1 Personal-Development

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What do you know about

Holistic Development?

 a process of self-actualization and learning that
combines an individual's: physical (physiological),
mental (cognitive), social, emotional (psychological),
and spiritual growth.
 Its premise is that an individual finds purpose
and meaning in life through connections to the
natural world, the community and through
humanitarian values.
1. Physiological Development
 The physical attributes including the five
2. Cognitive Development
 Is the construction of thought processes
including remembering, problem solving ,
analyzing, reasoning, decision-making from
childhood through adolescence to
3. Psychological Development
 The development of human beings’
cognitive, emotional, intellectual, and social
capabilities and functioning over the course
of the life span from infancy to old age.
4. Social Development
 The manner by which an individual
interacts with other individuals or groups of
 Refers how people develop social and
emotional skills
5. Spiritual Development
 The attribute of a person’s consciousness
and beliefs, including the values and virtues
that guide and put meaning into a person’s
 The development of the personality towards
a religious or spiritual desired better
On Becoming
Spiritually Developed
1. View things optimistically
through faith
 Faith sees things not as the way they literally
3. Recognize your worth as God’s
 This could help you not to be bothered
much by things like the unavoidable
changes in relationships, manners of doing
things, familiar environments and lifestyle.
2. Believe in the power of faith
 To leave us humans in this world we need to
have faith. Faith in the humanity, faith in
the Creator, faith in the inherent goodness
of other people.
4. Believe that “All things work
together for good…”
 You could not fear any circumstance if you
believe that ‘ All things work together for
good to us’ who love God to us who are
called according to his purpose.
5. Use your hands for honest work
 Eph 4:28 ‘Anyone who has been stealing
must steal no longer but must work doing
something useful with their own hands, that
they may have something to share with
those in need’
6. Live out your real reason for
 God can make you anything good you want
to be, but you have to surrender everything
first to his hands, placing his will on top of
your priorities.
7. “ Be concerned above everything
else with the kingdom of God”
 Matthew 6:33 ‘Seek ye first the Kingdom of
God and his righteousness, and all these
things will be added unto you’
8. Obey His commands and do
what pleases Him.
 Faith alone is not enough. You need to live
what you believe.
 James 2:18 ‘Faith without action is death’
9. “Let him have all your worries
and cares”
 God needs you to surrender everything you
have in order for him to shape and
developed you. By everything we mean
including your worries and cares.
10. Remember that Faith endures
 Without Faith in anything it is improbable
to pass through the refining fire of painful
setbacks and failures in the process of rising
as a renewed and improved being. Faith
assists you to bear even agonies.
11. Have faith in Him.
 Believe that with God nothing is impossible.
Through him we can do all things.
 Philippians 4:13 ‘I can do all things through
Christ who strengthens me’
12. Strengthen your faith
 Hebrews 6:1a “Therefore let us move beyond
the elementary teachings about Christ and
be taken forward to maturity”
13. Don’t allow your self-esteem to
be wounded
 With or without any people wanting you,
the Lord certainly cares for you.
 Your true value is based not anybody’s
criticism, but on the fact that though you
were helpless and sinners and thus worthy
of condemnation, His Son died for you.
14. Do not allow yourself to be
‘spiritually offended.’
 Are there times in your life where you
doubted the lord?
 ‘Give thanks in all circumstances for this is
God’s will for you in Christ Jesus’ 1 Thes 5:18
15. Know your true worth
 Your true worth is not based upon your
ability to play ball games like star player,
pass a test with an A or accomplish a task in
work place better than others but upon the
fact that you are God’s child.
16. Always remember that you are
chosen by God
 Even if you do not make “the most crucial
free throw in basketball history” and thus
receive the “loudest boos” your wife and
children, and especially our most caring
Father will, still love you. Though you were
not chosen for the “National Team” or were
the last one drafted, the fact remains that
you have been chosen by none less than the
Father to serve Him.
17. Bring out the best in you
 You’re being God’s child encourages you to
bring out the best in you in your earthly
endeavors by doing with all your might
whatever your hands finds to do.
18. See God through the things He
 In order to grow we need to see the things
God made. This will lead you to become
19. Pray to Him.
 Like you mean it!
 Ask God to intervene in our lives, and ask
Him for the provisions we need.
20. “Ask God for what you need.”
 Matthew 6:28 “Jesus has just told his
followers not to worry about material things
such as food or clothing, as God will provide
the needs of his followers. ”
21. Present your requests to God.
 Communicate your feelings, your
aspirations and even your needs to Him.
22. Have faith that you will receive
what you ask for in your prayer.
 Whatever you’ve ask in your prayer, you
need to believe that you’ll receive it.
 And if receive it, don’t forget to ________.
23. Keep in mind that God created
your “Home”
 The Earth is our dwelling place and God
made it. Therefore, we should take care
of it.
24. Seek God.
 Seek god first in our lives
 Seek God for spiritual blessings, strength,
and guidance.
25. Consult the Holy Scriptures.
 Read your bible.
 Sometimes the answer that you’re looking
for is in the bible
26. Listen to God’s messengers.
27. Know how to respond to His
message in the right way.
28. Heed God’s call.
29. Read God’s message through
your experience.
30. Examine your ways and turn
back to Him.
31. Listen to His son.
32. Believe that God is good
 In Ethics, ‘God is good’ means that He is
quite righteous. He favor goodness over
wickedness. Loving love and hating hatred,
the good God wants you to behave in a
virtous way and not in an evil manner.
33. Remember that your life is in
God’s hands.
34. Do not give up.

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