Abortion in North Carolina

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What is Abortion

-Abortion- the termination of a pregnancy

after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely

followed by the death of the embryo or fetus
Reasons for Abortion
 Birth Control failure.
 Inability to support or care for a child
 To prevent the birth of a child with birth
 Pregnancy from sexual assault
 To prevent health problems for the
Why It’s A Problem
 According to the CDC, North Carolina
reported 35,088 abortions in 2006.
 This number ranks sixth highest out of 47.
(three states did not report statistics)
 Per 1,000 women, an average of 18.8
women had an abortion in 2006.
How It Compares
 Georgia, ranks right beside North Carolina
in population, reported that only 15 per
1,000 women had an abortion in 2006.
 South Carolina, who is beside North
Carolina geographically, reported only
7,000 abortions in 2006
 The Collegiate Times reported that an
average of 2,247 abortions occur each
day. That is a whopping 44.94 abortions
for North Carolina per day.

Feasible Solutions
 Education

 Legislation

 Adoption
 This a possible solution.
 Teach high school age children the truths
about abortion.
 Help inform them on the other solutions
dealing with pregnancy and what to do
should the parents not want a child.
 This is a possible solution but not the best
 In 2006, teen pregnancies rose three
percent, and it is led to believe that the
teaching of abstinence only education
led to the increase due to all the
information left out to this style of
 Legislation needs to be made and
enforced to strictly regulate legal
abortions and also to make some legal
abortions illegal.
 This is feasible solution but also not the
best option.
 The current law in United States allows
abortions through the first trimester of
pregnancy and leaves the second and
third trimesters up to state discretion.
 This is not the best solution but could
possibly be if abortion was illegal or if
legislation is more strict.
 Adoption is a great solution for abortion.
 Unwanted pregnancies can be passed
along to loving families who can
support and care for a child.
 Adoption has a great screening process
that matches parents and children.
 The Washington Post reports that abortion
may cause psychological problems to
women who undergo abortion
 It is better for all parties to give life rather
than death.
 Many children in North Carolina go to
good homes each year.
The End
 http://www.abort73.com/abortion_facts/states/north_caroli
 http://www.abort73.com/abortion_facts/states/georgia
 http://www.abort73.com/abortion_facts/states/south_caroli
 http://www.collegiatetimes.com/stories/13524/letter-real-
 http://women.webmd.com/tc/abortion-reasons-women-
 http://www.oyez.org/cases/1970-1979/1971/1971_70_18
 http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2007/may/17/2007

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