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2nd Group
Arranged by:

1. Rizki Fajar Lesmana 18215187

2. Sindiyana 18215194
3. Sindri Disti Sagitari 18215195
4. Siti Ayu Fatimah F 18215196
5. Siti Ayu Waras 18215197
6. Siti Fatimah 18215198
7. Siti Hapsah 18215199
8. Nurul Fadhilah 18215200
9. Yulis Setyawati 18215242
Conditional Sentence
Of If
Definition Of If

In Conditional Sentence (If Clause) we already know the

uses (function), types and examples. Overall in the
formula of types of Conditional Sentence (If Clause), use
the expression “seandainya, kalau, apabila” with “if”. But
we can also use words of other types to express
“seandainya, kalau, apabila”.
Function Of If
Conditional sentence that might
occur or are usually called
present real

Conditional sentences that are

very unlikely to occur or
commonly called past unreal

Possible sentences that may

occur but are unlikely to occur
because they have occurred in
the past
Sentence Patterns Of If

Conditional Sentence Type 0

To say a fact using the
formula “if … then”
Conditional Sentence Type 1
To say something that
might happen in the
Conditional Sentence Type 2 future.
To say something that is
very unlikely to happen,
or in others words
almost impossible
Conditional Sentence Type 3
To suppose something
that is contrary to what
has already happened
Sentence Patterns Of If
Conditional Sentence Type 0
If + Simple Present, Simple Present

“if it rains, the grass gets wet”
S V1

Conditional Sentence Type 1

If + Simple Present, Present Future (Will)

“If you tell her the truth, she will forgive you.”
S V1 O S Will V1 O
Sentence Patterns Of If
Conditional Sentence Type 2
If + Simple Past Tense, Past Future
Conditional Sentence Type 3
If + Past Perfect, Future Perfect
“If I became the president of this country
S V1 O
I would pay more attention to teacher’s prosperity.”
“If I had studied harder, I would have gotten a better.”
S Should/Would S had V3 S would V3 O
Conditional Sentence
Of Wishes
Definition Of Wishes

The word "wish" in the conditional sentences (If Clause)

is used which has the meaning "if, what, want, that". This
word is used to show that the speaker wants a reality
that is different from the reality, which is contrary to
the reality. If the word "wish" is used in this form, then
there is a problem with the sequence of tenses.
Function Of Wishes

To make presuppositions that are

contrary to reality. The presupposition
is made based on the form of time.

02 To expressing desires for situations

that do not exist in the present.

To wish is the desire to turn a real

03 situation into unreal one. This unreal
situation is expressed with simple past.
Sentence Patterns Of Wishes
Simple Present Tense become
Simple Progressive Tense become
Simple Past Tense
Simple Present Tense:
01 02 Simple Past Progressive Tense
Nadia sends the letter by post office Simple Progressive Tense
Asep is not writing
S V1
Simple Past Tense:

I wish (that) Nadia didn’t sends the

03 S to be V-ing O
Simple Past Progressive Tense
S V2 O I wish (that) Asep was not writing
letter by post office S To be V-ing
Simple Past Tense become Simple
Past Perfect Tense
Simple Past Tense
Shinta made a noisy
S V3 O
Simple Past Progressive Tense
I wish (that) Shinta had made a
S had V3 O
Simple Past Tense
TENSE Simple Past Tense is a form of
tense that describe an event
that occurred at a spesific
time in the past. The verb
used in this tense must be the
second verb (verb 2).
Function Of Simple Past Tense
To talk about actions that occur in a
certain amount of time in the past.
To talk about habits in the past.
To show that there is a short duration
action (simple past tense) that occurs when
a long duration action (past continuous
tense) is taking place.
To show that an action (simple past tense)
directly follows the completed action.
Thank’s for your attention


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