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Adjectives are used to describe nouns (a person, place or thing.)

Using colorful, vivid and descriptive words makes your writing more interesting and accurate.
Complete the sentences by using these words in place of HAPPY.

satisfied blissful

delighted upbeat

cheerful gratified

content joyfull

1. “Thank you!” exclaimed the girl. “I am ________________ that you invited me!”

2. The child was ____________________ as he unwrapped his Christmas gifts.

3. “I am _____________________to see you here,” said my friend

4. After the picnic and swimming, I went home feeling ____________________.

5. The boy was ____________________ to have been chosen for the baseball team.

6. She had a _____________________ personality, and was always smiling.

This game introduces you to adjectives. The person who gets the most cards that could be used to
describe the object wins. Blank cards may be used to add new words.

soft noisy cheesy hot green long

hard red colorful delicious winged little

cheesy hairy slow

tall tasty soft

cold fluffly hot

sweet hard noisy

green yellow loud

happy short fast


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