ferocity, about ambush, infection, lung infarction, hipersensitivitas's
doctor, uremia, pankreatitis).
4. hidrostatik's pressure step-up capillary in circulation sistemik and /
or lung (e.g., kongestif's cardiac baffled, vena kava's syndrome head
and shoulders above).
5. Pressure cut back in pleura's cavity, preventing paru's expansion
heaving full (e.g., atelektasis that extensive, mesothelioma)
6. limfatik's drainage decrease or gagging, including duct obstruction
thorax or break (e.g., ferocity, trauma)
7. peritoneal's liquid step-up, with migration gets through diaphragm
via lymphatik or at a fault structural (e.g., cirrhosis, peritoneal's
dialysis) (Rubins, 2012)

 Sick chest because marks sense pleura's inflammation at in area;

don't always exist
 Difficulty breathes (dyspnea) since its magnified dwindling chest
at area
 Descent of exhalation voice on aulcustation at area because
marks sense liquid
 Dull while is knocked at area that strikes since mark sense liquid
 Fever because infection on empyema
 Heartbeat and respirasi increases; downwards blood pressure
because blood loss on hemothorax
 Saturation is oxygen contemns on oksimeter beat. (KMB
DeMYSTieD's book)
Physical examination

a. General condition: The patient looks short of breath

b. Level of consciousness: Composmentis
c. TTV
1) RR: Takhipneu (≥ 24 x / minute)
2) N: Takhikardia (≥ 100 x / minute)
3) S: If there is an infection can be hyperthermia
(body temperature can reach ≥ 38 ºC)
4) BP: Hypotension (systole ≤ 120 mmHg and diastole
≤ 80 mmHg)
d. Head: Mesochepal
e. Hair: Not clean enough
f. Eyes: Conjunctiva anemic
g. Nose: Shortness of breath, nostrils
h. Mouth :dry mouth mucosa, poor dental hygiena
i. Chest : reduced bretahing movements
j. Pulmo (lungs)
Inspection: Visible symmetrical chest expansion, shortness of breath, visible use of
breath-assisting muscles
Palpation: Vocal Fremitus decreases
Percussion: deaf, dim
Auscultation: Breath sounds disappear or are not heard over the affected part
k. Heart
Inspection: Symmetrical, Ictus cordis not visible
Palpation: Ictus is palpated in intercostal V2
Percussion: Configuring the heart with normal, faint sounds
Auscultation: Heart sounds with pure I-II
l. Abdomen
Inspection: Look flat
Palpation: The presence of tenderness
Auscultation: Normal bowel sounds (5-35x / minute)
Percussion: Tympani sound
m. Skin: Moist, decreased skin turgor
n. Upper and lower extremities
Having weaknesses to do activities (malaise) (Arif, 2010)

Pneumonia is about ambush lungs usually because of bacteria
infection (stafilokokus, pneumokokus, or streptokokus)

pneumonia can because of various microorganism kind which is
bacteria, virus, xylariaceae, and protozoa. (Jeremy, 2007).

1. Typically been started by onset trembles, evoked fever presto

(39,5 ºC until 40,5 ºC).
2. Chest ache that pricked by one triggered by breathes and cough.
3. Takipnea (25 – 45 times / minutes) espoused by mendengur's
exhalation, nose lobe exhalation
4. Fast artery and articulate
5. sianosis's lip and nail
6. Breathing congested
Physical examination

Symptoms of peneumonia that are not typical are often found in children under 5
years, but in general pneumonia for the assessment of general conditions is the
frequency of breathing, pulse, awareness and eating ability (IDAI, 2016).

Findings of physical examination of the chest depend on the extent of the lesion in the
lung. On inspection, it can be seen that the affected part is left behind when
breathing, the palpation of fremitus can harden, in a foul chair, on auscultation,
bronchovesicular to bronchial breath sounds that may be accompanied by a soft
wet cracker, which then becomes a rough wet cracker at the resolution stage
(PDPI, 2015).

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