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Our Title today is…

Give Maximum Time

to Your Purpose
I. What is Purpose?
Purpose can be defined as the
original intent in the mind of God
that prompted Him to create you.
II. What is Time?
Time can be defined as
“a temporary interruption in eternity”.
III. Why do you need to give time
to your purpose?
• Because time is always given for
the completion of purpose.
“Niluwalhati kita sa lupa,
sa pagtatapos ko ng gawaing ibinigay mo sa akin. ”
(Jn. 17:4)
• Because time that is not used for
its intended purpose is wasted
and lost.
v15 Kaya't maging maingat kayo sa
inyong paglakad, hindi gaya ng mga
mangmang, kundi gaya ng marurunong,
v16 na sinasamantala ang panahon,
sapagkat ang mga araw ay masasama.
v17 Kaya't huwag kayong maging mga
hangal, kundi unawain ninyo kung ano
ang kalooban ng Panginoon.
(Eph. 5:15-17)
IV. How can you give maximum time
to your purpose?
1. By prioritizing your purpose.

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and
all these things shall be added to you.” Mat.6:33
2. By focusing on your purpose.

Jesus answered, "I was sent only

to the lost sheep of Israel." Mt. 15:24
3. By delegating to others the works
outside of your purpose.

“…They agreed that we should go to the

Gentiles, and they to the Jews.” Gal. 2:9b
…to fulfill your purpose!
“Life without PURPOSE is
TIME without meaning.”

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