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Math 121 LA&ODEs

Lecture 15

Dr. Ammar Hasan

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST


Let S ={ v1,v2,…,vk }
where vi belong to V

Span S is the set of all linear combinations

a1v1 + a2v2+…..+akvk

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Properties of Span

The set S is not necessarily a subspace

Span S is always a subspace of V

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Spanning set

If span S = V (the whole vector space)

we say that S spans V

S is the spanning set of V

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Linear dependence

Consider three vectors v1, v2, v3

If v3 = a1v1 + a2v2 (for some a 1, a2 )

then v1 depends on the other two vectors

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Definition: Linear Independence

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Procedure to determine if
vectors v1,v2,….,vk
are linearly independent or not
• Equation (1) leads to a homogenous system

• It the obtained homogenous system has only

the trivial solution, then the given vectors are
linearly independent.

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Example 1

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Example 1 (continued)

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Example 2

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Example 3

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Example 3 (contd.)

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Example 3 (contd.)

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Example 4

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Example 5

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Example 6

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Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Example 7

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Example 8

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Definition: Basis

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Example 1

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Example 1 (contd)

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Example 2

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Example 2 (contd)

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Example 2 (contd)

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Example 3

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST


Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST


Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Procedure to find basis for W

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST


Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST


Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST


Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST


Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Definition: Dimension

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

Example 1

Dr. Ammar Hasan SEECS, NUST

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