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Ultima Mentor

Optimization Plan

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Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson you will be able to

export and validate implementation of
optimization plans

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Main Topics
 Describe the optimization plan implementation workflow
 Explore optimization plan export
 Update network environments
 Validate optimization plan implementation

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Optimization Plan Implementation
After you have run an optimization plan, you should do the
following to implement it:

 Prior to the Implementation

 Review and validate the optimization plan.
 Export the optimized plan.

 Following the Implementation

 Validate the plan implementation.
 Collect new data following the implementation.
 Analyze the new data.

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Optimization Plan – Validation
As soon as the optimization run has completed, you should review
and validate its results using the generated layers and reports.

 Layers – once you load the required layers, you can view them from
the Layers pane.

 Reports

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Optimization Plan – Export
 After you have reviewed, validated, and fine-tuned the optimization
plan, you can export it to be implemented in the network.

 You can also export all neighbor list or antenna sector optimization
results to a planning tool, and save them for later use from within the
planning tool.
 Tilt results can be exported for
Ericsson networks only.

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Exporting the Neighbor List Changes
You can export the changes to be implemented in the network.

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Exporting the Neighbor List Changes (Cont.)
 In the Location field, select the location of the current switch dump
information (local or from the server).
 This information will be used to ensure that the most recent
parameters are used in the exported neighbor list plan.

 In the Results Directory choose the directory

to which to export the files.

 Optional
 You can limit the number of lists
to export.
 You can exclude specific carriers.

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Neighbor List Implementation – Guidelines
 It is recommended to implement all the changes at the same time to
achieve the maximum improvement.
 If required, you can reduce the number of optimized sectors by selecting
the option to optimize only sectors with the most significant changes.
 In the case of a multi-carrier network:
 By default, Mentor optimizes all the carriers the same way.
 If a single carrier was optimized and all carriers are the same, the
single carrier neighbor list plan can be manually copied to the other
 If a single carrier was optimized, but the rest of the carriers are not the
same, meaning they do not share the same antennas and traffic load,
the neighbor list should be implemented for the optimized carrier only,
and you should create a new optimization plan for the other carriers.

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Exporting the Antenna Optimization Plan
After you are satisfied with the antenna sector plan optimization results,
you can export the power files so that the optimized plan can be
If you have an Ericsson network, you can export the tilt files as well.

 These files include only the sectors that have been changed.
 After the optimized plan has been implemented, you should collect the
logs and then validate the plan implementation and re-analyze the
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Updating the Network Environment
After each optimization phase where an optimization plan was
provisioned into the network, you should update the network
environment to reflect the new configuration.

 You can update the network environment in the following ways:

 Updating the switch dump files.

 Modifying the project .mpr file to point to a new configuration file,

and then reimporting the network as a new network.

 Enabling automatic updates.

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Updating the Switch Dump Files
 Importing the switch dump files deletes the current model and all
network calculations.
 You can import the files from your desktop or from the server.

 If required, you can save the network with a new name so that it can
be used for comparison purposes in the future.
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Optimization Plan – Implementation Validation
After the switch has executed the scripts, you should validate that
the changes have been fully implemented, as recommended,
using an updated switch dump.

 Review entries that were not implemented to identify the reason for
this, and then re-implement the plan, if required.

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Implementation Validation (Cont.)
 You can use the new switch dump configuration files located locally
on your desktop or from the server.

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Scheduling Recurring Optimization Tasks
After you have run an optimization, you can use the same template to
schedule additional optimization tasks in the server.

 Creating recurring optimization tasks is similar to creating recurring

analysis tasks (explained in a different lesson).

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Lesson Summary – Q&A
 Describe the optimization plan implementation workflow.

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