LET Review Prof ED

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Click on the letter that

corresponds to your answer
for each question, when ( )
appeared it is CORRECT & if
( ) it is WRONG.
1.) An integrated theoretical framework that
defines the different dimensions of effective
A. NCBTS C. K – 12 Program

B. UBD D. R.A. # 4670

2.) Refers to a socio- educational institution

established by competent individuals appointed by
the state.
A. school C. family

B. church D. government
3.) It is a regular procedure or a normal practice
that is to be followed in classroom setting.
A. Organizational Plan C. Routine

B. Scheduling D. Discipline
4.) Which provides a classroom management that conducive
to learning.
I. Appropriate Time Scheduling
II. Disorderly Placement of Furniture & Instructional
III. A clean & well – lighted area, comfortable seating
IV. Records of Performance are just kept
A. I & II C. I & IV

B. I & III D. I, III, & IV

5.) Refers to those persons or groups of persons as
such or associated in institutions involved in
organized teaching and learning system.
A. Consortium C. Community Linkages

B. PTA D. Educational Community

6.) According to Conrado De Quiros who are the Global Teacher?

I. Being world-class means going internationally & showing our
best out there.
II. Being world-class is passion & commitment to our profession
III. Being world-class is giving our best to teaching
IV. Being world-class doesn’t starts right inside the classroon
A. II & III C. I, II, & IV

B. I & III D. I, III, & IV

7.) Enhanced Educational Act Of 2013 is known as:

A. NCBTS C. K – 12 Program

B. UBD D. Code Of Ethics

8.) Refers to the hierarchically structures &

chronologically graded learning organized and
provided ny the formal school system & for which
certification is required in order for the learner to
progress through the grades or move higher levels
A. Secondary Education C. Elementary Education

B. Informal Education D. Formal Education

9.) Teacher Exchange Program that promote mutual
understanding between the United States & countries around
the world. It involves a year/semester, direct exchange w/ a
counterpart in another country teaching the same subject at
the same level.
A. Canadian Educators C. Fulbright Teacher
Exchange Exchange
B. Visiting International D. Inter-African
Faculty Program Teacher Exchange

10.) A type of education which can be acquired

anytime and anywhere, it is otherwise known as
the education of for all seasons.
A. Secondary Education C. Elementary Education

B. Informal Education D. Formal Education

1.) A schema or a set of beliefs about a certain
group of people
A. Stereotype C. Gender Equality

B. Gender D. Gender Inequality

2.) It has a small, exclusive membership, high

tension of society
A. sect C. church

B. cult D. religion
3.) It refers to the specific set of characteristics that
identifies the social behavior of women & men and the
relationship between them.
A. Male C. Gender

B. Female D. Sex

4.) Groups of people who share a common,

codified belief, in and reverence of a supernatural
power accepted as the creator & governor of the
A. Political
Organization C. Legal Organization
B. Religious D. Community
Organization Service
5.) What is the difference between gender and sex?
A. They are the same C. Spelling
B. They are D. They overlap
completely different

6.) Which are the characteristics of Culture:

I. Culture is learned
II. Culture is shared by a group of people
III. Cultures is constant
IV. Culture is cumulative
A. I, II, & IV C. I, II, & IV

B. I & III D. I, III, & IV

7.) It is the process of learning culture of one’s own
A. Acculturation C. Enculturation

B. Assimilation D. Accommodation

8.) Pillars of Education that represents the skillful,

creative & discerning application knowledge, one must
learn how to think creatively, critically & holistically
and how to deeply understand the information that is
A. Learning to live
together C. Learning to know

B. Learning to be D. Learning to do
9.) This law spells out clearly the ideals & standards of
teacher’s relationship with various education
stakeholders and promotes quality education through
supervision and regulation of the teaching profession.
A. R.A. 7796 C. R.A. 7836

B. B.P. 232 D. R.A. 9155

10.) The law that ensures fostering & promoting

the rights of all Filipino citizens towards access to
quality education at all levels
A. R.A. 7796 C. R.A. 9155

B. R.A. 7722 D. R.A. 7836

1.) The school conducted a general student election
for the Supreme Student Council. The election is
patterned after the COMELEC system. The school
is using what kind of technique?
A. Simulation C. Panel discussion

B. Symposium D. Dramatization

2.) During problem solving method, the teacher’s

primary role is:
A. Clarifier C. lecturer

B. Director D. judge
3.) Which among the following devices can be a
scaled replica of a certain object?
A. Mock ups C. Models

B. globes D. maps

4.) Which of the following would be the best choice

if a teacher would like to focus on attitudinal
A. Dramatization C. Field study

B. role play D. simulation

5.) This method relies heavily upon showing the
learners a model performance.
A. Activity C. field study

B. reporting D. Demonstration

6.) Cognitive
Domain that involves producing
whole from the parts of producing a new whole.
A. Synthesis C. Application

B. Analysis D. Comprehension
7.) An idea or action that can be verified.

A. Concept C. Fact

B. Principle D. Theory

8.) Principles of teaching postulated:

I. Respect for the individual
II. Democracy as a way of life
III. Proving suitable conditions for dev’t & the maintenance of a
sound personality
IV. Improving group living in the classroom
V. Improving the classroom environment
A. I, II, II, IV & V C. I, III, IV, & V

B. I & III D. I, III, & IV

9.) In Understanding by Design Approach, the first
consideration is about?

A. Spiral Curriculum C. Desired Results

B. Learning D. Teaching
Experiences Strategies

10.) Ara had the ability to develop original

solutions, think metaphorically, articulate ideas,
express & create. What style of learning is she
A. Intuitive - thinking C. Sensing - feeling

B. Intuitive - feeling D. Sensing - thinking

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