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Evi Khoirun Nisa

Kudus Satrio Aji Wibowo

Nida Nuralami Zahra

A researcher trying to discover the relationship between two

variables must believe that the relationship between the two variables exist
s and can be discovered. This belief is called research assumption.
Hypothesis is a tentative or temporary answer to the research

Hypothesis in Quantitative research come from the researcher

reading previous studies in the literature that suggest certain

Hypothesis in Qualitative research come from a guided by

central questions and sub question posed by the research at the
outset of a qualitative study.
Kind of hypothesis

Null hypothesis  Statement of no significant relationship, between variables

Alternative hypothesis  Statement of significant relationship between variables


Research question:
Is there any difference in speaking competence between student with high
listening scores and student with low listening scores.

There is a correlation between speaking competence and listening scores.

The higher a student’s listening score is, the better they are in speaking.
Research question:
Do the higher IQ students have, the better they achieve in learning a forei
gn language?

There is a correlation between students, IQ and their achievement in learn
ing a foreign language.

The higher IQ the students have, the better they achieve in learning a forei
gn language.
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