01 E1 - Skeletal

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Skeletal System
Specific Learning
After the session,the learner should
be able to:
 Explain the functions of bones
 Describe the classification of bones
 Describe the structure of the bones
 Explain bone formation, growth &

Skeletal system = 206 bones

Functions of the Bones
 Support – form the  Movement –
internal framework skeletal muscle
that support & attached to the
anchors all soft bones by tendons &
act as lever for
 Protection –
protect soft organs
 Storage – fat
 Blood cell
formation – bone storage,storehouse
marrow of minerals – Ca,Ph

Types of Bones
 Compact bones –  Spongy bones –
hard & dense has more spaces
- makes up main - made up of
shaft of a long meshwork of small
bone & the outer bony plates filled
layer of other with red marrow &
bones found in ends of
- osteocytes long bones &
located around the center of other
haversian canal bones
containing nerves
& blood vessels

 Long – longer than  Flat – thin , flattened

wide, compact , a & curve, 2 layers of
shaft w/ heads at spongy sandwiching
both end ( limbs) a compact bone
 Short – cube ( skull,ribs,sternum)
shaped,spongy  Irregular – vertebrae
(wrist ,ankles & & hip bones
bones within a
tendon- patella)

Structure of the Bone

Structure of a Long Bone
 Diaphysis (Shaft) –  Articular cartilage –
makes most of the covers the epiphyses
bone length  Yellow marrow
composed of compact (medullary cavity) –
bone cavity of shaft that
 Periosteum – stores fat in adult
connective tissues  Red marrow – in infants
protecting the same location as yellow
diaphysis marrow but in adults
 Epiphyses – ends of found in cavities of
long bones consist of spongy type in flat bones
compact bone & epiphyses of long
protecting spongy bones

Bone Markings
 Projections  Depressions or holes
 Head – rounded  Foramen – hole that
knoblike end separated allows a nerve or
from rest by a neck vessel to pass
 Process – large
 Sinus – air space
projection of a bone
ex:ulna found in skull bones
 Crest – distinct border  Fossa – depression in
or ridge that is rough the bone surface
ex:top of hip bone  Meatus – short
 Spine – sharp channel or passage
projection from bone way- temporal channel
surface – shoulder to inner ear

 Axial skeletons – 80 bones that
forms longitudinal axis of the body -
bony framework of the head & trunk
 Appendicular skeleton – 126 bones
of the limbs & girdles –extremities ,
shoulders & hips
 Joints , cartilages
& ligaments

Skeletal Bones

The Skull

Bones of Axial Skeleton - Cranium
 Frontal – forehead &  Ethmoid – forms part of
roof of the orbit the medial wall of the
(frontal sinuses orbit,small portion of
communicates with cranial floor & most of
nasal cavity roof
paranasal )
 Sphenoid – base of the
 2 Parietals – most of skull in front of temporal
the cranium top of the bones& forms part of the
side walls orbit (sella turcica – holds
 2 Temporals –part of pituitary gland)
the side & some of the  Occipital – back & part of
base of the skull the base ( foramen
contains mastoid magnum - base of occiput
sinuses & process where spinal cord passes

Bones of Axial Skeleton- Facial
 Mandible – lower  Lacrimal – size of
jaw,only movable fingernail inside
bone corner of the eye
 2 Maxillae – fuse in  Vomer – lower part of
the midline to form nasal septum
upper jaw with part of  2 palatines – back part
hard palate (maxillary of hard palate
sinus)  2 inferior nasal
 2 Zygomatic – conchae –lateral wall
prominence of the nasal cavities
cheek  3 ossicles (middle ear)
 2 Nasal – bridge of & hyoid bone
the nose
Infant Skull

 Fontanelles –
incomplete bone
formation leaving a
soft spots
 Anterior – largest and
diamond shaped at
junction of 2 parietals
closes at about 18 – 24
 Posterior – smaller &
triangular shaped
closes at 2 months
Framework of the Trunk
 Vertebral Column  Thorax – cone shaped
(spine) child- 33-34, adults -26
 Sternum – breast bone
 Cervical – 7 (neck) ( manubrium,sternal angle &
atlas- 1st,supports the body , xiphoid process)
head  12 ribs – bars of the cage
axis- 2nd,pivot as head turn
 True ribs – 1st 7 pairs
side to side
attached to sternum by
 Thoracic - 12 coastal cartilages
 Lumbar – 5  False ribs –5 pairs
larger & heavier (8th,9th,10th attached to
cartilage of ribs above
 Sacral- 5
fused in adult (sacrum)  Floating ribs – last 2
 Coccyx- 4 - 5
fused in adults
Thoracic Bones

