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EDM 302

Contemporary Philosophies,
Trends, Issues in Philippine
Total Quality Management in
Graduate Teacher Education
What is TQM or Total Quality
noun: a system of management
based on the principle that every
staff member must be committed to
maintaining high standards of
work in every aspect of a
company's operations. +definition
•consists of organization-wide
efforts to install and make
permanent a climate in which an
organization continuously
improves its ability to deliver
high-quality products and
services to customers.
A business philosophy that emphasizes a
systems approach to quality (Rao et al., 1996)

• utilizes techniques that improve helping a firm

improve its competitive performance (Grant
et al., 1994)
William Edwards Deming
(October 14, 1900 – December 20, 1993)
was an American statistician, professor, author, lecturer,
and consultant. He is perhaps best known for the "Plan-Do-
Check-Act" cycle popularly named after him. In Japan,
from 1950 onward, he taught top business managers how
to improve design (and thus service), product quality,
testing, and sales (the last through global markets) by
various means, including the application of statistical
TOTAL Quality Management (TQM)
was first espoused by Dr. W. Edwards Deming in the
late 1950's. His ideas were not accepted by US
industry but were heartily endorsed by Japan in their
recovery from World War II.
Largely as a result of the implementation of TQM,
`Made in Japan‘ has changed from a derogatory term
to high praise

The 14 points of Dr. W. Edwards Deming
form a framework for the implementation
of TQM.

1. Create constancy of purpose toward

improvement of product and service,
with the aim to become competitive, to
stay in business and to provide jobs.
2. Adopt the new philosophy. We are in a
new economic age.
3. Cease dependence on inspection to achieve
4. End the practice of awarding business on the
basis of a price tag. Instead, minimize total cost.
5. Improve constantly and forever the system of
production and service, to improve quality and
productivity, and thus constantly decrease costs.
6. Institute training on the job.
7. Institute leadership. The aim of supervision
should be to help people and machines and
gadgets do a better job.
8. Drive out fear, so that everyone may
work effectively for the company.
9. Break down barriers between
departments. People in research,
design, sales, and production
must work as a team, in order to foresee
problems of production and usage that may
be encountered with the product or service.
10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and
targets for the work force asking for zero
defects and new levels of productivity.
11. Remove barriers that rob the hourly
worker of his right to pride of workmanship.
12. Remove barriers that rob people in
management and in engineering of their
right to pride of workmanship.
13. Institute a vigorous program of
education and self-improvement.
14. Put everybody in the company to work to
accomplish the transformation. The
transformation is everybody's job.
1. TQM In the Context of
Teacher Education
The British Higher Education
Council admitted that quality is
difficult to define but concluded that
“quality is the central mystery of
British higher education – a mystery
in all the variants of meaning and
nuance of which the world is capable.
Applying Total Quality Management to
the Educational Process
Total Quality Management (TQM) is
recognized as an important management
philosophy and is widely used in US
industry. It has been used very successfully
in the development and acquisition of
systems such as satellites and aircraft to
preparing officer performance reports. Over
the last few years, TQM has been applied in
the education industry.
Most of the applications have been
in the administrative side of the
institutions, but some schools have
applied TQM to curriculum
The Air Force Academy has been a leader
in this application of TQM.

Source: Int. J. Eng. Ed. Vol. 14, No. 1, p. 24±29,

1998 Printed in Great Britain
The United States Higher Education Council
also stated that NO single workable
definition of quality is possible and
concluded that the best approach is to look
for characteristics or indicators which are
valued by those whose needs the institution
is seeking to meet.
CHED Exec. Director Dr. Roger Perez offers a
pragmatic definition: “Quality is not
perfection. It is improving your previous
best and showing that you are at the
leading edge in most aspects.”
Dr. Rosita L. Navarro

(Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities

Commission on Accreditation)
Quality is degree of excellence or relative
goodness: so quality is not excellence per se
but refers to the ascending degree of
excellence – perhaps low quality, moderate
quality, and high quality.
Even among items or objects with “ high
quality” one can have higher quality and
another one may possess the highest
Management is getting things done through
the efforts of others (office staff, faculty,
students, alumni, parents, employers &
general public).
Total is a word used to refer to the whole, the
absolute, including everything and everyone.
therefore refers to a set of concepts,
principles and activities of the highest
degree of excellence actually practiced
and consistently implemented in an
organization from the highest officials
cascading down the line of the office
staff, faculty, students, alumni, parents,
employers & agencies with which the
institution relates.
CHED Memorandum Order No. 36, s. 1998
2. TQM In Graduate Teacher Education
In 1992, two identically famous surveys
of graduate education were conducted:
Survey of the Master’s program in the
United States and Survey of the
Doctoral Programs in four English-
speaking countries: Australia, Great
Britain, Canada and United States.
In the survey of the United States
Master’s Program:
employers in 31 college and Universities
in the United States connected with 47
Master’s programs were the respondents
Doctoral Programs:
• 67 scholars from four English-speaking
countries: Australia, Great Britain, Canada
and United States were the respondents
The following year…
Similar survey of Graduate Master’s and
Doctoral Programs were done on the
Philippines by the Philippine Association for
Graduate Education (PAGE) involving 65% of
the graduate institutions (189 out if the total
290) in School Year 1993-1994.
It is interesting to note that the three surveys
independently done of each year yielded similar
1. The highest concentration of
enrolment and graduates
was in teacher education.

2. An overwhelming opinion is
the need to improve the faculty
advising, directing or supervising
of the thesis/ dissertation writing.
3. Two common types of Master’s programs
were the traditional or ancillary also called
the gatekeeper for the Ph.D. (M.A./M.S.)
because those who enrolled saw them as a
good preparation for the Ph. D. programs;
and the second were the career
advancement Master’s programs; client-
centered and career-oriented (M.B.A, M. Ed.,
and M.P.A.)
4. Doctoral research should add to
knowledge but may include applied or
practical research.
5. Graduate students should be required
to acquire writing skills before they write
their thesis/dissertation writing.
6. Graduate students should be assisted
financially in thesis/ dissertation writing.
7. Graduate teacher education includes
a one-year, non degree post-bachelor’s
program for non-education graduates to
qualify them for elementary and
secondary school teaching.
8. The graduate teacher education degree
program form master’s to doctorate include
three divisions:
1. Curriculum and instruction for teacher career
advancement (M. Ed., M.S. in College Teaching, M.A. in
2. Educational leadership and policy studies to prepare
professionals to fill administrative, supervisory, and policy-
making roles
3. Psychology in Education which prepares graduate
students for leadership roles as educators, researchers,
clinicians, counselors, and practitioners.
Four (4) Andragogical Principles were found
1.Adult learners prefer to be involved rather than
passively listening for extended periods of time.
2. Adult learners need to be more self directing.
3. Adult learners expect that their previous
experiences and knowledge will be respected.
4. Adult learners tend to be present, rather than
In 1992, Feseler and Christensen concluded form
empirical studies over a twenty-year period that a
teacher’s professional career passes through six
These six stages can well apply to Filipino
professional teachers. Teacher educators, the
Department of Education, and the Teacher
Education Council are advised to provide for pre-
service and in-service activities that will assist the
teachers as they go through these phases of their
professional life.
Career Wind-Down/
Bitter exit
Career Stability/
4 Career Frustration
3 and
2 Competency Enthusiasm/
1 Induction Building Dissatisfaction
Huberman, Thompson, and
Weiland in their article
“Perspective on the Teaching
Career.” (in Biddle et al, p.
52) proposed a chart of
lifelong career for
professional teachers.
 This is an integrated model
showing how the induction
to teaching from one to
three years can lead to
stabilization for the next 2-
3 years which is temporary,

however, because depending on
the development on the third
stage, the division can lead either
to serene or satisfactory
disengagement or a bitter
disengagement from the teaching
An adaptation of lifelong career model is presented
that can serve as guide in the development and
continuing improvement of graduate teacher

“Becoming a

professional teacher is
not a destination; rather, it
is a journey, a long
journey; in fact, a lifelong

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