Impact of Harmful Products and Services (Tobacco, Alcohol, Gambling, Prostitutions) On The Peace and Global Economy

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Maslahah based Production Ensure the

Peace in the World Economy Compared

to the Non-Maslahah based Production:
The Empirical Evidences from the
Domestic and World Economy
Basharat Hossain
Assistant Professor of Economics,
Department of Business Administration,
International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh

Objective of the Study

• the main objective of this paper is to show

that the non-maslaha product and services
deteriorate and abolish the peace from the
world whereas Maslahah product and services
ensure the peace in the world.

Methodology of the Study
• This paper has been prepared by collecting the
secondary data.
• collected from the global alcoholic beverage industry,
tobacco industry, casino and gambling industry, and
the prostitution industry. the Global Peace Index- 2017,
tobacco factsheet by WHO (World Health
Organization), Havocscope, and alcohol rehab guide

• different books, articles, reports, brochures and

newspapers have been reviewed to prepare this report.

Definition of Maslahah
(‫)صلح‬ good, right,
pious, good-will
or friendly
(‫صلَ َحة‬
ْ ‫) َم‬
Beneficial and
Definition of Maslahah
• the consideration of those factors which
obtains or ensures the benefit and welfare

• Inhibits the harms and also complies the aim

and the intention of the Islamic sharia (Al-
Syatibi 2003, Al Ghazali).

• Maslahah ensures the five essential things of

the life, namely faith, life, intellect, lineage
and property (Mannan, 1984).
Maslahah fulfill the Maqasid Al-

Lineage Life

Property Intellect

Maslahah Vs. Non-Maslahah

Useful Harmful

Fruit Juice
Utility Vs. Maslahah
• Utility is the property or power of the goods and
services that satisfy the human wants.

• Maslahah-the utility along with the useful and

welfare characteristics.

• A product may have utility but may not have


• All Maslahah products have utility.

• Example: fruit juice has utility and Maslahah while

wine has only utility but not has Maslahah
Definition of Peace
‘pacem’ -
‘pax’ reconciliation,
treaty of peace,
absence of war
Definition of Peace
• Positive Peace comprises the attitudes,
arrangements and organizations that build and
sustain the peaceful societies.
• Example: Respectful relations with neighbors,
Recognition of the rights of others, useful goods
and services, good governance

• Negative peace is the absence of violence or fear

of violence.
• Example: stop the conflict or war.

Measuring Peace : 3 Indicators

Societal Safety and


Current Domestic and

International Conflict

Degree of Militarisation

The determinants and barriers of peace
Determinants Barriers
Making brotherhood War
Trust Conflict
Compassion & Care Militarisation

Justice physical, social,

Societal Safety & security psychological and
structural violence
Good neighbor interpersonal violence
Useful goods and services Harmful goods and
services 12
Maslahah and Peace
• Maslahah products and services
Maslahah • Fruit Juice;

• Useful Effects on the health & society

Effects • No harm; no violence

• Social safety & security

Peace • Compassion & Care
• Making brotherhood

Non-Maslahah/Mafsadah and Peace
• Non-Maslahah products and services
Mafsadah • tobacco, alcohol, usury or interest ;

• Harmful Effects on the health & society

Effects • Violence, Conflict, War,

• Conflict, War,
• Militarisation
Peace • physical, social, psychological and structural
Barriers violence

Maslahah and Peace: The Empirical
Evidences from the Domestic and World
• Alcohol and Its Negative Impact

• Tobacco and Its Negative Impact

• Gambling and Its Negative Impact

• Prostitution and Its Negative Impact

Alcohol and Its Negative Impact:
• The alcoholic beverage: beer (Ale, Lager, Hybrid),
Distilled Spirits (Rum, Whiskey, Vodka, Others) and Wine
(Sparkling, Fortified)

• the current value of the Global Alcoholic Beverages

Market is $1,344 billion (2015) and $1,594 billion (2022).

• Growth rate is 2.1% between 2016 and 2022

• the main consumers are young as well as adult and

high income people in the world

Alcohol and Its Negative Impact: Global
• About 2 billion people drink alcoholic Beverages
• More than 76 million people are affected by the
alcohol use disorder (AUD) worldwide.