Vertebral Column

Framework of the Trunk
Vertebral Column
 Body (centrum) –  Transverse process
disclike,weight –2 lateral projections
bearing part facing from the arch
anteriorly in the  Spinous process –
column single projections
 Arch – formed from arising from posterior
the joining of all aspect of the arch
postreior extensions  Superior & inferior
 Foramen – canal to articular processes –
which spinal cord paired projections
passes lateral to foramen


Appendicular – Shoulder Girdle

 Clavicle  Scapula (shoulder

(collar bone) – blades/wings) –
slender,doubly curved flattened body & 2
bone processes
 Acromion - enlarged
- attaches to
manubrium medially & end of the spine
scapula laterally connects with clavicle
- holds arm away from
 Coracoid process -
top of the thorax &
helps prevent beak like
shoulder dislocation  Glenoid cavity-
shallow socket
receiving head of arm
Upper Limb - Arm
 Humerus– long bone Articulates with the
 Head-proximal end forearm at distal humerus
fits in glenoid cavity  Trochlea – medial spool
like structure
 Greater & lesser
tubercles –projections  Capitulum – lateral ball like
opposite the head site Depressions – allow
of muscle attachments processes of the ulna to
 Deltoid tuberosities – move making elbow flex &
deltoid muscles extend flanked by
attaches epicondyles
 Radial groove –course  Coronoid Fossa-anterior
of radial nerve  Olecranon Fossa-
Upper Extremities

Appendicular Upper Limb
 Radius – lateral  Ulna – medial bone in
anatomical position
bone in anatomical
 Coronoid process –
position proximal anterior end
 Attached  Olecranon process –
proximally & proximal posterior end
forming point of the
distally by joints elbow
and connected in  Trochlear notch-
entire length by separates the 2
interosseous processes &allowing
membrane hinge action at elbow

Appendicular - Hand
 5 metacarpals  8 Carpal Bones – 2
( thumb – little rows (carpus – wrist)
finger) – rounded
distal ends forms  Proximal ( L – R) –
the knuckles triquetral , lunate,
 14 phalanges scaphoid , trapezium
(finger bones) –  Distal (L-R ) –
each has 3 parts pisiform , hamate,
proximal,middle & capitate , trapezoid
distal except in the
thumb which has 2
(proximal & distal)
Bones of Pelvic Girdle
 Pelvic girdle – 2  Bones of pelvic girdle
coxal bones (hip are large, heavy &
bones – ilium, attached securely to
ischium & pubis) axial skeleton
 Total weight of the
 Bony Pelvis – hip
upper body rest on
bones + saccrum & the pelvis
coccyx  The sockets receiving
 Reproductive the thigh bones are
organs,urinary deep & heavily
bladder & part of the reinforced by
intestine lies within & ligaments
protected by pelvis

Hip joint
 Ilium – forms  Pubis – forms the
upper flared anterior part
 Pubis symphysis –
 Iliac crest –curved
rim above the joint formed by
border union of 2 hip
 Anterior superior bones anteriorly
iliac spine – most
prominent bony
projection used as
landmark for

Hip Joint
 Ischium – lowest &
 Acetabulum – deep
strongest part
 Ischial spine – at the
socket that holds
back of pelvic outlet head of the femur
used as point of to form the hip
reference during joint (formed by
childbirth to indicate portions of 3
progress of bones)
presenting part
 Obturator foramen
 Ischial Tuberosity –
helps support the –largest foramen
weight of the trunk in the body
while siiting down

 False Pelvis – superior to the true pelvis
medial to flaring portion of ilia
 True Pelvis – surrounded by bones &
inferior to ilia
 Female pelvis = inlet is larger & more circular
– shallower & bones more thinner & lighter
– Ilia flare more laterally
– Sacrum shorter & less curved
– Ischial spines shorter & farther apart,outlet
– Pubic arch more rounder since angle is greater


Appendicular – lower Limb

 Femur – thigh bone ,  Tibia – shin bone,longer

longest & strongest weight bearing bone
with large ball shaped  Fibula – lateral small bone
head does not reach the knee joint
 Greater Trochanter –  Medial malleolus –
large lateral projections downward projections lower
end of tibia forming
 Lesser Trochanter –
prominence in inner aspect
smaller elevation in of ankle
medial side  Lateral malleolus – lower
 Patella (kneecap) – end of fibula forming
embedded in tendon of prominence in outer aspect
large thigh muscles of ankle
(quadriceps femoris)

Lower Extremities


Appendicular - The Foot
 7 Tarsal bones –
cuboid,3 cuneiforms,
navicular,talus &
 5 Metatarsals –
framework of the
instep & heads forms
the ball of the foot
 14 Phalanges –
counterparts of those
in the fingers

Men of genius
are admired
Men of wealth
are envied
Men of power
are feared
But only men of
character are


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