CSC0100 Ch4-Using A Web Browser

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Chapter 4

Using a Web Browser

In this topic you will learn:
• What to expect from a web browser
• Starting the web browser
• Ending a session on the WWW, stopping the browser
• Exploring the web browser’s window – Tool bars
• Getting around a page & WWW – Moving through a page
and moving between pages
• Getting help – Online help, frequently asked questions
(FAQ), Usenet Newsgroup
What is a Web Browser ?
A web browser is a software application for retrieving,
presenting and navigating information resources on
the World Wide Web.

An information resource is identified by a Uniform

Resource Identifier (URI/URL) that may be a
web page, image, video or other piece of content.
Web Browser (Web Client)
 The purpose of a web browser is to read HTML documents and
display them as web pages.
 It is a program that retrieves information from the Web.

Most commonly used browsers:

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Apple Safari
Netscape Navigator
Torch Browser
What is Web Server?
 A web server is a program on a server computer, somewhere out on the Internet, that
delivers web pages to web browsers. The term web server also refers to an actual, physical
computer that is running web server software.

 It is a program that waits for requests from the web browser (web client).

 For example : Serving email, downloading and publishing web pages.

Major functions of Web Server:

Serving web pages

Running programs
Returning output
Controlling access to the server
Monitoring and logging all access

2 web servers application:

Apache - the most widely-used web server program

Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS) Web Server
How web client and web server communicate?
 The language that Web clients and servers use to communicate with
each other is called the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

 Two types of http messages: Request, Response HTML Codes


Request </html>

Web Client Web Server

Program /
Web Browser Tool bars
Getting Help

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