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Anatomy & Physiology

Intended Learning
• After the session,the student should be
able to:
1) Understand the overview of human
anatomy & physiology
2) Understand the level of structural
3) Explain the principles in maintaining
4) Explain the principles of homeostasis.
• Anatomy-Greek • Physiology –
word,”ana”(apart) ”physio” (nature)
& “tomy” (to cut) & “logy” (study of)
• Study of • Study of how the
structure & shape body & its parts
of the body & works or function
body parts & their
relationship with
one another.
Levels of Structural Organization
1)Atoms-tiny building 4) Organ – structure
blocks of matter which composed of 2
-forms molecules or more tissues
(water,sugar & performing specific
proteins) functions
2)Cells – smallest unit 5) Organ-system –
of all living things group of organs that
- combination of cooperate to
molecules accomplish common
3)Tissues – groups of
similar cells with 6) Organism- highest
same functions level
- combination of
organ system
Levels of Organization
Organ System Overview
• Integumentary-skin • Nervous-fast acting
/external covering control system
• Skeletal – bones, - brain,spinal cord’
joints,cartilages & nerves & sensory
ligaments receptors
- body support • Endocrine-slow acting
/framework causing control system
movement - produces hormones
• Muscular – “machines • Cardiovascular –heart
of the body blood vessels, blood
- skeletal muscles -carries oxygen,
provides mobility nutrients,hormones &
others to & from
tissue cells
Organ System Overview
• Digestive-oral
• Lymphatics – cavity,esophagus,sto
lymphatic vessels, mach ,small & large
lymph nodes & intestines
lymphoid organs
-break down food &
-complementary of deliver products to
cardiovascular system blood for dispersal to
• Respiratory – nasal body cells
passages,pharynx,lar • Urinary – removes
ynx ,trachea,bronchi nitrogen containing
& lungs wastes &flushes out
- supplies oxygen & as urine
removes carbon • Reproductive -
dioxide production of
offspring ( male /
Maintaining Life

• Maintaining Boundaries – The

“inside’ remains distinct from
“outside” ( cells-organ-system)
-enclosed by the skin
• Movement-activities promoted by
muscular system aided by skeletal
system ( walking)
-blood,food & urine propelled
through the internal organs of the
different systems
Maintaining Life

• Responsiveness (irritability)- ability to sense

changes (stimuli) in the environment & then
react to them
• Digestion – process of breakingdown ingested
food to simple molecules absorbed by the blood
for delivery in all body cells
• Metabolism – chemical reactions that occur
within the body cell
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) – energy obtained
from breakdown of nutrients
- “energy currency”
Maintaining Life
• Metabolism
1) Catabolism –complex substances broken down
into simpler compounds,yields simple chemical
building blocks & energy to power cell activities
2) Anabolism – simple compounds used to
manufacture materials needed for
& repair of cells
(building phase)
Fluid Balance
Distribution of Body Fluids
Fluid Balance
Survival Needs


Body Temperature

Athmospheric Pressure
• “homeo” – the same
• “stasis” – standing still
• Dynamic state of equilibrium or a
balance in which internal conditions
change & vary but always within
relatively narrow limits
• Body in homeostasis when its need
adequately met & functioning smoothly
• Communication in the body
accomplished nervous & endocrine
• Control mechanism- Control center,
receptor & effector
• Receptor-type of sensors that
monitors & responds to changes in
the environment ( stimuli)
• Control center- determines set
point at which variable maintained,
analyzes information & provides
appropriate response
• Effector –means for control center
- response either depressing
(negative feedback) or enhancing
(positive feedback) to the stimulus
Feedback Mechanism
• Negative – majority of
homeostatic control
- Net effect of
response to stimulus is
to shut off original one
or reduce intensity
• Positive- increase
original stimulus & push
the variable from its
original value
Questions for Review

• Define 2 study of human body

• Describe levels of organization
from simple to complex
• Identify Body systems & explain
• Define 2 phases of metabolism
• Define homeostasis & explain 2
• Definition of • Principles of
Anatomy & maintaining life
Physiology • Needs for
• Levels of survival
structural • Homeostasis
organization • Feed back
• Organ systems mechanism
The World Needs Men
• Who cannot be brought • Who will not say they do it
• Whose words are their bond “because everybody else do
• Who put character above it”
wealth • Who are true to their
• Who possess opinions & wills friends through good report
• Who are larger than their & evil report, in adversity as
vocations well in prosperity
• Who do not hesitate to take • Who do not believe that
chances shrewdness, cunning &
hardheadedness are the
• Who will not lose their
best qualities for winning
individuality in a crowd
• Who will be honest in small
• Who are not ashamed or
things as in great things
afraid to stand for truth
• Who will make no when it is unpopular
compromise with wrong
• Who can say “NO” with
• Whose ambitions are not emphasis
confined to
• Although all the rest of the
their own selfish desires
world say “YES”

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