Functional English & Literature

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֎ Sumiya Ibraheem
֎ Zainab Mazher
֎ Areej Mustafa
֎ Abida Rasheed
֎ Zunaira Sadia
֎ Mohammad Kawish
Literature and its Function By:Sumiya
Definition of Literature:
“literature always anticipates life. It does not copy it, but moulds it to its purpose.”(Oscar Wilde)
“literature is news that says news.”
(Ezra Pound)
Literature basically two functions to teach and delight.
To teach means we get some sort of information form any piece of literature from any piece of
literature regrading different aspects of life.
To delight means we get pleasure and entertainment.
For example, poetry gives us pleasure besides these two primary function. Literature also
performs three subsidiary functions.
_”propaganda” release and escape

Propaganda literature, we can distinguish from the very word propaganda that in which there
is nothing creative the writer simply concerns to popularize facts, ideas and emotions with
which he is familiar.
But propaganda that is literature is a creative influence irradiating and transforming the writer’s
experience. The idea to be propagated is still alive and growing in his mind.
It is this living and growing idea which the artist communicates to his reader and thereby
transforms his whole attitude to life . He can do so by the direct method of exposition and
exhortation, as Ruskin did or the indirect method of like dickens’.

Release literature is that in which the dominant motive of the writer is simply the
assuagement of starved needs the release of pent-up forces in the personality.
Romances, detective stories, thrillers, poems etc.
Which are written with such originality of perception and expression that they have a
quickening effect on the reader, belong to this category.
Literature of the higher sort which is dominated by ‘release’ many be wholesome for the
writer and the reader as it effects purgation or purification.
Literature also provides ‘escape’ from the grime

Realities of life, and many people read to escape boredom, The higher type of
literature helps the reader to escape from trivial reality into significance reality.
To sum up, the primary function of literature are and highlight his awareness of life.
The subsidizing function are ‘propaganda, ‘release ‘ and ‘escape’; But they are
subordinated to the primary creative functions of literature.
Definition of Moral: by:Zainab
The word ‘Moral’ evolve form the Latin word ‘Marsalis’, moral means a message
conveyed by a story, or a poem or event
It is not compulsory that the author or the poet has clearly mentioned it. It can be left
for the admired of Readers to conclude. However sometimes moral is mentioned in the
form a maxim.
i) Morals like “Be friends with whom you do not like “ Don’t judge people by the way
they look” and “ slow and steady wins the race” are commonly lessons fond behind
various stories
ii) These are the concluding lines taken from
Aesop’s the fox and the Grapes, that the fox shows its offense offer grapes, which it
had effort again to grasp. That story by Aesop figure out general habit of the people
who cannot accept their defeat instead they give blame to others
Moral Function:
Literature convey Moral function to its readers the Morals comprise in a literacy text.
Either good or bad are absolute by the person who reads it their helps in building their
According to E.M Foster:
“Every good story has a every bad story is a moral, it necessary to deduce the moral.”

This is become basically the aim of literature to make the world a great
and superior place, which is impossible without teaching moral.
7 by:Areej

Entertainment is known as “pleasure reading”. In this function literature is used to
entertain and give pleasure to the reader and to heighten his awareness of certain
aspect of life literary works are consumed for the sake of one’s enjoyment
How can Literature entertain:
Literature can entertain by telling you different stories in which you can take part as a
reader by reading you find out about different to your own lives as well as events and
people .
Literature are rothers books on that interest you take you on a journey. So, you travel
in time and space without ever living your home Literature entertain you by bringing
to your attention people and situation that otherwise you would have never
experience in real life.
More academic understanding literature forms on work such as novels, essay, short
stories and dramas.
Novel is long fictional narrative story which is based human experience and reflect
the society by the characters.
Short Stories:
A short story is a piece of prove fiction that typically can be read in one sitting and
focuses on self contained incident on series of linked incident.

