Cement Industry Environmental Consortium: Carbon Capture and Reuse Project

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Cement Industry Environmental Consortium

Carbon Capture and Reuse Project

Cement Industry Environmental Consortium

 The CIEC is a non-profit corporation organized in

 Members include cement companies, air districts,
and utilities
 Mission Statement is to:
a. undertake research relating to environmental
issues affecting the cement manufacture and
supporting industries;
b. implement those developed technologies
CIEC Research &
 Biosolids
 NOx Reduction

 Alternate Materials

 Recorded values below 2 lbs NOX per ton of clinker

 Cement Kiln Dust Utilization by Kiln

 Reuse

 Alternate product development

 Reduction in generation rates

CIEC Research &
 Alternate Materials
 Mining waste

 Potliner waste

 Cyanide waste

 Fly ash

 Slag

 Tires
 An alternative fuel

 For NOx reduction

Cement Industry Environmental Consortium

California Cement and CO2

 California largest producer of cement in US

 California largest importer of cement in US
 Most cement companies foreign owned
 Average plant produces 1 million tons
cement/yr (11plants producing 13 M tons)
 Each ton of cement produces 1 ton CO 2

 40% CO2 from fuel 60% from chemistry

CO2 Emissions from Cement
 Cement consumption projected to grow, so CO2
output will grow
 No concrete without Portland Cement

 Approximately 15% cement in concrete

 Plants need to be located at mineral sources

 Today California’s cement demand is very high,

creating unprecedented delays in construction
Cement Industry Environmental Consortium

Carbon Capture and Reuse Project

 Potential project identified in 2001
 Initial evaluation by Technology Committee
indicated possible reuse applications for
recovered CO2 – Oil fields and fertilizers
 Current amine recovery systems determined to
too small with recovery too costly plus capital
on order of 100 million dollars
Cement Industry Environmental Consortium
 ABB Picture of Oklahoma 200 ton/day CO2
extraction plant
 From “Learning Our Way To Zero Emissions
Technologies Zero Emissions Technologies”
Edward S. Rubin
Department of Engineering and Public Policy
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

IEA Zero Emissions Technologies Strategies Workshop

Washington, DC, March 19, 2002
Cement Industry Environmental Consortium

Carbon Capture and Reuse Project

 Potential for concurrent reduction of
conventional pollutants if CO2 recovered
 The CIEC received a $70,000 grant by the
MDAQMD to undertake an initial
solicitation, review of received proposals,
and to develop additional funding sources
Cement Industry Environmental Consortium
Carbon Capture and Reuse Project

 CIEC members made a presentation to the ARB,

with CEC staff present, soliciting funding
 CIEC has attempted to identify funding sources
from DOE (grants)
 DOE has directed us to the Regional Partnerships
 CIEC not opposed to request congressional
Cement Industry Environmental Consortium
Carbon Capture and Reuse Project

 The CIEC CO2 project differs from that of the

Portland Cement Association
Capture and reuse vs. fuel economy and admixtures

 Very promising line of inquiry that doesn’t seem

to fit available R&D funding “boxes”. A square
peg in a world of round holes

 We are still looking for funding!

Cement Industry Environmental Consortium

Carbon Capture and Reuse Project

 Response to the solicitation
37 specific projects received
25 proposal teams
7 proposals selected for interviews
2 recovery technologies selected
2 awards made for theory validation
Temperature Swing Adsorption
Enzymatic Recovery
Cement Industry Environmental Consortium

Carbon Capture and Reuse Project

 Generic Types of Responses

Waste heat conversion to electric power
Reduce emissions via plant audits
Treatments for flue gas
Change fuel or cement chemistry
Conversion of CO2 to salable products
Cement Industry Environmental Consortium

Carbon Capture and Reuse Project

 Temperature Swing Adsorption
Adsorption Research Inc.
Kent Knaebel - Contact
 Adsorbent used to capture CO2
 Temperature change releases CO 2
 Cost of recovery estimated at < $10/ton
Cement Industry Environmental Consortium

Carbon Capture and Reuse Project

 Temperature Swing Adsorption
 Regenerating adsorbent
 Inlet temperature ± 200° C
 Exit temperature ± 40 ° C
 Moisture in exhaust may be an issue
 CO2 recovery 90% +
Cement Industry Environmental Consortium
Cement Industry Environmental Consortium
Cement Industry Environmental Consortium

 Carbozyme Inc.
Mike Trachtenberg - Contact
 Enzyme both captures and releases CO2
 Modular units for project sizing and
 Cost of recovery estimated at $15/ton
 CO2 concentration less an issue
Cement Industry Environmental Consortium

Carbon Capture and Reuse Project

 Enzymatic Recovery
 Enzyme temperature limited (40 –50 ° C)
with potential of 85 ° C.
 Life cycle of membrane/enzyme affected by
NOx and SOx in system
Cement Industry Environmental Consortium

Scrubbed Air


Sweep Separator

Feed Carbon Dioxide

from Carbozyme
Blower Reactor Water
CO2 Separator
Cement Industry Environmental Consortium

N2 + CO 2 + H 2O +
O 2 + NOx + SOx + N2 + CO 2 + H 2O +
CO + HC + Heavy Bag O 2 + NOx + SOx + FEED GAS
Metals + House CO + HC + Heavy
Particulates Metals

CO 2 Heat SOx / NOx

Removal Carbozyme Exchanger CO 2 Removal
EBCLM Treatment +
+ Bicarbonate
+ SOx, NOx,
N2 + O 2 + H 2O CO 2 H2O Heavy Metal

CO 2 Ammonia Bicarbonate /
Uses EOR / EGR / Pipeline Supply Carbonate
CBM Formation

Merchant Fertilizer Carbozyme
Gas Formation Activation
Cement Industry Environmental Consortium

Carbon Capture and Reuse Project

 CIEC member plants available for
commercial demonstration
 Location of demonstration based on reuse
option and volumes CO2 to be recovered
 Target project size of 5 tons/day of CO 2
Cement Industry Environmental Consortium

Carbon Capture and Reuse Project

 Status of theoretical validation contracts

 ADI currently testing bench scale unit

using a modeled air stream at operating

 Carbozyme doing enzyme degradation

tests with modeled flue gas

Cement Industry Environmental Consortium

Carbon Capture and Reuse Project

 Completion of Validation testing

completed by November 15, 2004
Cement Industry Environmental Consortium

Carbon Capture and Reuse Project

 Continuing to look at CO2 reuse
 Starting evaluation of liquefying and/or
compressing CO2
 Lobbying for PUC changes in
recovered heat systems
Cement Industry Environmental Consortium

Carbon Capture and Reuse Project

 We are still looking for funding!!


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