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Orange: Data Mining

What´s Orange?
It is an open source tool for data analysis and visualization where data mining is done through
visual programming or Python code. It can be used through a nice and intuitive user interface or,
for more advanced users, as a module for the Python programming language.
Why Orange?
Interactive Data Visualization Visual Programing

Add-ons Extend Functionality Orange in the cloud

Visual Programing
Graphic user interface allows you to focus on exploratory data analysis instead of coding. Place
widgets on the canvas, connect them, load your datasets and harvest the insight!
Interactive and data visualization:
Perform simple data analysis with clever data visualization. Explore statistical distributions, box
plots and scatter plots, and others.
Add-ons Extend Functionality
Use various add-ons available within Orange to mine data from external data sources, perform
natural language processing and text mining, conduct network analysis, infer frequent itemset
and do association rules mining. Additionally, bioinformaticians and molecular biologists can use
Orange to rank genes by their differential expression and perform enrichment analysis.
Orange in the cloud
Use Orange remotely by running it on a remote server as a docker container.
Workflows in Orange
Orange workflows consist of components that read, process and visualize data “Widgets”, this
Widgets communicate by sending information along with a communication channel. An output
from one widget is used as input to another.
❖ Interactive Data Visualization
❖ Data Processing
❖ Test and Evaluation
❖ Data modeling and Prediction
❖ Image Analytics
❖ Phyton

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