As essay is a short piece of writing that describe, clarify, argue or analyze a particular
The collection of dialogues and action which are performed by the character on the

Culture can be define as “ culture is the beliefs, behaviors and other characteristics,
shared by groups of people some objects or things also to be consider as the symbol
of culture as Christmas Tree can be consider as the symbol of Christmas .
Literature defined whole culture and creates effect of the people’s way of living for
either to read, hear and learn. Literature in the sense of written works of creative fiction
is a fully recent evolution in term of human culture development is only about 5,000
years ago.
Many human culture does not exist in written forms
Literature shows how society works around them
There are four forms/types of culture:
 Material
 Non Material
9  Ideal
 Real
Culture consist of shared values, beliefs, skills and practices that support behavior by
members of a society at a specific people have to express their point of view on things
and events that happens around them culture is the best way to express our feelings.
Different nations have different cultures.
Language is a method or tools convey your feelings, emotions, thought
and ideas. Defining function:
The word function is often used in different senses in the
literature of linguistic.
In sociology studies of language, function is often used to refer to the
role language plays in society.
The ethnography , scholars use function to refer to the specific use of
10 In systemic functional linguistic , function of language are highly
generalized categories of meaning which simultaneously underlie an utterances.
Language function processing:
Language function is processed socially when individuals make use
of their tongue an for interaction.
Biologically much of the language function is processed in several
association areas ,and there are two well identity areas that are considered vital
for human communication.
11 1. Womack area
2. Brocq area
Function of language are divided into two categories:
Micro functions Which refer to specific individual uses .
Macro functions which serve more overall aims.
1. Physiological function:
( releasing physical and nervous energy)
Words of happiness anger curse words etc. Are used to serve this purpose . As they
rarely convey any meaning and are only to make the speaker feel batter.
e.g.: fans of sport.
2. Phatic function: (for so ability)
 The phatic use of language is characteristic mainly of speech.
 However, in certain types of writing it can also be noticed ,are in litters
For example: Where the beginning Dear Sir/ Madam ending your faithfully also
serve purpose.
3) Recording function:
Recording function denotes using language to make a durable record of things that to
be remembered
4) Identifying function:
Language is used to also to identify the objects and events to the word we live in.
We use names to classify different types of things whether well call a automobile, a van ,or
a truck makes a big difference.
5) Reasoning function: ( Instrument of though)
Before we say something we think and to do that we necessary use language.
6) Communication function:
This function world probably be pointed at by most language users without major
consideration . Requesting apologizing , informing ,ordering as well as promising and
refusing are all reasons for communication Our ideas.
7) Pleasure function:
Language often gives pleasure both to the speakers and listeners.
Depending on the sounds of languages some are perceived as being mild as

1) Ideational function:
Ideational function refers to the conceptualizing process involved in our mental activities.

2) Interpersonal function:
Interpersonal function emphasizes that language is mainly a social phenomenon.
It enables to project to speaker in the desired way and to represent the speaker.

3) Poetics function:
. The ability to manipulate language in a creative way.
. With the use of jokes and metaphors we can play with whole and meanings simply for

4 ) Textual function:
Textual competence refers to our ability to create long utterances or pieces of writing which are both cohesive an

I am Kawish. Its honor and pleasure for me that I present the topic in front my splendid teacher
and trust worthy fellow. So, today my topic discussion is educational function first of all I discuss
my group topic that is literature.

Literature is a term used to describe written and sometimes spoken material derived from the
Latin word literature meaning “writing with letters”.
Literature most commonly refers to works of the creative imagination, including poetry drama ,
fiction, nonfiction and in some instances, journalism and song.

So, now I discuss the topic that is



Education is and aspect of socialization which involves the acquisitions of

knowledge and learning of skills.
Education is said to be an integral function of society as it provides a
contributory characteristic which helps to maintain and adapt society and its

There are many functions of education few of them are given below,
Transmission of culture:
Education instill and transmit the social norms value and beliefs into the next generation
Teacher himself or herself have been through the similar phase of learning after learning
the social norms, teachers forward it to the next generation.
Social Integration:
Educational unify the individual in society and create the sense of solidarity among them.
It helps the individuals and groups to cooperate with one another.
Career Selection:
Education helps individual to think about their career which they want to pursue in future. It
prepare them for future endeavors.
Techniques of Learning skills:
Education teaches an individual various techniques of learning professional skills.

 Socialization
Human beings are social animals, in order to learn social skill and social
norms of society one have to socialize. It helps us to groom our personality traits .
 Rational Thinking:
Education helps us to think rationally and conclude any event, situation and issue
with reasonable explanation.
 Adjustment in Society:
Education groom the personality of individual which help him adjust in any
 Patriotism:
Love for nation and country are instill in people from very young age through
educational institution.

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