Factors Affecting Financial Management of Grade 12 Senior

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Factors Affecting Financial

Management of Grade 12 Senior

High School Students of KNCHS
Money assumes a fundamental part in each individual’s life. It is the medium
utilized for trading, unit of account, and store of significant worth. It is used to
purchase merchandise and materials that are important in life. It can likewise
keep the sufferings that accompany destitution, give fulfillment, and gives
training power. Without it, one can’t purchase their necessities and needs.
As indicated by Ayn Rand 2003, cash is the wellspring of survival. She clarifies in
her book “Atlas Shrugged” that the wellspring of a man’s job is the decision he
articulates in his life. As cost of wares end up plainly higher, cash has increased
more esteem today. Also, there are just couple of materials left that can’t be
purchased by cash. This is the reason it is essential to spend it shrewdly.
As per examination of Westwood College in U.S., most understudies spend the minimum of
their stipend in transportation, books, and supplies yet burn through 40% on optional
exercises stimulation, clothing, and administrations, travel, and get –away. Moreover,
expertise in planning the funds of undergrads likewise depends upon their profile and their
state of mind towards monetary administration. Understudies especially are relied upon to
spend a great deal of cash for the costly materials they use for their matters. Perceiving this,
the researchers deserve it to examine how SHS students handle their money.
As per examination of Westwood College in U.S., spend the minimum of their stipend
transportation, books, and supplies yet burn through 40% on optional exercises stimulation,
clothing and administrations, travel, and get – away. Moreover, expertise in planning the
funds of undergrads likewise depends upon their profile and their state of mind towards
monetary administration. Understudies especially are relied upon to spend a great deal of
cash for the costly materials they use for their matters.
The study intended to determine the factors that affect the financial
management of SHS students at KNCHS in the school year 2018-2019. Specially, it
sought to answer the following:

1. What are the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 How much their allowances in a week?
2. What are the factors that affect the financial management?
3. How they handle their allowance enable to sustain their financial

Independent Process Dependent

Independent Process Dependent
management Demographic
Profile :
affecting •studentss affect
financial •Age their financial
management •Strand finances
of the students
allowance of
a students

Descriptive-quantitative type of research was utilized to gather

information about Senior High School Students in Koronadal
National Comprehensive High School. Included in the information
are characteristics or profile of these Senior High School Students,
their common dilemma to their age what the factors affecting
financial management of the students.

A survey questionnaire was used to gather data from

the chosen respondents. The questionnaire is
consisting of a series questions. It is important because
it can measure the behavior and opinion of the
respondents according to their answers
The data gathered by the researchers using the frequencies and percentages to describe the
student in terms of the factors affecting financial. The formula for percentage is as follows:
% =f/Nx100%
% - percentage
F - frequencies
N - number of respondents
100 - constant number

The Following were the results of the study:

1.Demographic Profile of the Students
The students in KNCHS-SHS category the most respondents are female
because in stem strand have a 64% of students is female and only
36% of male students. Also in ABM strand 80% Of the students is 80%
and 20% only is male students. In humss also strand 72% of students is
female and only 28% is male students. The same in TVL strand 60% is
female and 40% of the students is male.

Most of the respondents in this study have the age of 17-18 years old because in STEM and ABM strand
almost of the students is 18 years old which is 50% up to 62% of the students. In HUMSS and TVL strand
almost of the respondents are 17 years old which is 54% of the respondents from in HUMSS strand and
46% in TVL strand.
2. How much their Allowance in a week ?
Almost of the respondents received 100 pesos of allowance in a day because in STEM strand 46% of
students received it in a day, also in ABM strand 42% of the students it have a allowance of 100 pesos
in a day, HUMSS strand 48% of the students have a allowance of it and in TVL half of the students
having a allowance of 100 pesos in a day which is 50% of the students. Which means most of the
students of Grade 12 SHS in KNCHS received a allowance of 100 pesos per day.
3. What are the factors affecting financial management?
The result of the study revealed that there are at least 3 factors that affecting their
financial management. The first factors is their requirement or project in a school, which
is 88% of the STEM students believed that, 84% of students in ABM answers it, in HUMSS
88% of the students respond it and in TVL 88% of the students revealed it. The second
factors is their daily necessities because most of the students respond it, which is 76% of
the students of STEM strand answers it, 62% of it is ABM respondents, in HUMSS 60% of the
respondents revealed it and in TVL strand 52% of the students respond it. 12% of the STEM
students stated that the last factors is Play games and surfing in internet, 10% of the ABM
students stated that the last factors is Play games and surfing in internet, also in HUMSS
students 18% of them revealed it, the same in TVL strand 26% of the students stated that
the last factors is Play games and surfing in internet. Which means based on their
answers there are 3 factors affecting their financial management.

4. How they handle their allowance to sustain their financial needs?

Most of the respondents in Grade 12 KNCHS-SHS department that
they have a savings in a which is up to 15-20 pesos. because 40% of
the STEM students stated that they have a savings in a day up to 15-
20 pesos while in ABM 34% of the students revealed it, in HUMSS 30%
of the students answered it, and in TVL 38% of the students stated it. It
means the Grade 12 students they know how to handle their financial
management by have a savings in a day to have a emergency fund.

Based on the findings derived from this study, the following

conclusions were drawn,
1.Findings showed that the most respondents of Grade 12 Senior High
school students revealed that they are more female students than
male students.
2. Based on the findings showed, that the age of the respondents are
17-18 years old.
3. Based on the findings, the allowance of Grade 12 students
revealed that they have a allowance of 100 pesos in a day.
4. Based on the findings, the grade 12 students believed that they
know how handle their financial finances by having a allowance in a
week up to 15-20 pesos in day which means they have a emergency
fund to sustained their needs.
5. In this study, there are at least 3 factors that affecting their financial
management of the grade 12 SHS students. The first factor is their
project/requirements because most of the students stated that. The
second factor is their daily necessities because most of the students
revealed it and the last factor is Play games and Surfing in the
internet because most of the students stated that.
The following recommendation are offered based on the findings
and conclusion of the study.
1. The Grade 12 students of KNCHS-SHS category should be
maintaining their responsibilities through their financial
2. The grade 12 students should not forget to have a
savings; this could help them to have a emergency fund to
sustain their needs.

3. The future researchers should have at least 100 respondents

because you can handle it properly and have the better results.
4. To further develop the study, the researchers recommend to
conduct similar studies to fully understand and to broaden the
findings of the study.
5. The future researchers are encouraged to conduct similar
studies to comprise all other variables that are not included in
the study.

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