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Cyber Safety

Staying safe on the internet 2

• Cyberbullying
• Identity theft
• Plagiarism
• Computer Viruses
• General Internet Safety

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety

Cyberbullying 3

• Cyber Bullying is the use of the Internet and

related technologies to harm other people
in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile
manner.- Wikipedia

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety

Cyberbullying 4

• Flaming
• Online fights using electronic messages with angry and vulgar

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety

Cyberbullying 5

• Harassment & Cyberstalking

• Repeatedly sending nasty, mean and insulting messages.
Repeated, intense harassment and denigration that
includes threats or creates significant fear.

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety

Cyberbullying 6

• Denigration
• ‘Dissing’ someone online. Sending or posting
gossip/rumors/meme or even their secret or
embarrassing stuff about a person to
damage his or her reputation or friendships.

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety

Effects of Cyberbullying 7

• Undermining confidence
• Causing stress and hurtful health effects
• Affecting performance and attendance in school
• Depression and a sense of loneliness

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety

Prevention 8

• Tell someone
• Don’t instigate
• Block them
• Always logout
• Don’t be a cyber bully yourself

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety

Identity Theft 9

• Identity theft is a form of stealing

someone’s identity in which someone
pretends to be someone else by assuming
that person’s identity

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety

Identity Theft – Protect Yourself 10

• Passwords

• Strong
• Unique
• Practical
• Recent
#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety
Identity Theft –Phishing & Fake Emails 11

• "During our regular verification of accounts, we couldn't verify

your information. Please click here to update and verify your

• We suspect an unauthorized transaction on your account. To

ensure that your account is not compromised, please click the link
below and confirm your identity.“

• Our records indicate that your account was overcharged. You must
call us within 7 days to receive your refund.
#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety
Identity Theft – Avoid being a victim 12

• Don’t fill forms

• Don’t use links
• Review statements
• Beware of false websites
• Check web address

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety

Plagiarism 13

• Plagiarism is the wrongful appropriation and

purloining and publication of another
author’s language, thoughts, ideas, or
expressions, and the representation of them
as one’s own original work. Wikipedia

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety

Plagiarism- Examples 14

• Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks.

• Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation.
• Claiming someone else’s work as your own.
• Changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source
without giving credit.
• Copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit.
• Having the majority of your work come from a specific source,
whether you give credit or not.
• Misplacing a citation in your work.
#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety
Plagiarism- Consequences 15

• Expulsion
• Court
• Fines

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety

Viruses 16

• A computer virus is a computer program that can

replicate itself and spread from one computer to
another. Wikipedia

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety

Viruses 17

• Files that don’t spread viruses • Files that can spread viruses:
include: • .exe
• .mp3 • .doc
• .wma • .docx
• .aac • .xslx
• .jpg • .pptx
• .mpeg • (program files)
• .gif
• .txt
• .wav
A virus cannot be activated just by downloading it; it must be triggered by
#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety
opening the program file.

• Trojan Horse – not from computer to computer

• Email Virus – contain harmful files. Executed only when opened.

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety

Virus - Safety 19

• Anti virus Software

• Computer and phones

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety

Viruses - Tips 20

• Update your software frequently.

• Always be careful.
• Backup your computer regularly.
• Be aware of everything you download.
• Scan any new files you download.
• Run your anti-virus program to remove all threats

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety

General Internet Safety 21

Be careful about what you put on the web

Keep track of who you interact with on the


Know that privacy is just an illusion.

 Don’t open any links in emails or chat rooms

that look suspicious or unfamiliar.
#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety
Social Networks 22

•81% of teens use more than 1 social

network site

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety


• Others include:

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety

Your Privacy 24

There is no privacy on any

social network.

Age Restriction is 13
#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety
Stay Safe - Children 25

 Always ask for your parents’ permission before going online.

 Never talk to anyone online that you don’t know.

 Tell your parents if anyone ever asks to meet you somewhere.

 Don’t let anyone know your name, phone number, address, or any
other personal information.
#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety
Stay Safe - Children 26

If you find yourself on a website that you don’t think you should
be on, you should exit the page.

 Keep pictures of yourself off the internet unless it’s ok with your

Be respectful of other people on the internet and never say

anything mean.

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety

Stay Safe - Parents 27

• Monitor the sites.

• Create rules for the internet.

• No giving out personal information.

• Look for a privacy policy

• Build your child’s confidence.

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety
Watch Out For 28

• Large amounts of time online, especially at night.

• Inappropriate images.

• Receives phone calls/messages from people you don’t know.

• Receives mail, money or gifts.

Turns- Cyber
•#HSWeek16 the monitor off, changes the screen, hides the phone.
What to do: 29

• First, talk to your child openly about it.

• Review what is on your child’s computer/phone.

• Monitor when your child is allowed online

• Monitor any chat rooms or instant message.

• If necessary confiscate the computer/phone.

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety
Q &A 30

• Useful sites - divided into sections 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14+

#HSWeek16 - Cyber Safety

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