The High-Intensity Entrepreneur: by - Aabir Ahmad MBA Ist Trimester NIIT University, Rajasthan

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The High-Intensity Entrepreneur

Harvard Business Review

By –
MBA Ist Trimester
NIIT University, Rajasthan
New Norms of Entrepreneurship
• Entrepreneur can now create value with relatively little capital. as
barriers to entry in almost every industry have come crushing down.

• Surprising fact is that New world class-ventures are cropping up in the

places like Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Africa whose economies are driven
by govt. policies, multinationals and large business group instead of fast
growing market such as India or Brazil.

• These ventures create far more jobs and wealth than typical small
business and often create new industries and open new market.

• Examples of these new ventures are UAE’s,(leading middle

eastern job search site) Air blue of Pakistan ,(the first paperless airline
in the world)etc…
Economic Detour
• All government economic development and entrepreneurship programs
started focusing on small to medium-size firms. As majority of job creation
come from these enterprise.

• Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor

(GEM) is a not-for-profit academic research association that has as its goal making
high quality information on global entrepreneurial activity . has find out that the
incidence of entrepreneurship is twice as high as in emerging market than in
developing market.

• Another fact discovered by GEM is that in emerging market more

entrepreneur are “opportunity driven ”(creating products & services & taking
adv. Of the temporarily insanity of the capital mkt. it simply means turning
things around & viewing opportunity everywhere & try to figure out what
resources you need to meet the need). than “necessity driven”(These are
entrepreneurs not because they are passionate about what they are doing
,they are trying to survive ) .
New Market Movers
• The Saudi Fast Growth 100
 These companies met the same criteria as Inc.500. Inc. is a monthly magazine based
in New York City written for the people who run growing companies. The magazine publishes an
annual list of the 500 fastest-growing private companies in the U.S

 These companies had grown an average of 40% a year for 3or more years and
collectively creating 30,000 jobs.

 They represents a wide range of industries, including IT, telecommunication,

media, public relation, publishing, health care & education.

 Similar pattern of companies is seen in Pakistan, India and South Africa.

 These emerging markets have mostly seen as a source of revenue for large
Western companies but now they are home to a growing community & have
more potential than their western counterparts.
Entrepreneurial DNA

Entrepreneur from Saudi Arabia,

South Africa are equivalent to that
of United States in educational
qualification and work experience.

Possess similar inspiration,

mindsets and are self-financed at
the start-up.
Entrepreneurial Intensity
• Entrepreneur in the emerging markets have started 25%
more companies than their western counterparts on the
Inc.500 have.

• 80% of these entrepreneurs intended to launch another

business within the next two years.

• New ventures are filling the missing part of the markets.

For example eye-2-eye optical, a high end eyewear to
create a lens manufacturing plant to keep up with
demand & to tailor products for its stores.
um… …
me nt
t h Mo
Gr o w

• Most of the companies picked up the pace in 2009 and

growing 20% to 50% faster than they had in2008.

• These companies have staying power and are uniquely

designed to thrive in the new global economy.

• And also have the ability to execute in the challenging

business environment of emerging markets.
Reasons for Development of
Entrepreneurship in the Emerging World
• Migration Of Talent
Entrepreneurial talent around the world as the best and brightest are
leaving the West and return to their home to start the companies.
These entrepreneurs have developed core market skills & international
network while studying & working in the West.

• Pent-up(not released or held in) Supply Of Entrepreneurs

Relaxation in political and economic condition in developing countries.
More than 25% of the youth in emerging countries want to become

• Low seed- capital requirement

The opportunity to enter industry has increased significantly because
of increase in number of banks and venture financing facility.
High Intensity Entrepreneur is
Future Growth Engine

• Creating jobs that develop people.

• Establishing work environment to motivate employees.

• Investing heavily in on-the-job training & providing benefits, from

health care to profit sharing.

• These entrepreneurs are proficient (skilled) incubator(providing

ideal condition for growth) for other entrepreneurs.
Unleashing the Next Century
 Time to redefine relationship between entrepreneurship & the
developing world.

 Building system to identify growth companies and put them on the

economic map.

 High Intensity Entrepreneur have potential to be massive force

multiplier & inspiring thousand to expends market as

 These entrepreneurs provide channel for growth to multinationals

and path to progress and prosperity to government.

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