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We Knew The Earth Was Round

We Just Forgot

Johnethan Lund
INT1 Integrated Natural Science Applications
Western Governors University
Today we know the earth is
round. We have satellites in orbit
that circle the globe in less than
two hours. This was not always
the case. Throughout time many
have believed our home was
round, while others feared it was
flat. All until it was proven to be a
2500 years ago people based their beliefs that
the earth was round on their observations.
Around 500 BC
Pythagoras noticed
how the height of
heavenly bodies
varied at various
places on earth. He
also noticed how as a
ship appeared on the
horizon the top of the
mast came into view
first, followed by the
sails, and finally the
Around 300 BC Aristotle recognized that the earth’s shadow on
the moon was round, the same as when light shown on a
sphere cast its shadow.
During the period known as the Dark Ages between 400 and 1200 AD most
beliefs were based solely on religion or superstition and not observation. It
was a time when a rectangular map represented the “four corners of the
earth”. Other maps centered around the holy city of Jerusalem, “the center of
the world”, and those who suggested otherwise were persecuted.
As we entered into the age of discovery, tools such as the
printing press enabled the production, circulation and
refinement of maps. Maps for travel and the transport of
goods. Maps to claim land and levy taxes. In the race to
discover new lands and routes. Ferdinand Magellan’s crew
was the first to prove the earth is round when they
circumnavigated the globe on their three year voyage.

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