Human Resource Information System (H.R.I.S.)

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Human Resource Information system

Human Resource Functions
• The organizational structure of most firms includes a
unit that is responsible for many of the activities related
to the personnel resource, which is termed today as
Human Resource (HR)
• HR is a department or division within a functional area
or it can have functional status equal to that of
marketing, manufacturing, IS etc
• Term HR director is used to describe the person in
charge of HR, which can be member of the executive
• HR supports the other functional areas by assisting in
obtaining new personnel, preparing them to do jobs and
maintaining data base of them
Recruiting Edu. & Benefit
Hiring Termination Administration

The Firm
Employee Employees Employee

Data Management

The HR function facilitates the flow of the personnel Resource

Primary HR activities
• Recruiting & Hiring : Bring new employee into the firm
by running help wanted advertisement in newspaper,
from private agencies, holding screening interviews on
college campuses etc.
• Education & Training : During a person’s period of
employment, HR can administer edu. & training
programs to cultivate the employee’s job related
knowledge and skills.
• Data Management : HR maintains a database of
employee-related data and process that data to meet uses
information needs
• Termination and Benefit : When employee terminate
their employment, HR process the necessary paperwork
and often conduct exit interviews.
Human Resource Information System (HRIS)
• A system for gathering and maintaining the data
that describes the human resources,
transforming the data into information and then
reporting the information to user. This system
has been named the Human resources
information system (HRIS)
• The HR organization typically include an HRIS
section that has the responsibility for managing
the conceptual system of human resource data
and information.
Model of HRIS
• The feature that distinguish HRIS from other
functional IS is the wide variety of
application that it performs
• AIS : The data handled by the HRIS is a of
personnel data elements that are relatively
permanent and are non-financial in nature
that are created at the time of employment.
Similar is also kept for retired employees.
Secondly a data that is primarily financial
and tend to be more dynamic then personnel
data viz. hourly rates, salary, gross earnings.
Data Work force
Information planning subsystem

A..I.S. Recruiting
Work force
HR HRIS mgmt subsystem
research Database Users
Environmental Subsystem

A Model for HRIS Subsystem
Model of HRIS
• Human Resource Research Subsystem: This
gathers data by means of special research
projects like succession studies, which are
conducted to find an eligible person for the
new post if empty or created. Job analysis
and evaluation to study each job in an area
for the purpose of defining its scope &
identifying then knowledge and skill that are
required. Grievance Study follow up on
complaints filed by employees for a variety of
Model of HRIS
• Human Resource Intelligence Subsystem : It gather
data from the firm’s environment. Environmental
elements that provide this data includes the
government, suppliers, labour unions, the global
community, the financial community and competitors.
• Suppliers includes such firms as insurance companies,
which provide employee benefits and employment
agencies as sources of new employees
• Global community provides information that describes
such local resources as housing, education etc.
• Some firms regard their competitors as excellent
sources of new employees and thus gather information
concerning their competitors
HRIS Database
• It contains data describing not only
employees but also organizations and
individuals in the firm’s environment.
Employee data is stored in computer which
have 100’s of data elements and Non-
employee data contains the data of the firms
environment such as employment agencies,
colleges and universities, labour unions and
governments. It also contains the information
of the individuals such as applicants,
dependents and survivors.
Location of the HRIS Database
• Most of the HRIS databases are housed in the
firm’s central computers, but other databases
resides in HR, in other operating divisions
outside service centers.
• As the trend of the EUC continues, it is
expected that more databases will be shifted
from their central location to HR.
• Basic form of Output: is in the form of
periodic reports and responses to database
Output Subsystems
• Work force planning subsystem: It involves all
of those activities that enable management to
identify future personnel needs. The most
popular work force planning applications were
organization charting, salary forecasting, and job
• Recruiting subsystem: Firms bring new
employees into the organization by means of the
recruiting subsystem. The two recruiting
applications are Applicant tracking and Internal
Output Subsystems
• Work Force management Subsystem : The
various application of this are Performance
appraisal, Training, Position control,
skills/competency, Succession, Disciplinary.
• This all have a low level of implementation
in firm because the parameters attached to
application may not be well suited to
computer based systems.
Output Subsystems
• Compensation subsystem: The
compensation application have been
achieved at the highest level. The various
application are Merit increases, Payroll,
Executives compensation, Bonus incentives,
• This all applications are easy to implement.
Output Subsystems
• Benefit subsystem: This also implemented in
large scale. The applications in this subsystem
are very complex to implemented. The various
application are Defined contribution, Defined
benefit plans, which is used to accumulate
retirement funds. Benefit statements and
Flexible benefit plans are a recent innovation
that enable employee to individually select the
benefits that they want from a menu. Stock
purchase is yet another application of Benefit
Output Subsystems
• Environmental Reporting subsystem: These
applications were the one that got the HRIS
going – the reporting of the firm’s
personnel policies and practices to the
• These application related to this subsystem
are aimed at meeting the responsibilities of
the firm to its external constituencies rather
than to management.
The End !!!

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