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Coordination in Management
• Coordination is considered as an essential
element of administration.
• Co-ordination is the unification, integration,
synchronization of the efforts of group members
so as to provide unity of action in the pursuit of
common goals.
• Co-ordination is the integration of several parts
into an orderly hole to achieve the purpose of
• Co-ordination is the essence of management and
is implicit and inherent in all functions of
Coordination is interwoven with the
following elements of Administration:
Co-ordination through Planning
Planning facilitates co-ordination by integrating
the various plans through mutual discussion
and exchange of ideas.
Co-ordination through Organizing
co-ordination is considered as the very essence
of organizing.
Co-ordination through Staffing
A manager should bear in mind that the right
no. of personnel in various positions with right
type of education and skills are taken which
will ensure right men on the right job.
Co-ordination through Directing
The purpose of giving orders, instructions &
guidance to the subordinates is served only
when there is a harmony between superiors &
Co-ordination through Controlling
Manager ensures that there should be co-
ordination between actual performance &
standard performance to achieve
organizational goals.
Types of Co-ordination

1. Scope – on the basis of scope or coverage,

coordination can be:
• Internal – refers to co-ordination between
the different units of an organization within.

• External – refers to co-ordination between

an organization and its external environment.
Types of Co-ordination
2. Flow – on the basis of flow co-ordination can classified
• Vertical – implies co-ordination between different levels
of the organization and has to ensure that all the levels in
the organization act in harmony and in accordance with the
goals and policies of the organization.

• Horizontal or Lateral – refers to co-ordination

between production departments and other units at the
same level of the management hierarchy.
Types of Co-ordination
Co-ordination may also be:

• Procedural – procedural co-ordination

implies the specification of the organization in

• Substantive – substantive co-ordination is

concerned with the content of the
organization’s activities.
Importance of Co-ordination
• Creative force
• Unity of direction
• High employee morale
• Diverse and specialized activities

• To avoid personal rivalries and prejudice

• To avoid conflict of interests

Principles of Co-ordination

• Principle of direct contact

• Coordination at early stages

• Principle of continuity

• Principle of dynamism

• Principle of timing

• Principle of reciprocal relationship

Approaches of Effective Co-ordination
• Using the basic management techniques
By the use of basic management technique
effective coordination can be achieved.
Coherence of orders, rules and procedure
helps to achieve effective coordination.
Coherence of order helps to exchange
information. Rules and procedures help to use
the assigned rights freely.
Approaches of Effective Co-ordination

• Boundary Spanning
In this approach all the departments will have
permanent relation. Boundary spanning
informs about the need and responsibility of
various departments which helps to have
effective coordination.
Approaches of Effective Co-ordination
• Reducing the need for coordination
Under this approach organization reduces the
need for coordination. It is necessary to create
independent unit for the reduction for
Techniques of Effective Coordination

Sound planning
Unity of purpose is the first essential
condition of coordination. Planning is the ideal
stage of co-ordination. Clear-cut objectives,
harmonized policies and unified procedures
and rules ensure uniformity of action.
Techniques of Effective Coordination

Simplified organization
Organizational structure directly affects the
coordination. If organizational structure is
complex, coordination is not possible.
Techniques of Effective Coordination

Clearly defined goal

To manage effective coordination, goal of
organization, departments and activities
should be clearly defined.
Techniques of Effective Coordination

Effective communication
Effective communication is the essence of
coordination. So, organization should manage
effective communication system for effective
Techniques of Effective Coordination

Effective leadership and supervision

A manager can have effective coordination
with the help of sound leadership and
Techniques of Effective Coordination

Voluntary cooperation
Coordination is possible only when staff has
voluntary social feeling.
Techniques of Effective Coordination

Clarifying authority and responsibility

Even staff of organization will have his own
rights and responsibility which should be
defined clearly for good coordination.
Hindrance to Coordination
•Uncertainty of the future, as to the behaviour of
the individual and the people.

•Lack of knowledge, experience, wisdom and character

among leaders and their confused and conflicting ideas
and objectives.

•Lack of administration skill and technique.

•Lack of orderly methods in coordination.

•Lack of leaders with wisdom and knowledge

pertaining to public administration.
A Little Story about coordination and
each one’s responsibility
There is a story about four imaginary characters named
There was an important job to be done and
EVERYBODY was sure that SOMEBODY would do it.
ANYBODY could have done it but NOBODY did it.
SOMEBODY got angry about that because it was
could do it, but NOBODY realized that EVERYBODY
wouldn’t do it. It ended up that EVERYBODY blamed
could have done.
If everyone is
moving forward
together, then
success takes care
of itself!!!

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