• every year, 1.8 million people die for alcoholic

drinks which are 3.2% of the global deaths

• alcohol is the causes of 200 diseases including liver

cirrhosis and cancers.

• alcohol is the fifth leading causes for premature

death 17
Alcohol and Its Negative Impact: Domestic

• about 1.4 million alcohol-related violence was

happened at each year in USA.

• among the family violence, 70 percent of

violence is alcohol-related.

• 86 percent of murderers are committed by the

alcohol addicted people in USA
Tobacco and Its Negative Impact:
• Tobacco products are cigarettes and bidis.

• about 1 billion people consume tobacco in the


• 80% smokers are from the lower and middle-

income countries.

• the cause of cardiovascular as well as respiratory

diseases, such as coronary heart disease and lung
cancer respectively.
Tobacco and Its Negative Impact:
• Over 7 million people die globally for tobacco

• Among them, More than 6 million people die for the

cause of direct tobacco

• 0.89 million people die for the cause of the second-hand
or passive smoking

• tobacco reduces the productivity of the smoker.

• liable to the premature death

• Tobacco consumers deprives their family and country

from income, increase the health care cost and hamper
the economic growth. 20
Gambling and Its Negative Impact:

• The current value of global casino and

gambling industry is $450 billion

• About 1.6 billion people gamble around the


• Gambling is the major cause of cheating,

forgery, alcohol consumption, violence in the
family and the society, mental disorder,
Bankruptcy and so more.

Gambling and Its Negative Impact:
• Research of the University of Lincoln in 2016 on 3025
• 73% gamblers are engaged in physical violence in the past
five years whereas this figure was only 19 per cent among
the non-gamblers

• Australian researchers have found that 50% of the family

members of a gambler had faced the violence in the last
one year

• In the USA, more than 85 percent gamblers, family member

received threats from the creditors

• about 80% gamblers lose their job around the world.

• about 47.2% gambler suicides in Hong Kong
Prostitution and Its Negative Impact:
• the current value of global prostitution industry is $186

• 13.83 million prostitutes are working around the world

• According to a research, over 90 per cent of the prostitute

wants to escape from the prostitution.

• about 100 percent said, prostitution is not choice but they’re

engaged in it by force

• Prostitution is always against the peace. It denies and

disgraces the women whereas women is the part of
Key Findings of the Study:
• Alcoholic Beverages is responsible for 3.2% of the global
deaths and the serious violence. So it deteriorates the

• Tobacco is the cause of 7 million people’s death around

the world. And also produces different kind of diseases
including cancer. So it worsens the peace.

• Gambling is the cause of violence and suicide. It violates

the condition of the peace.

• Prostitution industry disgraces the women and creates

violence against the women, since women is the part of
humanity, so prostitution disgraces the humanity. That is
the threat to social safety and the peace
• Make the effective and strategic plan to abolish the
production of the non-Maslahah products and services

• Set a yearly goal to stop the production of it from the


• Allocate the budget to do research on the negative effect

of non-Maslahah products and services and propagate the
results to aware the people

• Pass the law to punish the producer and promoter of non-

Maslahah products and services

• Finally, it should be abolished from the Muslim countries

first; therefore, cooperation from the OIC (Organization of
Islamic Countries) is needed. 25
• Islam has several first-rated tools to achieve the personal, family, societal and
global peace.

• Maslahah is one of the key principles to obtain this goal. Hence this paper
presented the negative effect of non-Maslahah products and services on the
global peace.

• This paper found that, non-Maslahah products and services such as alcoholic
beverage, tobacco, gambling and prostitution have devastating effect in
abolishing the global peace.

• this paper suggest five steps to eliminate the non-Maslahah products and
services from the world to ensure the peace in the world’s economy.T

• This is the high time to reduce the growth of non-Maslahah products and
services, because it warns the Muslim world as well as whole world about the
future threat to peace.

• Nevertheless, if we will not take any steps to check it now, it will create a hell for
the Muslim and Humanity in the near future.

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